Rescue Drawing

Rescue Drawing

Cilj igre: Razuman rad, razine izazova!

Prijeđite prstom po ekranu i nacrtajte sliku. Koristite vodu iz ispusta da teče u spremnik za vodu vatrogasnog vozila. Napunite spremnik vodom i vatrogasno vozilo će krenuti dovršiti operaciju spašavanja! Cilj igre: Razuman rad, razine izazova!

Download Rescue Drawing 1.0 APK

Rescue Drawing 1.0
Cijena: Free
Trenutna Verzija: 1.0
Instalacija: 1000
Prosjek Ocjene: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Zahtjevi: Android
Ocjena Sadržaja: Everyone
Naziv Paketa: com.fsxjaftt.drawing

What's New in Rescue-Drawing 1.0

    Swipe the screen and draw a picture. Use the water from the outlet to flow into the fire truck's water tank. Fill the tank with water and the fire truck will depart to complete the rescue operation! Game objective: Reasonable operation, challenge levels!