Cat Tower Defense

Cat Tower Defense

Võtke relv ja alustage vasturünnakuid.

Koletiste rünnakule vastu seista.
Kassid korjasid ka relvi.
Nad ehitavad lahinguga liitumiseks rohkem platvorme ja relvi.
Liikuge edasi ja hävitage koletise pesa.
Pidevalt ellujäämine.

Download Cat Tower Defense 1.0.1 APK

Cat Tower Defense 1.0.1
Price: Free
Current Version: 1.0.1
Installs: 1
Rating average: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requirements: Android
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name:

What's New in Cat-Tower-Defense 1.0.1

    To resist the attack of monsters.
    The cats also picked up weapons.
    They build more platforms and weapons to join the battle.
    Advance and destroy the monster's lair.
    Continuously surviving.