Codewords Infinite Genius Edition

Codewords Infinite Genius Edition


CodeWords Infinite Genius Edition是CodeWords粉絲的終極挑戰!嚴重的腦盒!{#} {#}一個具有浮光的用戶界面和無限重播值的基於上癮的益智遊戲。{#} {#}您獲得了一個包含單詞的網格。構成單詞的字母被數字1-26取代。您的目標是弄清楚哪個字母與每個數字相關聯,以揭示網格中的單詞。默認情況下,給您幾個起始信以使您前進。{#} {#}每個難題都是唯一的,並且由遊戲生成。每個難題與最後一個拼圖都不同,您永遠不會用完。{#} {#}字典龐大而廣泛。它包含從簡單到極具挑戰性的單詞!只有單詞大師應嘗試此遊戲提供的挑戰... {#} {#}直接接口和響應式控件。{#} {#}多個技能級別和自定義選項,包括所有類型的顯示器的用戶定義的網格大小。{ #} {#}如果您陷入困境,您可以透露一個額外的字母,也可以隨時開始新的難題。{#} {#}專家玩家可以選擇一個完美的遊戲,您可以通過犯錯而實現這一目標,並揭示沒有額外的字母。{#} {#}如果您不是Uber的大腦,那麼我們建議我們的標準版:{#}

Download Codewords Infinite Genius Edition 1.0.5 APK

Codewords Infinite Genius Edition 1.0.5
價格: Free
當前版本: 1.0.5
安裝: 100 - 500
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
評級用戶: 1
要求: Android 2.3+
內容等級: Everyone
軟件包名稱: com.devwilliams.codewordsinfinitegeniusedition

What's New in Codewords-Infinite-Genius-Edition 1.0.5

    - You now see straight away if a letter you have input is incorrect, rather than having to complete an entire word
    - The game now shows you how many mistakes you have made during play, to make it easier for you to go for a perfect game
    - We have moved things around a little. If you complete a puzzle (or give up!) you can see the completed puzzle to see how you did or which words you didn't manage to get
    - Several optimisations which make the game perform much better