Ace Race

Ace Race

Take flight and chase high scores

Strap in and take control of your plane simply by swiping your finger across the screen, offering intuitive and responsive gameplay that puts you in command of every twist and turn. As you soar through the clouds, your objective is clear: avoid collisions with menacing barriers that threaten to clip your wings and send you spiraling towards the ground below. With lightning-fast reflexes and sharp spatial awareness, navigate through increasingly challenging obstacle courses that will push your aerial abilities to the limit. But it's not all perilous skies ahead – keep your eyes peeled for valuable bonuses scattered throughout the atmosphere. Grab them to turbocharge your score on your way to the highest score. Can you outmaneuver the competition and secure your place as the undisputed ace of the skies? Ace Race offers endless thrills and excitement for players of all skill levels. The game's intuitive controls and dynamic gameplay make it easy to pick up and hard to put down.

Download Ace Race 1.0 APK

Ace Race 1.0
Price: Free
Current Version: 1.0
Rating average: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requirements: Android
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: com.orangeapps.candyvalle