My Little Garden

My Little Garden

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Uzbūvē savu mazo dārziņu jau šodien!

Download My Little Garden 1.2.0 APK

My Little Garden 1.2.0
Cena: Free
Pašreizējā Versija: 1.2.0
Instalācijas: 500
Vidējais Vērtējums: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Prasības: Android
Satura Vērtējums: Teen
Iesaiņojuma Nosaukums: com.funreal.mylittlegarden

What's New in My-Little-Garden 1.2.0

    Welcome to the new flower field!
    Now you can research new flowers!
    You can grow new flowers together with your employees!
    We've also revamped the overall look with beautiful characters and other graphic overhauls!

    Enjoy the new improved gameplay!