Zombie Recycle Bin
Tegutsege ja majandage linna mõistlikult!
Mis kogemus on Doomsday Townis zombide prügikasti avamisel? Suruge sõnakuulmatud zombid kuldse mahla tassidesse, teenige palju raha ja samal ajal hävitage kahjurid maailmast! Tundub, et rikkaimaks inimeseks saamine on ukse ees! Mängu eesmärk: Linna mõistlikult tegutsemine ja haldamine!
Download Zombie Recycle Bin 1.0 APK
Current Version: 1.0
Installs: 500
Rating average:
(5.0 out of 5)
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: com.unique.zombie_recycle
What's New in Zombie-Recycle-Bin 1.0
What is the experience of opening a zombie recycling bin in Doomsday Town? Squeeze disobedient zombies into cups of golden juice, earn a lot of money, and at the same time, eliminate pests for the world! It seems that becoming the richest person is just around the corner! Game objective: Reasonably operate and manage the town!