Najbolje Igre S Popustom

Najbolje Igre S Popustom
Version: 2.4.7 APK - Updated: February 15, 2019
Zapovjedite svoj elitni odred templarskih vitezova u taktičkoj borbi u bliskom tromjesečju protiv terora vanzemaljaca. Borba u uskim prostorima zvjezdanih, drevnih rudnika, zaboravljenih hramova i napuštenih svemirskih brodova vaši templari će se suočiti s vanzemaljcima, ksenoformima,...
Version: 1.1.1g APK - Updated: February 14, 2019
* Ova igra nije kompatibilna s Androidom 13 i više nema podrške. Nažalost, nemamo nikakvih planova za ažuriranje. Cijenimo vaše razumijevanje.Zbog razloga održavanja aplikacija će privremeno biti nedostupna za 64-bitne uređaje nakon 31. srpnja 2021. Ovisno o optimizaciji za nove uređaje,...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: February 13, 2019
[+] M.E.M.O.R.I.Z.E 시즌5 [+]자격은 증명 되었다."돌아 가자."그 후로 기억나는 건 아무 것도 없었다.오로지 암흑이었다...[사용자 김수현의 요청을 받았습니다.][승인 완료, 통과 되었습니다.]['코드 네임, 제로' 를...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: February 01, 2019
ZombieVital DG je sveobuhvatna igra za upravljanje u kojoj postajete gospodar tamnice i odlučujete o postavljanju čudovišta, zamki i predmeta.Vaši posjetitelji, Hero, su u potrazi za uzbudljivim uzbuđenjem.Da bi zadovoljio te želje, izgradi tamnicu koja daje avanturistima osjećaj...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: January 30, 2019
아이들을 위한 새로운 타입의 코딩 교육즐기면서 배우는 코딩 어드벤처 RPG! 코딩용사 : 헬로코딩월드■ 누구나 쉽게 즐기는 코딩 게임프로그래밍 경험이 없는 어린이부터 성인까지패턴, 시퀀싱, 루프 등 프로그래밍의 기본...
Version: 2.4.3 APK - Updated: January 29, 2019
Google Play Editors Choice Rayman Jungle Run pokreće isti Ubiart Framework Engine koji vam je donio Rayman Origins - dobitnik brojnih Game of the Year i Platformer of the Year Awards. {br. Glazba - glatke kontrole temeljene na dodirima - Ekskluzivne pozadine za otključavanje vašeg uređaja ...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: January 28, 2019
Toasty Time, a highscore game about skill and speed. When the cute bread turns into toast that is ready, click it.. otherwise it will burn...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: January 28, 2019
Sort It Out, is a game where you sort out numbers, letters and symbols depending on what is requested. Get the highest score possible. Two games modes, with the hardest mode giving you no mercy for your mistake.
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: January 23, 2019
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 19, 2019
Grow is a simple Educational game created specifically to help young children recognise Shapes and Colours from an early age.Featured at the core of this is a custom system that ensures that shapes or colours that your child has trouble with will appear more frequently over time.
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: January 16, 2019
Version: 1064 APK - Updated: January 12, 2019
Craft your financial strategy to get out of the Rat Race using real estate, business, the stock market and master CASHFLOW – The Investing Game! Based on the original board game by Robert Kiyosaki, hone your financial strategy and claw your way out of the Rat Race to build your CASHFLOW Empire...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 10, 2019
This is the App to automate the IOT devices in your home.
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 06, 2019
Hell Mary The legend of Bloody Mary returns in the spookiest memory game yet!The LegendSometimes known as Hell Mary, Bloody Mary, Mary Worth, or Dead Mary, the legend of the terrifying fate she casts upon those foolish enough to summon her has existed in one form or another for hundreds of years....
Version: 1 APK - Updated: January 03, 2019
Ramanujan nació el 22 de diciembre de 1887 en Erode, en la provincia de Madrás, perteneciente Inglaterra. Con once años, Ramanujan había agotado el conocimiento matemático de dos estudiantes universitarios en su casa, cuando se graduó en la escuela secundaria en 1904, Ramanujan fue...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: December 25, 2018
Version: 1.1.7g APK - Updated: December 20, 2018
'Chronus Fragmenti' su potrebni za pripremu za 'Premotavanje vremena', koje se odvija samo jednom svakih 10 godina. Hoćete li ih moći nabaviti?Na putu do svetišta Chronus po fragmente, Loka i Teth okruženi su tajanstvenim čovjekom po imenu Geppel i njegovom družinom. Oni...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: December 19, 2018
★大好評のアプリ専用「追加オプション機能※1」を搭載!★組み合わせ・面白さ前作以上に算出不能!モンスター×仲間×アイテム『超抽選BATTLE』、新規要素“狩珠”『パチスロ モンスターハンター...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 13, 2018
Testing of a Battler Racing. Please disregard as this is only for internal communications.Testing of a Battler Racing. Please disregard as this is only for internal communications.Testing of a Battler Racing. Please disregard as this is only for internal communications.Testing of a Battler...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 12, 2018
Testing of a second paid app. Please disregard as this is only for internal consulting use.Testing of a second paid app. Please disregard as this is only for internal consulting use.Testing of a second paid app. Please disregard as this is only for internal consulting use.By installing this app...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: December 10, 2018
Uživajte u novoj igri za puzzle / igri za bijeg. Avanturistička igra s 3D bodom koja će očarati vašu maštu i pružiti izazov za bijeg. Idealno za djevojke, djecu i tinejdžere ili bilo koga tko želi uzbudljivu 3D avanturu labirinta na tropskom otoku, što biste učinili da ste nasukali na...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: December 09, 2018
Version: 1 APK - Updated: December 07, 2018
Do you crave all the excitement of old men and teenagers playing bat and ball on a sleepy Sunday afternoon in the countryside? Village Cricket could be the game for you!Using a simple button press to bat and bowl your way through 50 other villages; your team will have to overcome the challenges of...
Version: APK - Updated: December 06, 2018
最低配置要求:安卓6.0系統以上; 2GB RAM以上;支持OpenGL...
Version: 1.48 APK - Updated: December 05, 2018
Out of The Box je zadivljujući triler u kojem odlučujete o sudbini osebujnih kupaca luksuznog noćnog kluba u neprestanoj utrci protiv sata! Iskusite uzbudljivo platno GANGSTER-a… U ovoj simulaciji puzzle avanture vi ste Warren Baker, novi izbacivač prestižnog kluba The Box. Nakon što ste...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: December 04, 2018
WarGame - Silent universe는 전형적인 4x 게임(explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate)으로써 턴 기반의 우주 전략 게임입니다. 행성을 발전시키고 강한 함대들을 만들어 온 우주를 지배하세요!자세한 게임 내용은 스샷을...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: December 03, 2018
Fingertip Tennis IS NOT the most realistic tennis simulator.It is NOT the most precise.It doesn’t pay ATP licenses so it doesn’t feature famous tennis players (but it almost does).Fingertip Tennis is not the ultimate tennis game but IT IS one hundred times funnier and more original than any...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
*** 75% POPUSTA na ograničeno vrijeme! ***3, 2, 1 Kreni! Vježbajte, hranite se zdravo i budite u formi!Može li pas biti stručan preponaš? Trebate li raditi smoothije od voća ili pizze? Saznajte u ovoj zabavnoj fitnes igri za djecu koja nije nalik nijednoj drugoj.Birajte između 6 smiješnih...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: November 29, 2018
인간들에 의해 인류 마지막 기회의 행성으로 파견된 작은 마법의 로봇, 일로와 모험을 함께하세요. 뾰족한 모자를 쓰고 한 손에는 마법의 책을 든 일로는 테라포밍 비콘들을 찾아서 적대적인 크리처들이 가득한 세계를...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: November 27, 2018
"Gli Antiruggine" sono le app pensate per il ripasso delle discipline presenti nella scuola primaria: Italiano, Matematica, Storia, Scienze, Geografia e Inglese.In ogni app sono presenti più di 600 attività, oltre a questo tanti giochi di abilità, la possibilità di creare video e un...