Business Tycoon-Bursting Rich

Business Tycoon-Bursting Rich

Få penge ved at rydde op i skrald for at bygge og opgradere bygninger

I spillet skal du skubbe skærmen for at styre karakterens bevægelse og tjene penge ved at rydde op i skrald for at bygge og opgradere bygningerne og maskinerne i butikken. Efter at have bygget alle bygningerne med succes, kan du i høj grad øge omsætningen i spillerens butik. I spilniveauerne kan du også opgradere attributterne for spillere og medarbejdere

Download Business Tycoon-Bursting Rich 1.0 APK

Business Tycoon-Bursting Rich 1.0
Pris: Free
Nuværende Version: 1.0
Installerer: 10
Bedømmelsesgennemsnit: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Krav: Android
Indholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakningsnavn: com.esden.bus_tycoon

What's New in Business-Tycoon-Bursting-Rich 1.0

    In the game, you need to slide the screen to control the movement of the character, and earn money by cleaning up garbage to build and upgrade the buildings and machines in the store. After successfully building all the buildings, you can greatly increase the revenue of the player's store. In the game levels, you can also upgrade the attributes of players and employees