Delicious Burger Tower
Lav tårnblokken eller stakken på din burger så højt så meget muligt for himlen
Get ready to Catch the falling ingredients to build delicious, yummy sweet testy burgers.
Make the Tower block or Stack of your burger as high as much possible to the sky. Make the biggest and better burger for your customer to earn more tips and more money from your customer. As more order completes and bigger burger you make, the new items and new ingredient will be unlocked to make more yummy and delicious burger.
Make the Tower block or Stack of your burger as high as much possible to the sky. Make the biggest and better burger for your customer to earn more tips and more money from your customer. As more order completes and bigger burger you make, the new items and new ingredient will be unlocked to make more yummy and delicious burger.
Download Delicious Burger Tower 1.0 APK
Nuværende Version: 1.0
Installerer: 100+
(5.0 out of 5)

Android 5.0+
Indholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakningsnavn: com.sunsmile.burgertower