Math Quiz Game 3

Math Quiz Game 3

Math Quiz Game 3 | test de QI

Quiz mathématique pour tous. test your mental ability, train your brain for calculation.
play math quiz fun and education.

this game makes you improve your mental calculation and proficiency in mathematics through simple quiz of mathematical formula.

key feature
you can study mathematics by add, subtract, Multipliez et divisez.
5 sec, 10 sec et 25 sec
Facile, moyen et dur
Choisissez l'une des 4 réponses offertes
Donnez la réponse rapidement et gagnez des points pour être rapide

Si vous aimez cette application.

Download Math Quiz Game 3 1.0.4 APK

Math Quiz Game 3 1.0.4
Prix: Free
Version Actuelle: 1.0.4
Installations: 1000
Moyenne De Notation: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Exigences: Android 4.4+
Cote De Contenu: Everyone
Nom De Package: com.xbinary.mathquiz3

What's New in Math-Quiz-Game-3 1.0.4

    * Update UI
    * added more math options
    * easy, hard, and more...