Treasure Hunter
Umdlalo osheshayo we-paced, lapho isikhathi sibalulekile khona ukuba iqhawe lethu liveze amagugu.
Joyina iqhawe lethu ekufuneni, ngokuhlasela ngamanxiwa ayingozi lapho ufuna izindlwana ezibaluleke kakhulu. Hambisa ngokushesha, gwema izithiyo futhi uqoqe zonke izinhlamvu zemali ukuze uveze umcebo ofihlekile kulelo nalelo zinga.
- Ihluzo zesitayela se-Pixel Art
- Ihluzo zesitayela se-Pixel Art
Download Treasure Hunter 1.2 APK
Current Version: 1.2
Installs: 1,000+
Rating average:
(4.7 out of 5)
Rating users:
Android 2.3+
Content Rating: Everyone
Package name: com.joaomarques.treasurehunter
What's New in Treasure-Hunter 1.2
- Coins are now static to prevent passing under them and thus missing them.
- The difficulty on some levels was adjusted.
- Restarting a level after hitting the spikes is now faster.
- A new sound and a screen shake were added to the game over animation.