Labākās Atlaižu Spēles
Version: APK - Updated: July 23, 2021
With this application constantly updated with statistics and data base collected from world-famous roulette players, you won't dream of winning amounts at the casino and live casino tables anymore!- Constantly updated numbers- Predictions and warnings sent to users via messages sent daily- The...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: July 21, 2021
Cosmic Express ir puzzle spēle par plānošanu vilciena maršrutu pasaulē visvairāk neērts kosmosa koloniju, no prātos aiz Good sniegavīrs ir grūti veidot un māksla Tyu no Klondaika. Tas ir gudrs, grūtāk, nekā tas izskatās, un garantēta sniegt jums stundas nomākta jautrības pāri...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: July 21, 2021
** Starptautisko mobilo spēļu balvu izcilības ieguvējs inovāciju jomā **Programmējiet mazos biroja darbiniekus mīklu risināšanai. Esiet labs darbinieks! Mašīnas nāk ... jūsu darbam.Cilvēkresursu mašīna ir puzzle spēle nerds. Katrā līmenī priekšnieks dod jums darbu....
Version: 100.0.62 APK - Updated: July 19, 2021
Spēlējiet 2D platformera veidotāju no godalgotās studijas aiz Crashlands!DARBINIEKEEEE! Kuģniecības birojs ir galaktikas pirmizrādes paku piegādes korporācija. Simtiem gadu mūsu klienti ir uzticējušies mums, ka mēs piegādājam savas preces. Un tagad jums ir jāpiedalās šajā...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: July 17, 2021
All the Lonely Socks need help looking for their friends! Match as many of them as possible to reach the highest score - or try to jam up the board in the "Low Score" mode! 🧦Features:- Simple, but addictive gameplay- 4 Game Modes - Normal - find as many pairs as possible! - Row Clear -...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 16, 2021
1. Various games included! - About 1,000 nonsense, common sense, new words, and various mystery quizzes - Match country name : Match flags of about 200 countries - Four rule calculations : Arithmetic quiz to match mental arithmetic2. We invite you to the riddle world.If you have fun...
Version: 2.3 APK - Updated: July 13, 2021
Izbaudiet Ultimate Construction Simulator: Construction Simulator PROVai esat gatavs ienirt būvniecības pasaulē? Sagatavojieties aizraujošai un reālistiskai būvniecības pieredzei, izmantojot Construction Simulator PRO. Šī visaugstāk novērtētā būvniecības simulācijas spēle piedāvā...
Version: 1.10 APK - Updated: July 12, 2021
Jauna daudzkārt apbalvotās galda spēles versija. Tagad 3D formātā. Ietver uzlabotu AI, 3D ainavu un jaunas ekskluzīvas funkcijas.*** Carcassonne atbilst sākuma spēles nišai, kas nepieciešama katrai spēļu grupai. -Tailers Nikolss, galda spēles meklējumi*** Carcassonne = Lieliska...
Version: 3.4.1 APK - Updated: July 12, 2021
Iedvesmojoties no leģendāriem retro nosaukumiem, Super Soccer Champs ir jautri paņemt un spēlēt, taču piedāvā pārsteidzošu dziļumu. Spēlētāju menedžera režīms pievieno vienkāršu, bet efektīvu komandas pārvaldību; Pērciet un pārdodiet spēlētājus, pārvaldiet savas komandas...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: July 11, 2021
Demetrios is a quirky adventure game packed with tons of humor! Bjorn Thonen, a slob of an antique dealer living in Paris, is robbed one night after coming home drunk. Forced to conduct his own investigation with the help of his neighbor Sandra, he ends up involved in a murky, mysterious affair....
Version: 0.1.3 APK - Updated: July 09, 2021
Vai kaut kas ir sliktāks par dzīvu elli, ko esat izturējis kaujas tranšejās? Jūs domājāt, ka tas viss ir beidzies, bet kaut kā tas kļuva sliktāks, nekā jūs jebkad esat iedomājies. kur tu esi? Kad tas beidzās? Vienīgais, ko jūs varat darīt tagad, ir izmēģināt un izglābt savu...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 08, 2021
Bạn di chuyển khung long sang trái hoặc phải để tránh thiên thạch rơi từ trên trời xuống để qua các màn game. Điều đấy rất dễ dàng và thú vị. Bạn sẽ thấy hấp dẫn với trò chơi của tôi phát hành
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 08, 2021
Bạn sẽ điều chỉnh các ô màu trắng di chuyển đi tạo đươnghf đi cho ô màu đỏ di chuyển sang phải. Ô màu đỏ di chuyển vào lỗi thoát bạn sẽ chiến thắng và chuyển qua màn mới. HSL là tên siết tắt của tôi nhà phát hành ứng dụng....
Version: 1.18.6 APK - Updated: July 06, 2021
Atrada impērijuVediet savu dinastiju uz uzvaru senās Ķīnas karojošo valstu periodā jaunajā digitālajā adaptācijā atzītajai galda spēlei no Tigris & Euphrates dizainera Reinera Knizija.Veidot un iekarotKonflikts ir neizbēgams, paplašinoties jūsu ietekmei. Karojiet...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: July 04, 2021
Tour de Globe - cycling e-board game :)* Lead your team to victory in Tour de Globe!* More than 30 races to unlock (France, Italy, Spain, USA, UAE, Australia, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, China, Turkey, Switzerland...) * Unique game mechanics* Play against the computer or compete with friends -...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 30, 2021
Vai esat kādreiz sapņojis kļūt par prezidentu? Daži saka, ka ikviens var būt prezidents. Bet vai jūs varat par tādu kļūt? Šajā spēlē jums ir jāizmanto savs prāts un visas savas stratēģiskās prasmes.Kāpt pa politiskajām kāpnēm uz augšu, vienlaikus balansējot starp...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: June 30, 2021
Based off the classical fantasy world of The Seblen Chronicles, Seblen: Battle! offers a fast-paced, interactive, battle card game. Features:* 40 Player Cards* 10 Specialty Skill cards* 6 Rarity Levels* Solo play* 1v1 Online 'Versus' Mode
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 29, 2021
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: June 29, 2021
Version: 5.2 APK - Updated: June 29, 2021
Control Over is a story that begins when a player who loses his memory and falls in a basement of a mansion wakes up.And you have to control the player and decide how to solve this story.Explore the mansion from place to place, investigate the objects and dig up the hidden truths.Find out new facts...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: June 28, 2021
What happens when everyone is stuck in the same time loop, without knowing?Alt-Frequencies is an audio mystery game where you use the airwaves to open the world’s eyes to the truth. Record, rewind time and broadcast snippets of radio shows to expose radio hosts, conspiracy theorists, politicians,...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: June 27, 2021
Acs777 Slot Machine Couple who play high limit slots and own 2 Chihuahuas! We chronicle our handpays here
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 25, 2021
Cuidado! Tu Podrías Ser La Próxima Victima
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: June 24, 2021
[Sāga Scarlet Grace Scarlet Ambition] ir Square Enix Co., Ltd. populārās RPG sērijas "Sāga" darbs.Spēlētājs sāk spēli, izvēloties vienu no četriem galvenajiem varoņiem.[Urpina] [Talia] [Balmante] [Leonardo] Katram varonim ir pilnīgi atšķirīgs stāsts, un jūs varat...
Version: 2.4.1 APK - Updated: June 24, 2021
This numberic game is developed by Polistar Studio. We provide end-to-end solutions for highest-quality and user-friendly App Development. If you're a big fan of strategic genre, numberic game, cross words, you will definitely stick to this game. The game play is super simple to understand and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 24, 2021
Game fast hands and eyes, help you know your reflexes
Version: 0.2 APK - Updated: June 24, 2021
Welcome to "Cat Mansion"Let's find all the "Magic Cats" hiding in this mansion. And help breaking the curse to restore their memories as a withces and wizards again!Cat Mansion, a mysterious place and forbidden for any human. You can decorate the place with magic items to...