Chariot Battle Zombies

Chariot Battle Zombies

Kontrolirajte spremnik izvan baze kako biste porazili zombije i dobili resurse

U igrici moramo kontrolirati tenk da izađemo izvan baze kako bismo pobijedili zombije i dobili resurse. Kada se popuni kapacitet vozila, trebamo otići u bazu kako bismo dobivena sredstva spremili u banku. Također moramo obratiti pozornost na razinu goriva u vozilu. Ako se potrošnja goriva iscrpi izvan baze, neće uspjeti. Dobit ćemo novčiće i unaprijediti vozilo da ima jaču opremu

Download Chariot Battle Zombies 1.0 APK

Chariot Battle Zombies 1.0
Cijena: Free
Trenutna Verzija: 1.0
Instalacija: 1000
Prosjek Ocjene: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Zahtjevi: Android
Ocjena Sadržaja: Teen
Naziv Paketa: com.esden.chariot_zombie

What's New in Chariot-Battle-Zombies 1.0

    In the game, we need to control the tank to go outside the base to defeat zombies and obtain resources. When the vehicle's capacity is full, we need to go to the base to store the obtained resources in the bank. We also need to pay attention to the fuel level of the vehicle. If the fuel consumption is exhausted outside the base, it will fail. We will obtain coins and upgrade the vehicle to have stronger equipment