Mystic Mahjong 麻將遊戲

Mystic Mahjong 麻將遊戲

麻將 奇幻風格放鬆身心

踏上Mystic Mahjong的神祕世界之旅! 透過搭配一對裝飾有複雜符號和神話生物的精美主題瓷磚來解決具有挑戰性的謎題!


- 遊戲玩法:在配對遊戲中挑戰難度越來越高的關卡,提供滿足的成就感!

- 精美的圖形:沉浸在神秘麻將的神奇世界中,享受令人驚嘆的視覺效果和迷人的背景 - 探索它們並揭開隱藏在麻將牌中的魔法!

- 輕鬆的配樂:享受大氣的配樂,與遊戲的神秘氛圍相得益彰,使其成為漫長一天後完美的放鬆體驗。

- 客製化:透過各種頭像和背景來個性化您的體驗。 根據您的喜好量身定制,為您的旅行營造獨特的氛圍!

神秘麻將提供引人入勝、身臨其境的配對遊戲體驗! 它將麻將的經典魅力與精美的視覺效果和沈浸式元素與麻將 3D 結合在一起!

無論您是麻將和麻將連連看的愛好者,還是尋求輕鬆而又具有挑戰性的連連看遊戲的休閒玩家,這款麻將連連看應用程式將帶您進入一個神奇、神秘、樂趣無窮的世界。 今天就開始你的Mystic Mahjong之旅 - 麻將牌遊戲!

For English-speaking users:

Embark on a journey into the mystical world of matching game in Mystic Mahjong! Solve challenging puzzles in mahjong by matching pairs of beautifully crafted, themed tiles adorned with intricate symbols and mystical creatures!

Main features of Mystic Mahjong - offline game:

- Gameplay: challenge yourself with increasingly difficult levels in mahjong games, providing a satisfying sense of accomplishment!

- Sightly graphics of mahjong: immerse yourself in the magical world of Mystic Mahjong - offline game - with stunning visuals and enchanting backgrounds of mahjong games - explore them and uncover the magic hidden within the tiles!

- Relaxing soundtrack of matching game: Enjoy an atmospheric soundtrack that complements the mahjong mystical ambiance, making it the perfect relaxation experience after a long day.

- Customization for mahjong games: Personalize your experience with a variety of avatars and backgrounds. Tailor to your preferences and create a unique atmosphere for your journey in a matching game!

Mystic Mahjong - offline game - offers an enchanting and immersive mahjong games experience! It combines the classic appeal of mahjong with beautiful visuals and immersive elements with matching game!

Whether you're a mahjong and offline game enthusiast or a casual gamer looking for a relaxing yet challenging matching game, this tile app will transport you to a world of magic, mystery, and endless fun. Begin your journey today with Mystic Mahjong - mahjong games!

Join the official website of the game and enjoy the web version!

Download Mystic Mahjong 麻將遊戲 1.1.0 APK

Mystic Mahjong 麻將遊戲 1.1.0
價格: Free
當前版本: 1.1.0
安裝: 50000
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (4.5 out of 5)
評級用戶: 2,103
要求: Android
內容等級: Everyone