Organize Master 3D

Organize Master 3D

Vratite sve neuredne predmete ispred sebe na njihova izvorna mjesta

U igrici igrači trebaju staviti neuredne predmete ispred sebe i vratiti ih na njihova izvorna mjesta. Postoji i vremensko ograničenje za pohranu, a igrači moraju kontrolirati svoje vrijeme. Ako pohrana nije dovršena do vremena, igrači moraju početi ispočetka

Download Organize Master 3D 1.0 APK

Organize Master 3D 1.0
Cijena: Free
Trenutna Verzija: 1.0
Instalacija: 500
Prosjek Ocjene: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Zahtjevi: Android
Ocjena Sadržaja: Everyone
Naziv Paketa: com.infinitx.organize_master

What's New in Organize-Master-3D 1.0

    In the game, players need to place the messy items in front of them and return them to their original positions. There is also a time limit for storage, and players need to control their own time. If the storage is not completed by the time, players need to start over