Hungry Fish - Gladna riba

Hungry Fish - Gladna riba

Borba za opstanak i igrati gladnih riba igru!

Jeste li ikada imao san da imaju svoj vlastiti akvarij? Sada je to moguće!
Gladan Riba je nova - akcija i arkadna igra s razinama. Vi ćete saznati što je borba za opstanak u vodama oceana! Na početku igre, vi ste jedan od najmanjih riba u moru. Kako preživjeti u gladnih riba, morat ćete jesti ribu manje od sebe. Ali bdjeti vanjska strana za velike ribe, jer oni mogu pojesti te! Više ribe jesti, veći grabežljivac ćete postala.

Na dnu zaslona, ​​možete provjeriti koje ribe možda konzumirati u ovom trenutku. Vaši ribe će pratiti vaše narudžbe i kada dodirnete zaslon, to će se premjestiti na slavine mjesto. Ako pronađe ribu manje od sebe na svom putu, to će ga automatski jedu. Dodirnite ribu!

U igri možete pronaći mnogo vrsta riba. Igra izgleda kao golema riba cisterna s koraljni greben i puno slane vode, šarene ribe. Ako ste zainteresirani za biologije igre i pravog ribolova, ova igra će biti savršen za vas. Također je pogodna za djecu. Ići u ribolov i postati lovac u moru! Lov nikad nije bilo tako smiješno. Učinite vaš riba sretna i hraniti.

Catch Morski konjic i bojati opasnih meduza!

Borba za opstanak, poraz neprijatelja i igrati gladnih riba igru!

Have you ever had a dream to have your own aquarium? Now it’s possible!
Hungry Fish is a new - action and arcade game with levels. You will find out what is the struggle for survival in the ocean waters! At the beginning of the game, you are one of the smallest fish in the sea. To survive in Hungry Fish, you'll have to eat fish smaller than yourself. But watch out for the big fish, because they might eat you as well! The more fish you eat, the bigger predator you will became.

On the bottom of the screen, you can check which fish you might consume at the moment. Your fish will follow your orders and when you tap on the screen, it will move to the tap location. If it finds a fish smaller than itself on its way, it will eat it automatically. Tap the fish!

In the game you can find a lot of fish species: lionfish, nemo, shark, orca, whale, and so on! The game looks like a huge fish tank with coral reef and a lot of saltwater, colorful fishes. If you are interesting in biology games and real fishing, this game will be perfect for you. It’s also suitable for kids. Go fishing and become a hunter in the sea! Hunting has never been so funny. Make your fish happy & fed.

Catch a seahorse and be afraid of dangerous jellyfish!

Fight for your survival, defeat enemies and play the Hungry Fish game!

Download Hungry Fish - Gladna riba 1.42 APK

Hungry Fish - Gladna riba 1.42
Cijena: Free
Trenutna Verzija: 1.42
Instalacija: 50000
Prosjek Ocjene: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Zahtjevi: Android 5.0+
Ocjena Sadržaja: Everyone
Naziv Paketa: pl.netigen.hungryfish