Code Hacker

Code Hacker

hacke deg inn i datamaskinen.

Guess over a 1000 different password on three different levels.

there is three levels of difficulty, three, four and five letter passwords.

compete against your friends and the world in breaking the most password on the global Highscore.

Get on with the Hacking

Download Code Hacker 1.1 APK

Code Hacker 1.1
Pris: Free
Gjeldende Versjon: 1.1
Installerer: 1,000+
Rangeringsgjennomsnitt: aggregate Rating (3.8 out of 5)
Rating Brukere: 30
Krav: Android 2.3+
Innholdsvurdering: Everyone
Pakkenavn: com.MejlvangGames.Codebreaker

What's New in Code-Hacker 1.1

    -Now also showing how many tries you have used
    -Some bug fixes