Mine Capitalist - Tap to Craft
Dotaknite svoj put do neba kapitalizma u ovoj besplatnoj beskonačnoj igri! ???
Tap to Mine blocks and craft your very own empire!
★ Make your Future your Present and be your own mining boss in this highly addictive free clicker game.
★ Begin your tycoon journey by starting your very first mining business and earn enough to high managers so you can move on to the bigger and more valuable blocks!
★ Mining has NEVER been this profitable!
★ Take crafting out on the go as if will never have to leave your pocket!
★ Try this Simulator Game FREE!!
Have an idea for the game? Contact us via twitter @topshelfcontact
★ Make your Future your Present and be your own mining boss in this highly addictive free clicker game.
★ Begin your tycoon journey by starting your very first mining business and earn enough to high managers so you can move on to the bigger and more valuable blocks!
★ Mining has NEVER been this profitable!
★ Take crafting out on the go as if will never have to leave your pocket!
★ Try this Simulator Game FREE!!
Have an idea for the game? Contact us via twitter @topshelfcontact
Download Mine Capitalist - Tap to Craft 1.2 APK
Trenutna Verzija: 1.2
Instalacija: 50,000+
Prosjek Ocjene:
(4.2 out of 5)
Korisnici Ocjenjivanja:
Android 3.0+
Ocjena Sadržaja: Everyone
Naziv Paketa: com.topshelfgaming.minecapitalist
What's New in Mine-Capitalist-Tap-to-Craft 1.2
A New Update!!!
We have brought a huge new update to Mine Capitalist!
-Giving users the chance to earn 2x as many blocks EVEN WHEN OFFLINE!
-Improved how larger numbers appear on screen to make it easier to read.
-Optimised video dialog box's for smaller screens
If you have any thoughts please let us know via twitter @topshelfcontact
Happy Mining!!