Best Discount Games
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: March 13, 2021
Na srednjo šolo Rosemon je prišla valentinova sezona ... Gaiden zgodba o pretresljivi BL igri "Gakuen Handsome"Uživate lahko v polnem glasu. ~ Predstavitev igre ~ "Naredite posebno čokolado in mu vzemite srce!"Glavni lik (vi), ki vstane, podprt z besedami svoje mlajše...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: March 11, 2021
Giant Dancing Plushies je lahka ritmična igra, ki temelji na veselju do preprostega plesa. Pomagajte svojemu čudovitemu nenavadnemu ljubitelju glasbe Kaiju osvojiti planet ... ples!Odklenite svoje velikanske plišaste izdelke, jih nadgradite s kopico sposobnosti in jih naredite neustavljive!...
Version: 2.3.4 APK - Updated: March 11, 2021
Version: 8.6.3z APK - Updated: March 10, 2021
Features:- 40+ levels- Hints- Help from friends
Version: 1 APK - Updated: March 10, 2021
Dubrovnik Anno 1667 je interaktivni zgodovinski pregled starega hrvaškega mesta Dubrovnika v vsestranski mobilni aplikaciji in virtualni izkušnji. Tako kot pred uničujočim potresom iz leta 1667 s pomočjo virtualnega okna - ne glede na to, ali ste na kraju samem v Dubrovniku ali doma na drugi...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: March 10, 2021
Dubrovnik Anno 1667 VR is an interactive historical overview of the old Croatian city of Dubrovnik in a versatile mobile application and virtual experience.The once independent republic of Dubrovnik was a naval power that opposed Venice itself.Experience Dubrovnik as it was before the devastating...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: March 09, 2021
V programu Draw Rider 2 Plus ni oglaševanja, na voljo so vsa orodja v urejevalniku in vsi elementi za prilagajanje.Dobrodošli v Draw Rider 2 - zabavne arkadne dirkalne igre, v katerih vas čakajo tako časovni izleti kot posebne misije.Lastnosti:- 32 edinstvenih in zahtevnih stopenj (v načinu...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 09, 2021
The interactive story game in which you can progress with your own choices. The first and only interactive video with the theme of Virus made in Turkey. All you need to do in this interactive video is to use your courage and intelligence. This original story, designed for you, will again be...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: March 08, 2021
Robot Factory – Key Stage 2There are twenty activities that motivate children to investigate and explore mathematical concepts independently.These activities are based in a Robot Factory and users are rewarded with robot pieces when completing activities which they can use to build their own...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: March 05, 2021
Odpravite se na epsko pustolovsko cestno doživetje v Summer Catchers. S svojim zaupnim lesenim avtomobilom morate v iskanju potovati v daljne dežele, polne skrivnosti, čudnih bitij in vznemirljivih dirk, da boste končno doživeli poletje.Vendar potovanje ne bo enostavno. Ko se boste vozili po...
Version: 0.2 APK - Updated: March 04, 2021
Rhythm game or rhythm action is a genre of music-themed action video game that challenges a player's sense of rhythm. Games in the genre typically focus on dance or the simulated performance of musical instruments, and require players to press buttons in a sequence dictated on the screen. Many...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 02, 2021
V tej igri ste nasmeh videli kot lik. Smiley mora skočiti na drugačno pot, razen nasmehov od ovir. Prenesite zdaj
Version: 1.4.2 APK - Updated: March 01, 2021
"Rocket Mouse is a quality app with cute characters and nicely varied activities. Kids can fly a rocket through space while identifying and collecting shapes and numbers" - Moms with Apps, 2020"We loved the simplicity of the game, the graphics and the animations. The playful and...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 01, 2021
La lletra C i els seus sons és un joc de memòria pensat per practicar la lectura de paraules que contenen la lletra ce. L'objectiu és aconseguir automatitzar la mecànica lectora d'aquesta lletra en funció de la vocal que la segueixi.Funciona com el clàssic joc de memòria però en...
Version: 0.7 APK - Updated: March 01, 2021
ඔබේ පෙරපාසල් යන සිගිත්තාගේ සිට වයස අවුරැදු 10 ක් දක්වා වන දරැවන් සඳහා නිර්මාණය කර ඇති මෙම දුරකතන යෙදුම...
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: February 28, 2021
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 28, 2021
The game is very simple, throw a knife, break The spinning wheel. You can get a lot of rewardsSlash the spin and unlock new knives.Super cool bosses, special levels!Can you hit all the bosses?Thanks for play Angry Knife.
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: February 21, 2021
Version: 6.0 APK - Updated: February 21, 2021
Love Entity is a love-themed incremental game. The player manages the incremental gains of love by clicking and taking care of other various assets to earn as much love as possible. Ascension points give the player the option to begin anew with a bonus further increasing accumulation of love.
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: February 21, 2021
Test your vocabulary by playing a challenging word puzzle game - Word Fun. Connect words available on the alphabet to form a meaningful word and see how many points you scored.GAME FEATURES:Challenge your vocabulary – arrange available letters to build 70 000+ meaningful words.If you’re stuck,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 20, 2021
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Magical Alphabets - Learn to Write ABCD with Sound 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀★ All –In-One Kids Preschool and Educational kindergarten Learning Games learn to write alphabets bountifully in offline.★ This is amazing game for kids a for apple b for ball educational...
Version: 3.0.6-2456-1afe5fe5 APK - Updated: February 19, 2021
Prevzemite nadzor nad palčki, čarovniki, amazonkami, velikani, orki ali celo ljudmi. Nato pošljite svoje čete v neusmiljen boj in osvojite nove regije. Previdno uporabite posebne moči svojih ras, da razširite svoj imperij in osvojite igro! Medtem bodo šibkejše civilizacije neusmiljeno...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 19, 2021
Si eres Amante de los RPG este es tu juego, salas llenas de preguntas sobre tus juegos favoritos, falla y volverás al principio.Mas de 25 niveles por explorar.Demuestra que eres el concursante numero 1.
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: February 18, 2021
◎ Game IntroductionA shelter built to protect humans from zombies.You are the supervisor, and your job is to identify the zombies and people.◎ Game FeaturesPeople and zombies look different.Check their appearance to decide whether they are zombies or not.Gather information from magazines, news,...
Version: 5 APK - Updated: February 18, 2021
Enjoy the freedom of the open road in this fast paced, addictive, road racing simulation game. Race to earn credits across 4 game modes while testing your driving skills. Use your hard-earned credits to buy new vehicles, upgrade or customize to get the right look. Show your skills and your style on...
Version: 00.01.10 APK - Updated: February 17, 2021
Jogos e passatempos com seus personagens favoritos Zooparky!
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: February 15, 2021
Donut County je zgodba na osnovi fizike puzzle igra, kjer igrate kot vedno večja luknja v tleh. Spoznajte simpatične like, ukradite njihov smeti in jih vrzite v luknjo.KJE JE TRASH TREASURERakuni so prevzeli okrožje krof z luknjami za krajo smeti na daljavo. Igrate kot BK, rakun z luknjami, ki...
Version: 0.9 APK - Updated: February 15, 2021
■SYNOPSIS‘JURI’ is an influencer on Instagram with millions of followers.Unlike her posts on Instagram, JURI’s reality sucks.‘EX-BOYFRIEND’ is still obsessed with JURI.‘COPYCAT’ buys everything JURI wears from head to toe.’NA-YEON’ who used to be JURI’s best friend, but not...