Cookie Clicker by Deathwing Studios

Cookie Clicker by Deathwing Studios

Nazaj najboljše piškote in izzivajte svoje prijatelje, da postanejo kralj piškotkov!

proizvede! deliti! In dotaknite se piškotkov zdaj od vsepovsod s svojim mobilnim telefonom! Vaš najljubši igrični piškotni kliker je zdaj na voljo iz vašega žepa! Izpolnite svoje prijatelje med dogodki in bodite številka ena na svetovni lestvici!
Ste kralj piškotkov!

*Ta aplikacija je še vedno v zgodnji različici!

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Download Cookie Clicker by Deathwing Studios 0.2.933 APK

Cookie Clicker by Deathwing Studios 0.2.933
Price: Free
Current Version: 0.2.933
Installs: 100,000+
Rating average: aggregate Rating (4.2 out of 5)
Rating users: 13,106
Requirements: Android 4.0+
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name:

What's New in Cookie-Clicker-by-Deathwing-Studios 0.2.933

    WHAT IS NEW WITH 0.2.930:
    -Halloween arrived in the cookieverse!
    -Claim your free hallowed cookie costume until the 30.11!
    -Play the Halloween Event!
    -This event can be done even without internet!
    -Reach an high enough score, before the event ends to obtain the special hallowed cookie upgrade and more!
    -Earn your score as cookies after the event has finished!