Sixth Gear by Andy M

Sixth Gear by Andy M

Nambitha ubumnandi obuhlanganiswe nomdlalo wekhwalithi ephezulu yehluzo.

Sifuna ukunambitha ubumnandi obuhlanganiswe nomdlalo we-Graphics wekhwalithi ephezulu.
Ungakhetha ukushayela noma yiziphi izimoto zethu eziyi-10 ezivela ezigabeni ezi-3: {# #} - izimoto ezijwayelekile)
(Kwamanye i-adrenaline)
- izimoto zemisipha yaseMelika (ukuze zijabulise emigwaqweni) Imoto yakho ingalimala uma ushayeka.

Download Sixth Gear by Andy M 1.21 APK

Sixth Gear by Andy M 1.21
Price: $1.19 $0.99
Current Version: 1.21
Installs: 1,000 - 5,000
Rating average: aggregate Rating (3.2 out of 5)
Rating users: 255
Requirements: Android 2.3+
Content Rating: Unrated
Package name: ro.andym.sixthgear

What's New in Sixth-Gear-by-Andy-M 1.21

    Missing textures bug fixed
    Some improvements for the driving experience