Board Game Arena
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Board Game Arena er den største online brettspilltjenesten i verden.
Mer enn 8 millioner motstandere å utfordre på 577 kjente brettspill.
Kom for å spille Wingspan, tickettoride, Azul, itsawonderfulworld, Carcassonne, Splendor, og mange flere!
Denne appen foreslår Board Game Arena spilltjenesten i en Android-app. Hvis du liker det, optimaliserer vi det trinn for trinn for å gjøre det til en enda bedre app, så støtt den :)
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Lær nye spill eller forbedre dine ferdigheter på dine favorittspill, alt i ditt eget tempo.
Trenger du utfordringer? Bli med på rangerte spill og møte nye utfordringer! De beste spillerne stiger gjennom rekkene!
Merk: den siste versjonen av den tilgjengelige spillelisten er tilgjengelig her:
Wingspan, tickettoride, Azul, itsawonderfulworld, Carcassonne, Splendor, 7 Wonders Duel, The Castles of Burgundy, Agricola, spacebase, arnak, 6 nimmt!, Can't Stop, Hanabi, 7 Wonders, Kingdomino, Kongen av Tokyo, Welcome To, Memoir '44, caverna, Yatzy, greatwesterntrail, potionexplosion, Lucky Numbers, Patchwork, 7 Wonders Architects, Race for the Galaxy, Stone Age, Tapestry, gaiaproject, barrage, Seasons, CuBirds, Lost Cities, Backgammon, seasaltpaper, handandfoot, gizmos, kingdombuilder, Res Arcana, BANG!, The Isle of Cats, obsession, Living Forest, Puerto Rico, frenchtarot, Viticulture, Spardame, Innovation, Railroad Ink, feastforodin, Chakra, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, justone, Solo, Pandemic, thecrew, diceforge, Takenoko, Alhambra, nextstation, Sushi Go!, wizard, Jaipur, Belot, thecrewdeepsea, Break the Code, parks, Love Letter, warchest, Cribbage, Beyond the Sun, Roll for the Galaxy, Rolling Pins, Tock, Bjørneparken, century, mycity, nidavellir, papayoo, Bandido, burglebros, vaalbara, downforce, Bubblee Pop, piratenkapern, Tichu, regicide, Loco Momo, Nova Luna, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, Saint Petersburg, Can't Stop Express, coinche, rallymangt, Martian Dice, bloodrage, LLAMA, rollandbump, carnegie, Oh Hell!, Clans of Caledonia, forsale, Tokaido, Tzolk'in, marcopolotwo, Saboteur, Spar, Russian Railroads, Targi, capereurope, chromino, Sushi Go-fest!, dicehospital, teotihuacan, Shifting Stones, myshelfie, dinnerinparis, lettertycoon, marcopolo, Tigris & Eufrat, railwaysoftheworld, Marrakech, Thurn and Taxis, yokohama, ultimaterailroads, rauha, Abandon All Artichokes, Sjakk, cityofthebigshoulders, Hive, Koi-Koi, laserreflection, Draftosaurus, spacestationphoenix, Stella - Dixit Universe, hardback, viamagica, Abyss, Tash-Kalar, Fluxx, catcafe, justdesserts, lagranja, Diamant, sobektwoplayers, trektwelve, Copenhagen, Codex Naturalis, Machiavelli, luxor, The Builders: Middle Ages, conspiracy, automobiles, santorini, Lewis & Clark, kingsguild, deus, Colt Express, lostseas, Den forbudte øya, tranquilitytheascent, schroedingerscats, tranquility, getonboard, flamingpyramids, lookatthestars, crusadersthywillbedone, newfrontiers, elgrande, noah, Coloretto, throneandthegrail, dungeonroll, werewolves, clashofdecks, Concept, oriflamme, Happy City, trekkingtheworld, Caylus, numberdrop, Color Pop, glow, Kinasjakk, Quantum, Nei takk!, fairytrails, similo, thirteenclues, Haiclue, P.I., dicehospitaler, littlefactory, Troyes, gonutsfordonuts... og mer!
Mer enn 8 millioner motstandere å utfordre på 577 kjente brettspill.
Kom for å spille Wingspan, tickettoride, Azul, itsawonderfulworld, Carcassonne, Splendor, og mange flere!
Denne appen foreslår Board Game Arena spilltjenesten i en Android-app. Hvis du liker det, optimaliserer vi det trinn for trinn for å gjøre det til en enda bedre app, så støtt den :)
I sanntid eller rundebasert.
Under lunch pausen din eller i tiden du bruker på å pendle?
Stille i hjemmet? Alene eller med venner?
Spill i ditt eget tempo :)
Nybegynner eller Proff?
Oppdag og behersk.
Lær nye spill eller forbedre dine ferdigheter på dine favorittspill, alt i ditt eget tempo.
Trenger du utfordringer? Bli med på rangerte spill og møte nye utfordringer! De beste spillerne stiger gjennom rekkene!
Merk: den siste versjonen av den tilgjengelige spillelisten er tilgjengelig her:
Wingspan, tickettoride, Azul, itsawonderfulworld, Carcassonne, Splendor, 7 Wonders Duel, The Castles of Burgundy, Agricola, spacebase, arnak, 6 nimmt!, Can't Stop, Hanabi, 7 Wonders, Kingdomino, Kongen av Tokyo, Welcome To, Memoir '44, caverna, Yatzy, greatwesterntrail, potionexplosion, Lucky Numbers, Patchwork, 7 Wonders Architects, Race for the Galaxy, Stone Age, Tapestry, gaiaproject, barrage, Seasons, CuBirds, Lost Cities, Backgammon, seasaltpaper, handandfoot, gizmos, kingdombuilder, Res Arcana, BANG!, The Isle of Cats, obsession, Living Forest, Puerto Rico, frenchtarot, Viticulture, Spardame, Innovation, Railroad Ink, feastforodin, Chakra, Through the Ages: A new Story of Civilization, justone, Solo, Pandemic, thecrew, diceforge, Takenoko, Alhambra, nextstation, Sushi Go!, wizard, Jaipur, Belot, thecrewdeepsea, Break the Code, parks, Love Letter, warchest, Cribbage, Beyond the Sun, Roll for the Galaxy, Rolling Pins, Tock, Bjørneparken, century, mycity, nidavellir, papayoo, Bandido, burglebros, vaalbara, downforce, Bubblee Pop, piratenkapern, Tichu, regicide, Loco Momo, Nova Luna, Carcassonne: Hunters & Gatherers, Saint Petersburg, Can't Stop Express, coinche, rallymangt, Martian Dice, bloodrage, LLAMA, rollandbump, carnegie, Oh Hell!, Clans of Caledonia, forsale, Tokaido, Tzolk'in, marcopolotwo, Saboteur, Spar, Russian Railroads, Targi, capereurope, chromino, Sushi Go-fest!, dicehospital, teotihuacan, Shifting Stones, myshelfie, dinnerinparis, lettertycoon, marcopolo, Tigris & Eufrat, railwaysoftheworld, Marrakech, Thurn and Taxis, yokohama, ultimaterailroads, rauha, Abandon All Artichokes, Sjakk, cityofthebigshoulders, Hive, Koi-Koi, laserreflection, Draftosaurus, spacestationphoenix, Stella - Dixit Universe, hardback, viamagica, Abyss, Tash-Kalar, Fluxx, catcafe, justdesserts, lagranja, Diamant, sobektwoplayers, trektwelve, Copenhagen, Codex Naturalis, Machiavelli, luxor, The Builders: Middle Ages, conspiracy, automobiles, santorini, Lewis & Clark, kingsguild, deus, Colt Express, lostseas, Den forbudte øya, tranquilitytheascent, schroedingerscats, tranquility, getonboard, flamingpyramids, lookatthestars, crusadersthywillbedone, newfrontiers, elgrande, noah, Coloretto, throneandthegrail, dungeonroll, werewolves, clashofdecks, Concept, oriflamme, Happy City, trekkingtheworld, Caylus, numberdrop, Color Pop, glow, Kinasjakk, Quantum, Nei takk!, fairytrails, similo, thirteenclues, Haiclue, P.I., dicehospitaler, littlefactory, Troyes, gonutsfordonuts... og mer!
Download Board Game Arena 1.0-132a91f3 APK
Gjeldende Versjon: 1.0-132a91f3
Installerer: 500000
(3.5 out of 5)

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Innholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakkenavn: com.boardgamearena.bgaapp