Laura's Trial

Laura's Trial

Upptäck templet och hitta odödlighetens Scarab.

Spela som Laura och upptäck templet där "Scarab of Immortality" finns.
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Download Laura's Trial 1.1.0 APK

Laura's Trial 1.1.0
Pris: Free
Aktuell Version: 1.1.0
Installation: 50
Betyg Genomsnitt: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Krav: Android
Innehållsbetyg: Teen
Paketnamn: com.gustartss_.lauras_trial

What's New in Lauras-Trial 1.1.0


    *Added the option to skip dialogue;
    *Added a defeat screen to battle mode;

    *Minor visual changes;
    *Changed the credits menu :);
    *Added a transition to starting battles in Battle Mode;
    *Time between changing turns (in battle) reduced, making the combat faster;
    *Changed the way the interaction button works (solving the bugs regarding it!);