Recycle Fish

Recycle Fish


潛入 Recycle Fish ,這是一款有趣且令人上癮的休閒遊戲,您可以扮演一條魚在海洋中航行的角色,避免塑料污染和其他危害。收集沙錢以推進和解鎖來自食物鏈各個層面的新角色。

在 Recycle Fish 中,您需要快速使用腳蹼以避免海洋污染、危險的船用螺旋槳和毀滅性的拖網。通過簡單直觀的控制,這款遊戲很容易上手,但很難掌握。

在您玩耍的過程中,您不僅會得到娛樂,還會了解到保持海洋清潔和健康的重要性。 Recycle Fish 具有獨特的圖形和朗朗上口的配樂,是一款讓您愛不釋手的遊戲。立即下載並加入對抗海洋塑料污染的行列。

Download Recycle Fish 2.0.11 APK

Recycle Fish 2.0.11
價格: Free
當前版本: 2.0.11
安裝: 1000
評級平均值: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
要求: Android
內容等級: Everyone
軟件包名稱: com.tristanduran.recyclefish

What's New in Recycle-Fish 2.0.11

    - Play with friends or join a quick match session with random players.
    - The winner receives 75% of the 4th-place player’s dollars, 50% from 3rd place, and 25% from 2nd place. This update makes ranking more competitive and fair, instead of the original setup where the winner took half of all players' sand dollars.

    - Fixed jittery movement of assets and player characters.
    - Improved performance through object pooling.