Secret Puzzle Society

Secret Puzzle Society

Vula Izinkomba & Uxazulule Izimfihlakalo ku-Secret Puzzle Society's Match 3!

Dalula umphakathi oyimfihlo wezigebengu ezithanda iphazili! Umngani wakho omkhulu, u-Brooke, uzithele phezu kwe- Secret Puzzle Society futhi uphezu kwekhanda lakhe. Wina umdlalo oyinselele amazinga 3, futhi ukucinga amagumbi amahle agcwele izimfihlo!

Izinto azifani! Hlola amagumbi e-3D asebenzisanayo agcwele izimfihlo. Bheka ngemuva kwemidwebo, hlola izinto ezimangalisayo, futhi ungene ezindaweni ezicashile ezigcina amagugu ayigugu eNhlangano Yezindida!

Dlala umlutha womdlalo wamaphazili ama-3! Qondanisa imibala ukuze usule izithiyo ezihlukahlukene, futhi uhlanganise ama-powerups ukuze uthole ukuqhuma okukhulu. Jabulela amakhulukhulu amazinga nokunye okuzayo!

I-Puzzle Society eyimfihlo igcwele izigebengu ezingenangqondo ezinamasu amabi! Basebenza emthunzini, futhi bazozama kakhulu ukugcina ubunikazi babo buyimfihlo. Dala lezi zigebengu ngokweba izifihla-buso zazo futhi uziphoqelele ukuthi zibhekane nobulungiswa!

I-Secret Puzzle Society imahhala ukudlala, futhi ayilokothi iphoqelele izikhangiso. Lo mdlalo awuqukethe ukuthenga kwangaphakathi nohlelo
Joyina Uphenyo!

I-Secret Puzzle Society iwumdlalo omusha ohlanganisa amaphazili ama-3 womdlalo wakudala kanye nesipiliyoni segumbi lokuphunyuka!

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Download Secret Puzzle Society 1.15.1 APK

Secret Puzzle Society 1.15.1
Price: Free
Current Version: 1.15.1
Installs: 1000000
Rating average: aggregate Rating (4.8 out of 5)
Rating users: 20,447
Requirements: Android
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: com.arizonags.puzzlesocietyalpha

What's New in Secret-Puzzle-Society 1.15.1

    Happy Holidays, investigators!
    Version 1.15.1 arrives with the following updates:
    - CHRISTMAS CAPER: Explore a huge new room filled with hidden mysteries and holiday cheer! Available to all players past level 100 for a limited time only.
    - New secret room: Puzzle Mart
    - Bug fixes and general improvements