The Werewolf's Game

The Werewolf's Game

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Download The Werewolf's Game 0.9.3 APK

The Werewolf's Game 0.9.3
قیمت: Free
نسخه فعلی: 0.9.3
نصب کردن: 500+
میانگین رتبه بندی: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
الزامات: Android 4.1+
امتیاز محتوا: Everyone
نام بسته: shitluck.okami

What's New in The-Werewolfs-Game 0.9.3

    This version includes following changes :
    - Night modified in the game when cupid is here;
    - 'how-to-play' menu;
    - mini-info overlay;
    - bug with blur on started game (corrected) ;
    - header of the charroom modified;
    - modification of the info overlay;
    - alert when the player leave the app which pauses the game (corrected).