Bedste Rabatspil
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 07, 2020
Spil underholdende gættspil, eller gennemse hundredevis af de mest berømte citater gennem tidene! Udfordre andre mennesker fra hele verden og prøv at gøre det til TOP20 highscores! Kan du lide at læse citater fra berømte mennesker og berømtheder, og kan du lide udfordringer? Vores spil...
Version: 1.9.4 APK - Updated: August 06, 2020
Øv sport i et relistisk 3D miljø i 30 begivenheder og konkurrencer! Udfordr computeren og spil mod venner for at slå rekorder overalt i verden! ______________________________ 30 ENKELTBEGIVENHEDER og 5 KONKURRENCER "Athletics 2: Summer Sports" tillader, at man spiller 12...
Version: 1.2.4 APK - Updated: August 05, 2020
파인딩블루는 FPS스타일 미니게임입니다. 여러분의 목표는 블루몬!!화이트몬과 기타 에너미들을 피해서 최단 루트로 블루몬을 찾아서 쓰러뜨려주세요.총알과 에너지가 한정된 극한의 상황에서 최고난이도 레벨까지...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 05, 2020
En skæbnesvangre aften, når den unge Jack tager den smukke Nara på en tur i skoven, bliver hans kærlighed kidnappet af den skurkagtige ork Korg. Tvunget til at montere en redning kaster han sig ned i Korgs underjordiske base, hvor han sker på en underlig klinge, der bliver en usandsynlig...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: August 04, 2020
Schenke deinem Kind einen sicheren Weg in die Welt der Buchstaben. Alle Vorlagen zum Schreiben lernen sind lehrplanbasiert. Eine einführende Geschichte, drei Schriften, über 32 handgefertigte Illustrationen und mehr als 186 Elemente zum Nachspuren. Kein Abo, keine Werbung, kein Tracking!In der...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: August 02, 2020
Game of Cubes is a physics-based puzzle game designed to test your logical thinking and improve your foresight ability. Immerse yourself in its unique world where a minimalistic pastel art style and a soft soundtrack will help your mind relax and be at peace. Key features:- Place naturally...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 01, 2020
Jogo de ação e muita agilidade, quantos cubos você consegue fatiar sem deixar cair nenhum?
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: July 29, 2020
Challenge your deductive skills by helping our two young heroes on their quest to bring the legendary paintings of Pictoria back!Look carefully at the numbers on the edges of the grid to stop the sneaky wizard Moonface...- Face plenty of grids and discover some beautifully animated enemies and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 29, 2020
An exact replica of the best fighting game from the 90s genre.Fights 1 on 1 the player is given 23 different fighters and several secret fighters, each fighter has its own fighting style, a set of super-strikes.
Version: 2.2.3 APK - Updated: July 29, 2020
CHALLENGE YOUR ABILITY OF MENTAL MATH AND IMPROVE BRAIN HEALTH.Mathematiqa is collection of math games, puzzle and riddle. According to a new brain study mental math, puzzles and riddles are connected with better emotional health and help to stave off anxiety and depression. People who solve...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 26, 2020
Pikasus: Kids Games and Applications of the Pikassa Marbella Museum.Game system: This application is original from the games of the Pikassa Marbella Museum, it is aimed at boys and girls to initialize them in Haute Art.It consists of a 2-dimensional sports game that simulates table tennis. The...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: July 25, 2020
Mini Cars Driving - a new kind of game in the genre of endless arcade racing in 3D.You have the opportunity to conquer the vast expanses of the desert, ride a neighbor's farm and even visit the moon. Collect coins along the way and buy new cars and cards. Boost speed and control to improve...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 24, 2020
Help a man travel through his dreams, as he must learn to accept his own death.Arrog is an enigmatic puzzle adventure game featuring hand-drawn art and set in a black-and-white world with color accents.• Playtime between 20-30 min• Make sense of a bizarre world made out of traditional...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: July 20, 2020
En forretningsadministrationssim, hvor du kan oprette et indkøbscenter, der er det rigtige for dig!Alt er blevet udvidet siden det sidste spil - bygg større, bygg højere!Nyd mere frihed og tilpasning end nogensinde.Tilføj offentlige transportstationer for at hente kunder fra længere...
Version: 4 APK - Updated: July 19, 2020
Play Now - XeviousA Complete Arcade Game with more 20 Levels. Play through the most challenging stages. Kill the enemies on land and in the air. Advance and win each of the 24 battles.
Version: APK - Updated: July 18, 2020
PARS: Special Forces tilbyder en imponerende action krigsspiloplevelse. Spil med specielle soldaterhold såsom Bordeaux Beret, Commando, Gendarmerie Special Operations, Police Special Operations. Deltag i missioner og knus dine fjender!OPERATIONERGennemfør operationer med spiltilstande såsom Mop...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: July 18, 2020
UNIQUELY IMAGINATIVE PUZZLESThe gameplay of Gorogoa is wholly original, comprised of lavishly illustrated panels that players arrange and combine in imaginative ways to solve puzzles. Impeccably simple, yet satisfyingly complex.GORGEOUSLY HAND-DRAWN GAMEPLAYJason Roberts created thousands of...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: July 18, 2020
This is a virtual reality simulation for Google Cardboard Viewer.Features a ship sailing in the ocean, there you can: - Fly around the ship - Simulated sinking and breaking of the ship - Visit and walk around the prow of the ship - Visit and walk around the top of the ship - Visit and walk around...
Version: 1.0.16 APK - Updated: July 17, 2020
Den digitale version af det populære brætspil - Imperial Settlers Roll & Writ fra Portal Games. Appen indeholder bosættelser fra Competition Set og 14 Adventure sets fra klassisk brætspil. Mere tilføjes snart!Imperial Settlers: Roll & Writ er det nyeste medlem af Imperial Settlers...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: July 17, 2020
Dungeon Warfare er en udfordrende Tower Defense spil, hvor du bliver en fangekælder herre for at forsvare din fangekælder mod grådige eventyrere.Som du med held rense dine dungeons over hele verden fra irriterende angriberne, vil du få adgang til mere kraftfulde fælder og lusket...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: July 16, 2020
NOTE: This AU version uses Australian pronunciation; further accents will follow in future releases.Wordchain AU single user apps are cheaper than the original versions, but only support a single user as opposed to the 30+ users of the full versions.----Wordchain is the software portion of Betsy...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: July 15, 2020
Nogle gange kommer hjem flere spørgsmål end svar ...-----Kathy Rain er en smuk og nostalgisk hyldest til den klassiske point-and-click eventyr genre af spil, der er bygget problemfrit til din touchscreen enhed. Søg efter spor og løse gåder i et overbevisende lilleby drama i midten af...
Version: 0.0.18 APK - Updated: July 15, 2020
PC Fútbol Legends is a dynamic arcade football game that is played in medium sized fields with no fouls or offside whistled, really in line with the old times football games from the 90’s. And the most important feature of the game are humour and fun! It is so much fun to play it! Football is...
Version: 64 APK - Updated: July 15, 2020
Nu omfatter add on Fire and Ice!I en verden af fantasi, kaldet Terra Mystica, er 14 racer kæmper sammen eller hver for sig imod deres modstandere for at vinde magt og territorium. Ved hjælp af deres ressourcer smart og terraforming klogt at vinde overherredømme og føre deres egne...
Version: 1.2.12 APK - Updated: July 14, 2020
Den officielle tilpasning af et hurtigt brandbrætspil - Eight-Minute Empire, af Ryan Laukat. Eight Minute Empire er et godt og anerkendt brætspil - perfekt til at lege med din familie og venner! Og det er også vores digitale tilpasning! Deres respektive priser og hædersbevisninger skal...
Version: 1.07 APK - Updated: July 13, 2020
Witcheye er et stort, farverigt, old-school platformeventyr med et unikt touchscreen-kontrolsystem, der giver uovertruffen kontrol over helten. Stryg for at bevæge og røre for at stoppe, hoppe af fjender og undvige farer i seks livlige verdener. Start med et eventyr som en mild måde heks, der...
Version: 1.6.1 APK - Updated: July 13, 2020
Unge Elena Elkhorn begiver sig ud på en rystende rejse for at finde sin forsvundne far og opdage hemmeligheder Piletræerne Mansion. Medvirken hendes rejse er en unik amulet, modtog hun fra sin far, der giver hende mulighed for at astrale projekt hendes ånd ind i en spøgelsesagtig-rige og...
Version: 10.04.02 APK - Updated: July 13, 2020
Version: 4.1.0 APK - Updated: July 12, 2020
N-back IQ Games Test og Memory Brain Builder Premium A Brain Game Forøg din IQ (efterretning), der spiller kun 20 minutter 4 gange om ugen! Brain Builder er Android-versionen af N-back-spillet, som det er videnskabeligt bevist at øge din IQ, arbejdshukommelse (kortvarig hukommelse) og...