Best Discount Games
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: October 24, 2015
Guida strategica ufficiale con approfondimenti di regolamento dipendente dal gioco da tavolo Waterloo™ Enemy Mistakes, prodotto da Sir Chester Cobblepot e Pendragon Game Studio. NON È UN GIOCO A SE STANTE. App in italiano.In questa guida strategica approfondita le regole di Waterloo Enemy...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 21, 2015
Das Saarland wimmelt weiter ... Finde auf neun neuen Wimmelmotiven versteckte Gegenstände. Ein weiteres Suchspiel zum Wimmelbuch "Das Saarland wimmelt - Band 2".Das zweite Wimmelbuch über das Saarland und die Saarländer erzählt auf 9 neuen Wimmelmotiven viele kleine und große...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: October 13, 2015
Игра, где все, что вам нужно сделать, это бросить мяч в коробку, звучит просто?Trick Shots -невероятно увлекательная минималистичная физическая головоломкой с...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 08, 2015
Le yinguqulo ephelele yomdlalo we-minesweeerper wakudala. * Amazinga amane ahlukene wobunzima: Ngezimayini ezingama-99 - Inkambiso: Kufika ku-30x30 ngezimayini ezingama-270 #} * Thepha kabili ukuvula isikwele, noma ukubukwa kwesikhungo esigcawini esivulekile. I-ONLINE TOP to Flag / FUNTAG...
Version: 3.0.02 APK - Updated: October 06, 2015
Parigi, autunno... un brutale assassinio al Palais Royale. Invitata a intervistare l'uomo di stato Pierre Carchon, Nico Collard si trova inestricabilmente coinvolta nelle trame di una terribile cospirazione.Ormai un classico tra le avventure grafiche, il plurinominato ai BAFTA "Broken...
Version: 3.0.02 APK - Updated: October 06, 2015
París en otoño... un asesinato brutal en el Palais Royale. Cuando inviten a Nico Collard a entrevistar al estadista Pierre Carchon, se verá involucrada irremisiblemente en una conspiración terrible.La aventura "Broken Sword: The Director's Cut", un clásico de todos los tiempos...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 14, 2015
Videojuego estilo platadormas en 3d, te ara pasar un buen rato.
Version: 1.6.0 APK - Updated: September 01, 2015
Dweba izinto ku-canvas bese uzibuka zihlangana ngesikhathi sangempela!Ngezinto ezingama-80+, amakhulu ezinhlobo zezinhlayiya ezahlukahlukene, futhi kucishe kufinyelelwe ku-140. Kukhona amathuba okungapheli okudala kanye nezinhlanganisela ezingatholakali. Zama ukuthola konke ukusabela, noma vele...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 24, 2015
【重要】Android 5.0、Android 5.1環境下での動作についてAndroid 5.0、Android...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 10, 2015
I-Anime RPG ngumdlalo we-sandbox rpg. Nge-Veristics Cartoon Graphics futhi yenzelwe amadivayisi we-Android kufanele ube yiqhawe ezweni eligcwele izilo kanye nabaphathi. Izilinganiso eziphelele ziqondisa isidlali. {# #} uhlelo lokusungula. ukuhlomisa uhlelo lokuhlomisa. Amakhono angavuleki. } ...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 09, 2015
※ 必ず、下記URLより アプリ/サービス利用規約を確認し、同意した上でご購入ください。この度「激Jパチスロ...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 05, 2015
* 실패 없는 문장 만들기* 뚱이쌤의 교구들을 모바일에서 만나봐요~뚱이쌤 씨리즈 3탄 뚱이쌤의 3단계 이야기 퍼즐 모바일 버전이 출시 되었습니다!!우리동네, 늘리미카드, 3단계 이야기 퍼즐, 조음치료 시리즈 야미야미 등을...
Version: APK - Updated: July 25, 2015
Games can be played both inside and outside the cockpit . You need to hit the enemy plane you encounter in the game. You should take care to avoid being hit because the amount can be limited . A warning will pop up when you go out for your return to the battlefield tactics . You explode if you do...
Version: 6.2c APK - Updated: July 24, 2015
■ポリシー・法務省 土地家屋調査士試験の過去問題です。・当アプリでは、下記の過去問題を収録しています。 ⅰ:平成23年度 筆記試験 午後の部 ⅱ:平成24年度 筆記試験 午後の部 ⅲ:平成25年度 筆記試験 ...
Version: 1.5.1544 APK - Updated: July 13, 2015
* Pocket Tactics - 5/5* Kusofa General - 90%* Pocket Gamer - 8/10* IGN - 8/10* Digitally Izithombe - 4.5 / 5* I Play Apps - 8/10* IPad Insight - App of the ngesontoIzimpi futhi Battles yesikhulumi of wargames-based ukujika balingise izimpi historical nemikhankaso emakhulwini amaningi eminyaka...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: July 08, 2015
Download Car Transporter and Play our new (PRO) version game on Android!In this game you are a Car Transporter and your job is to transport Cars and big trucks from the Truck Parking lot to the showroom garage. You complete this task if you transport all cars without damage to the destination.Drag...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: June 26, 2015
Abahloli abathathu bathola ukhiye ongaqondakali ebhokisini. Ngabe mhlawumbe kungenzeka ukuthi abe nento ephathelene nefa likaMnu. Steinberg osekupheleni kwesikhathi? Futhi futhi i-phantom engaqondakali iqala phakathi kwabo! Siza u-Justus, uPeter noBob ukuthi baxazulule icala...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
Izinhlamvu eziyisithupha abanokuhlangenwe ezihlukahlukene zobuntu, futhi owayephikisana womdlali in hardball ngaphandle ukukopela. Linda and ophaya ukuveza umsebenzi, ezifana uDora isixwayiso ukuveza umsebenzi, unikeza umsebenzi ephephile Wabasaqalayo.■ umsebenzi ukuze ujabulele esiteshini...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: June 22, 2015
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: June 19, 2015
memorizing multiplication tables using just a school textbook can be frustrating for you, and for your child. Thats kungani sithuthukise ama-Dragons okuphindaphindwa, ukuhlinzeka ngezindlela ezintsha, ezijabulisayo zokuzibandakanya nokuphindaphindwa okuvusa ukukhumbula ngekhanda nokukhunjulwa...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: June 08, 2015
平素よりスマートフォンアプリ「CRリング 呪いの7日間」をご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます。誠に勝手ながら「CRリング 呪いの7日間」アプリの配信を、2021年6月30日(水)をもちまして終了とさせていただきます...
Version: 1.0.5g APK - Updated: June 04, 2015
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: June 02, 2015
Charge up your soccer ball, calculate power and shoot down every rival in your way! Pass, shoot and destroy your opponents in brilliant battles on the field. Plan effective passes, take down heavy rowdies and smash the goalkeeper to win the match!‘Super Party Sports: Football’ is a physics...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: May 27, 2015
PLAY WITHOUT ADS!Join the fun in this wild fishing action and rush across the seven seas. Fly fishing is boring! Grab your guns and explosives and let’s catch some fish REDNECK STYLE! Forget about idyllic ponds, or beautiful coral reefs. Dynamite Fishing – World Games will ship you to the best...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 20, 2015
Do you want your children to learn how to read? Let’s start learning letters of Russian alphabet.The Application Talking ABC-book is going to be your best assistant for teaching your child how to read. This interactive game for preschoolers is designed for using playing style for teaching kids...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 20, 2015
El juego de Memoria visual consiste en ordenar mentalmente números o letras.En la primera pantalla se puede seleccionar el numero de imágenes a ordenar, pulsando el botón izquierdo del final de pantalla, puede ser de 4 a 6 imágenes.Cada vez que se pulsa cambia el numero de imágenes, cuanto mas...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: April 17, 2015
Ngo-1988, uRush wavela neGolide! komunye wemidlalo ebanzi kakhulu ye-adventure yama-1980s. Manje, umdlalo owukhunjulwa ngenhliziyo yonke, iGold Rush! ithuthukiswe kabusha, ngamazinga aphakeme kakhulu wanamuhla. Akukho sici semidlalo yanamuhla esishaywe indiva. Ungathola i-California Gold Rush...