Labākās Atlaižu Spēles

Labākās Atlaižu Spēles
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: February 07, 2020
This Baglama Elite is very funny that allow you to be a musician. You will love this music game.Play the Baglama Elite game continuously for a few hours or days, and you will be surprised at the mobile development of your hands.CautionPlaying the application too much amount of time or leaving the...
Version: 1.67 APK - Updated: February 05, 2020
Travel around the world and solve tricky sliding puzzles.The different block shapes make it challenging.Learn about the locations (map & links to Wikipedia).60 unique sliding puzzles in four difficulty levels.Additional puzzles: 15-puzzle and jigsaw puzzle (up to 300 tiles).• Ad-free• No...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: February 03, 2020
Cik no unikālajiem vārdiem jūs darāt no 11 suņiem? Uzaiciniet otru spēli un mēģiniet nokļūt TOP20! } Spēles beigās vajadzētu nosūtīt savus punktus un salīdzināt tos ar citiem cilvēkiem lielu suni, lai iegūtu viegli DN kaitinošas reklāmas vai Nopes , atskaņojot bezsaistē no...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 29, 2020
[+] M.E.M.O.R.I.Z.E 시즌4 [+]안현은 큰소리로 목놓아 우는 안솔을 아득한 얼굴로 바라보았다.솔이를 데리고 도망쳐야 할까?"솔아, 너 처음에 수현이형 무서워 했었지?"공략이 무사히 끝나고 나면 어떻게든 큰랜을 탈퇴해야...
Version: 0.3 APK - Updated: January 27, 2020
Enjoy classic solitare ad free. This is a classic card game. No distractions just pure solitare.
Version: 5.1.0 APK - Updated: January 26, 2020
Blackjack Trainer Pro iemācīs, kā izspēlēt savas rokas ar vislielāko iespējamo laimesta iespējamību, izmantojot pamata stratēģiju. Jums tiks izdalīta kombinācija un jūs redzēsit dīlera karti. Ir jūsu kārta izlemt, vai sist, stāvēt, sadalīt, dubultot vai padoties.******** 🛑...
Version: 7 APK - Updated: January 25, 2020
2 spēles 1Match 3 puzzle spēle.Plus trīskārša fermu spēļu apvienošanas spēle:Izaudzējiet savu saimniecību, saskaņojot trīs vai vairāk spēles gabalus: apvienojiet trīs zāles, lai izveidotu krūmu, trīs krūmus, lai izveidotu koku ... līdz esat aizpildījis dēli. Ceļā jums būs...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: January 24, 2020
UNE CONCEPTION INNOVANTEPremier du genre, La forêt de Pago est un jeu pédagogique: on y améliore son orthographe grammaticale à travers la découverte d'un conte de type heroic fantasy.La langue française est compliquée et les cours d'orthographe parfois rebutants. C'est pourquoi...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: January 24, 2020
Explore the gloomy roads of the surreal 1920s underworld and find the relevant hints. Together with detective Lake, you will be able to hunt down the gangsters responsible for the national bank robbery. Better be safe than sorry – find out who your friends are before encountering your foes. The...
Version: 1.4.3 APK - Updated: January 19, 2020
[FULL GAME! NO EPISODES! Godalgotais punkts un noklikšķiniet piedzīvojumu debijas Google Play, lokalizēt septiņās dažādās valodās un pilnībā optimizēta plašu Android ierīces! ]# # # VĒSTURE ATBILST fantastikas noslēpums ADVENTURE izcilību # # #Kad Vladimirs Kalenkow, augsta ranga...
Version: 1.3.4 APK - Updated: January 19, 2020
*** Vai jums pieder augstas klases ierīce? Izmēģiniet Planet Genesis 2, lai iegūtu vislabāko pieredzi *** Genesis ir viena no izcilākajām un vizuāli satriecošākajām kosmosa smilškastēm, kas pieejamas Android...
Version: 3.0.1 APK - Updated: January 18, 2020
(2020. gada 17. jūnijs) BRĪDINĀJUMS: šī lietotne nav savietojama ar jaunākajām Android operētājsistēmām. Iespējams, ka spēlētāji nevarēs atvērt lietotni. Arcane Circus šobrīd pēta šo jautājumu.Iestatiet kubistu stila pasaulē, Crap! I’m Broke: Out of Pocket ir drudžaina...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: January 17, 2020
Slovní Karty je nová originální česká slovní hra, která obsahuje 4 různé herní módy, přes 500 000 českých slov a spoustu zábavy pro fanoušky českých slovních her!Vyzvi ostatní lidi nebo kamarády a zkus se dostat do žebříčku TOP20!Slovní Karty PRO je plná verze hry,...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: January 17, 2020
======== Prize Winner 6th Digital Ehon Award ========In this car app for kids and babies, three different types of cars appear when the user touches the screen with their fingers.Touch the screen and a car appears! Hold down and the car gets bigger and bigger! The more you touch, the more cars...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: January 16, 2020
Partiamo dal fatto che giocare non appartiene solo ai bambini … anzi!!Passare del tempo in compagnia a divertirsi è il toccasana migliore che ci sia!Ormai siamo nell'era dei computer, delle consolle del “tutto tecnologia” ma … i sani giochi di società, ormai perduti, restano le cose...
Version: 1.0.23 APK - Updated: January 14, 2020
Matemātika ar Simonu un Aleksu: saskaitīšana un atņemšana kopsavilkums matemātika bērniem. Mācieties un praktizējiet matemātiku pēc smieklīgas piedzīvojumu spēles. Prakses pievienošana un atņemšana līdz 10, 20, 30, 50 vai 100. Pareizā atbilde, jūs pārvietojat vienu soli uz...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: January 13, 2020
El Remedio De Aldorf es un librojuego digital, basado en texto, donde deberás tomar decisiones que determinarán el final de tu aventura.Siglo XIII. Viajas a Aldorf para encontrar una cura, en una aventura narrativa en la que no solo importa lo que hagas, sino cuándo lo hagas.¿Serás capaz de...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 13, 2020
Learn to recognize poison oak from 120 photos in this simple active learning flashcard training game. Remembers what you got wrong so you can train on your mistakes. This paid version of our free app has no ads, no in app purchases.
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: January 09, 2020
Red Woods ir samudžināts pirmās personas noslēpums, kurā spēles spēle lec starp divām dažādām rakstzīmēm. Vienā pusē Klēra Mills - jauna koledžas studente, kura izgāja cauri autoavārijai tikai tāpēc, lai pamostos dīvainā, pamestā nokrišņu patversmē. No otras puses, viņas...
Version: 1.4.7-full APK - Updated: January 09, 2020
Привет, малыш и его родители!Перед вами познавательная игра с загадками. Интерактивные загадки помогут провести вечер с пользой для малыша. Изучайте окружающий...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: January 07, 2020
חיפזון וזהירון הספר האינטראקטיביכתבה ואיירה : מאיה בר מוחה - גוזליסֵפֶר בְּנוֹשֵׂא זְהִירוּת בַּדְּרָכִיםמֻמְלָץ מִטַּעַם הָרָשׁוּת הַלְּאֻמִּית לִבְטִיחוּת...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: January 06, 2020
※このアプリは、公共交通機関の利用に関する教育教材として活用することができます。※※ This app can be used as educational material for public transportation. ※Take the Shinkansen in Tokyo, 2020! Take a bullet train in the futuristic city of Tokyo and...
Version: 1.91 APK - Updated: January 05, 2020
When gods wage wars, only one can prevail!Shattered Plane: Turn-Based Strategy Game is set in the Slavic fantasy universe inhabited by ferocious monsters and oppressed humankind. Become one of the conflicted Slavic demigods and lead the army of fantasy creatures to victory in the divine war for...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: January 02, 2020
Blossom es una pequeña jirafa que vive en cautiverio dentro del zoo privado de un Cazador inescrupuloso y frívolo que atrapa animales como hobby.Nuestra heroína sueña con regresar a su hogar, de repente logra abrir su jaula! así comienza su escape hacia la Libertad.Con Gráficas, Jugabilidad y...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: December 29, 2019
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: December 28, 2019
This is an immersive and pulse-pounding sci-fi space shooter game featuring stunning graphics and tight spaceship gameplay. Hunt down and destroy enemy spacecraft, crush enemy boss ships, meteors and many more as you advance in stages.
Version: 2.2.1V APK - Updated: December 25, 2019
Pixel Savaşçılarımız Kötü Güçlere karşı savaşıyor Sende savaşçılara yardım et taktik geliştir seviye atla güçlendir ve Kötü güçleri alt et Hadi sende indir ne duruyorsun
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: December 22, 2019
The long war against the occupiers of our planet is over ... but we have not yet won the fight. The enemy developed the Z virus shortly before its surrender and released it. Since then, the dead have turned into greedy zombies whose aim is to wipe out humanity ... But there is hope, the ingredients...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: December 20, 2019
※ 必ず、下記URLより...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: December 19, 2019
Truth or Truth: Hundreds of Invasive Questions is a multiplayer, in-person, party game. It's like if Truth or Dare didn't have dares and the questions were really intense and randomized. Talking about boring stuff is boring. We can all agree on that. In Truth or Truth, players take turns...