Contract Whist (Oh Hell)

Contract Whist (Oh Hell)

brezplačna igra s kartami. Igrajte solo ali spletni večplastnik.

Igra je tesno različna na romunskem žvižgu, oh hudiča, oh pshaw, nominacijska žvižga, gor in po reki, gor in dol, izginja žvižga Shit, Nah Pearse, nemški most v Hong Kongu.

pogodbena žvižga je brezplačna igra s kartami, kjer igrate proti 2-5 nasprotnikom AI ali v živo na spletu. Igrate s standardnim krovom igralnih kart. Play je sestavljena iz dveh faz. Svojo ponudbo izberete z uporabo gumbov za ponudbe. the last player to bid cannot bid to make the total bids equal the number of cards in the hand. this is so that not all players are able to win as many tricks as bid. the number bid represents the exact number of tricks that player thinks they will win not the lowest number of tricks they think they will win.

play phase:

the play phase starts with the player to dealers left selecting any card from their hand. Vsak igralec nato sledi z igranjem kartice iste obleke, če je mogoče, z najvišjo karto, ki je zmagala na triku. Če igralec nima kartic iste obleke, lahko bodisi zavrže neželeno karto ali pa igra Trumpa.
Trumpova obleka je navedena v polju do zgornje desnice zaslona.
Trumpi imajo zaradi tega, da premagajo obleko LED in ko se odigra, najvišji Trump zmaga v triku.
Zmagovalec trika nato začne naslednji trik tako, da ponovno izbere katero koli kartico iz roke. Če je NT prikazan na območju Trumps, v tej roki ni Trumpa. Točke, če so osvojili toliko trikov, kot so ponudili.
Rezultat je prikazan s številom kartic v roki v najbolj oddaljenem levem stolpcu in igralci dosežejo doslej v preostalih stolpcih.

Romunski žvižga is a variation on contract whist where only the top cards are used to make 8 per player e.g. 3 players only a,k,q,j,10,9 are used. Število kart v roki se začne pri 1 in na voljo je 1 krog, kot je ta na predvajalnik, nato pa se število kart poveča za 1 krog na 8, nato pa je za vsakega igralca 1 krog 8. lastly the number of cards decreases back to 1 and then there is 1 round again per player. in the long version cards start at 8, go to 1, then back to 8. trumps are decided by turning the top card after the deal. Če imate Trumpa in Trumpi ne vodijo, morate igrati Trumpa. Če je število kart 8, potem ni adut. Vsak igralec doseže število trikov, ki jih ponudijo plus 5, če sklenejo pogodbo. if they miss the contract deduct 1 for each trick over or under.

now with added multiplayer!

Download Contract Whist (Oh Hell) 3.41 APK

Contract Whist (Oh Hell) 3.41
Price: Free
Current Version: 3.41
Installs: 100,000+
Rating average: aggregate Rating (5.0 out of 5)
Requirements: Android 2.2+
Content Rating: Teen
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What's New in Contract-Whist-Oh-Hell 3.41

    v2.01 Added multiplayer beta version. Please email [email protected] with any feedback.

    v2.1 Added hard AI difficulty (may be slow on some devices). Double points if you beat it!

    v2.4 Added transfer of old ratings (email [email protected] for this).

    v3.4 Changed some stuff to work with Oreo.