Board Game Arena
Deltag ved det største brætspilsbord i verdenen.
Board Game Arena er den største online brætspils service i verden.
Mere end 8 millioner modstandere at udfordre i 577 berømte brætspil.
Kom og spille Wingspan, Ticket to Ride, Azul, It's a Wonderful World, Carcassonne, Splendor, og mange flere!
Denne app foreslår Board Game Arena gamingtjenesten i en Android-app. Hvis du kan lide det, optimerer vi det trin for trin for at gøre det til en endnu bedre app, så støt den venligst :)
I realtid eller turbaseret.
I din spisepause - eller mens du pendler?
Er der stille derhjemme? Alene eller sammen med venner?
Spil ved din egen hastighed :)
Begynder eller pro?
Udforsk og mester.
Lær nye spil eller bliv bedre til dine yndlingsspil - i dit eget tempo.
Har du brug for udfordringer? Deltag i rangerende spil og mød nye udfordringer! De bedste spillere løftes i rang!
Bemærk: den seneste version af listen over tilgængelige spil er findes her:
Wingspan, Ticket to Ride, Azul, It's a Wonderful World, Carcassonne, Splendor, 7 Wonders Duel, The Castles of Burgundy, Agricola, Space Base, Lost Ruins of Arnak, 6 nimmt!, Can't Stop, Hanabi, 7 Wonders, Kingdomino, King of Tokyo, Welcome To, Memoir '44, Caverna, Yahtzee, Great Western Trail, Potion Explosion, Lucky Numbers, Patchwork, 7 Wonders Architects, Race for the Galaxy, Stone Age, Tapestry, Gaia Project, Barrage, Seasons, CuBirds, Lost Cities, Backgammon, Sea Salt & Paper, Hand and Foot, Gizmos, Kingdom Builder, Res Arcana, BANG!, The Isle of Cats, Obsession, Living Forest, Puerto Rico, Fransk Tarot, Viticulture, Hjerterfri, Innovation, Railroad Ink, A Feast for Odin, Chakra, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, Just One, Solo, Pandemic, The Crew, Dice Forge, Takenoko, Alhambra, Next Station: London, Sushi Go!, Wizard, Jaipur, Belote, The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, Break the Code, PARKS, Love Letter, War Chest, Cribbage, Beyond the Sun, Roll for the Galaxy, Cubosaurs, Tock, Bärenpark, century, My City, Nidavellir, Papayoo, Bandido, Burgle Bros., Vaalbara, Downforce, Bubblee Pop, Piraten kapern, Tichu, Regicide, Loco Momo, Nova Luna, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, Saint Petersburg, Can't Stop Express, Coinche, Rallyman: GT, Martian Dice, Blood Rage, L.A.M.A., Roll'n Bump, Carnegie, Oh Hell!, Clans of Caledonia, For Sale, Tokaido, Tzolk'in, Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan, Saboteur, Spades, Russian Railroads, Targi, Caper: Europe, Chromino, Sushi Go Party!, Dice Hospital, Teotihuacan: City of Gods, Shifting Stones, My Shelfie, Dinner In Paris, Letter Tycoon, The Voyages of Marco Polo, Eufrat & Tigris, Railways of the World, Marrakech, Thurn and Taxis, Yokohama, Ultimate Railroads, Rauha, Abandon All Artichokes, Skak, City of the Big Shoulders, Hive, Koi-koi, Reflection, Draftosaurus, Space Station Phoenix, Stella – Dixit Universe, Hardback, Via Magica, Abyss, Tash-Kalar, Fluxx, Cat Café, Just Desserts, La Granja, Incan Gold, Sobek: 2 Spillere, Trek 12, Copenhagen, CODEX Naturalis, Machiavelli, Luxor, The Builders: Middle Ages, Conspiracy, Automobiles, Santorini, Lewis & Clark, The King's Guild, Deus, Colt Express, Lost Seas, Forbidden Island, Tranquility: The Ascent, Schrödinger's Cats, Tranquility, Get On Board: New York & London, Flaming Pyramids, Look at the Stars, Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, New Frontiers, El Grande, Noah, Coloretto, District Noir, Dungeon Roll, The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, Clash of Decks, Concept... og mere!
Mere end 8 millioner modstandere at udfordre i 577 berømte brætspil.
Kom og spille Wingspan, Ticket to Ride, Azul, It's a Wonderful World, Carcassonne, Splendor, og mange flere!
Denne app foreslår Board Game Arena gamingtjenesten i en Android-app. Hvis du kan lide det, optimerer vi det trin for trin for at gøre det til en endnu bedre app, så støt den venligst :)
I realtid eller turbaseret.
I din spisepause - eller mens du pendler?
Er der stille derhjemme? Alene eller sammen med venner?
Spil ved din egen hastighed :)
Begynder eller pro?
Udforsk og mester.
Lær nye spil eller bliv bedre til dine yndlingsspil - i dit eget tempo.
Har du brug for udfordringer? Deltag i rangerende spil og mød nye udfordringer! De bedste spillere løftes i rang!
Bemærk: den seneste version af listen over tilgængelige spil er findes her:
Wingspan, Ticket to Ride, Azul, It's a Wonderful World, Carcassonne, Splendor, 7 Wonders Duel, The Castles of Burgundy, Agricola, Space Base, Lost Ruins of Arnak, 6 nimmt!, Can't Stop, Hanabi, 7 Wonders, Kingdomino, King of Tokyo, Welcome To, Memoir '44, Caverna, Yahtzee, Great Western Trail, Potion Explosion, Lucky Numbers, Patchwork, 7 Wonders Architects, Race for the Galaxy, Stone Age, Tapestry, Gaia Project, Barrage, Seasons, CuBirds, Lost Cities, Backgammon, Sea Salt & Paper, Hand and Foot, Gizmos, Kingdom Builder, Res Arcana, BANG!, The Isle of Cats, Obsession, Living Forest, Puerto Rico, Fransk Tarot, Viticulture, Hjerterfri, Innovation, Railroad Ink, A Feast for Odin, Chakra, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, Just One, Solo, Pandemic, The Crew, Dice Forge, Takenoko, Alhambra, Next Station: London, Sushi Go!, Wizard, Jaipur, Belote, The Crew: Mission Deep Sea, Break the Code, PARKS, Love Letter, War Chest, Cribbage, Beyond the Sun, Roll for the Galaxy, Cubosaurs, Tock, Bärenpark, century, My City, Nidavellir, Papayoo, Bandido, Burgle Bros., Vaalbara, Downforce, Bubblee Pop, Piraten kapern, Tichu, Regicide, Loco Momo, Nova Luna, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, Saint Petersburg, Can't Stop Express, Coinche, Rallyman: GT, Martian Dice, Blood Rage, L.A.M.A., Roll'n Bump, Carnegie, Oh Hell!, Clans of Caledonia, For Sale, Tokaido, Tzolk'in, Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan, Saboteur, Spades, Russian Railroads, Targi, Caper: Europe, Chromino, Sushi Go Party!, Dice Hospital, Teotihuacan: City of Gods, Shifting Stones, My Shelfie, Dinner In Paris, Letter Tycoon, The Voyages of Marco Polo, Eufrat & Tigris, Railways of the World, Marrakech, Thurn and Taxis, Yokohama, Ultimate Railroads, Rauha, Abandon All Artichokes, Skak, City of the Big Shoulders, Hive, Koi-koi, Reflection, Draftosaurus, Space Station Phoenix, Stella – Dixit Universe, Hardback, Via Magica, Abyss, Tash-Kalar, Fluxx, Cat Café, Just Desserts, La Granja, Incan Gold, Sobek: 2 Spillere, Trek 12, Copenhagen, CODEX Naturalis, Machiavelli, Luxor, The Builders: Middle Ages, Conspiracy, Automobiles, Santorini, Lewis & Clark, The King's Guild, Deus, Colt Express, Lost Seas, Forbidden Island, Tranquility: The Ascent, Schrödinger's Cats, Tranquility, Get On Board: New York & London, Flaming Pyramids, Look at the Stars, Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done, New Frontiers, El Grande, Noah, Coloretto, District Noir, Dungeon Roll, The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, Clash of Decks, Concept... og mere!
Download Board Game Arena APK
Nuværende Version: Varies with device
Installerer: 100,000+
(5.0 out of 5)
Android Varies with device
Indholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakningsnavn: com.boardgamearena.bgaapp