Basketball Coach RPG

Basketball Coach RPG

Hallitse joukkueesi koripallovalmentajana ja vältä erottamista.

What kind of coach will you be?

Manage your team as a fair (or ruthless) basketball coach and swipe left or right to impose your will upon the team.

Can you survive all 82 games?

Over 60 ways to get fired, can you unlock them all?

- Multiple choice driven endings
- No in-app purchases

Download Basketball Coach RPG 1.1 APK

Basketball Coach RPG 1.1
Hinta: Free
Nykyinen Versio: 1.1
Asennus: 10 - 50
Luokituksen Keskiarvo: aggregate Rating (4.3 out of 5)
Luokitella Käyttäjät: 3
Vaatimukset: Android 4.4+
Sisältöluokitus: Everyone
Paketin Nimi: com.basketballmanager

What's New in Basketball-Coach-RPG 1.1

    Initial public release