Best Discount Games
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 27, 2017
No ads version! Touch and drag to draw puzzle blocks and clear bricks from the board. You can only draw the blocks you’re given, so strategic thinking is a must! Play puzzles with your family for educational value, or compare puzzle Achievements with other mind puzzle fans around the world! This...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
Xander Transport is n Engelse opvoedkundige app vir jong kinders om deur gesonde tegnologie te leer oor vervoer. Kinders geniet die interaktiewe spin- en wedstryd -speletjie terwyl hulle leer oor vervoer en hul woordeskat uitbrei. Funksies: - Ouderdom toepaslik en vermaaklik -...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 26, 2017
N Seuntjie en sy bol maak sy triomfantelike terugkeer! As u die seun van die NES -klassieke herbegin, voer u u blob -jelliebone en kyk hoe hy verander in koel en nuttige voorwerpe om legkaarte op te los en die gevaar te ontsnap. Met sy robuuste en emosioneel gedrewe verhaal, uitdagende legkaarte...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Go is an ancient board game, is known as Weiqi in china, Baduk in Korea and Go in Japan.It helps to develop the capacity for discipline and engaging in an activity, develop local tactic and global strategic thinking, as well as developing focus for reading, writing, attending classes, and...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Ontspan en geniet al jou gunsteling solitaire-speletjies en die beste kenmerke in een wonderlike toepassing! Ons pragtige nuwe animasies sal vermaak en vermaak terwyl jy speel. Pragtige agtergronde en kaartrugte laat jou die perfekte atmosfeer skep om jou welverdiende ruskans in die dag te geniet....
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Dit is tyd om te leer speel met musiek deur die interaktiewe vertonings wat Froggy Bands vir Nini voorberei het.'n Uitstekende onderrighulpbron vir kinders 5 tot 8 wat help om 'n musikale sintuig te ontwikkel wat ontwerp is vir beide klaskamer en tuisgebruik.In die kleurvolle land van The...
Version: 2.6 APK - Updated: September 25, 2017
Wield your sword and fight hordes of enemies in Daylight Dojo!Fight a variety of enemies of the night as they infiltrate the dojo in an attempt to capture the rare jewel it houses. Use 5 unique motion-controlled weapons such as a katana, kunai, bo staff, and more! After you have completed all 5...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: September 25, 2017
hey yall! Is u gereed om realistiese vragmotors deur die Verenigde State van Amerika op u selfoon te bestuur? Truck Simulator America 2 is die beste simulator vir swaar voertuie wat ooit gemaak is! Na jare om die scenario en die vragmotors te verbeter, skep ons die beste ervaring van simulasie vir...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 23, 2017
Tab est un jeu de tableau à double entrée de difficulté très progressive.Il a été créé et testé en collaboration avec des orthophonistes, éducateurs spécialisés et parents d'enfants avec des besoins particuliers (autisme, dys, ...)
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 23, 2017
Same est un jeu d’association.L’enfant joueur doit placer un objet sur le même parmi les propositions.Ce jeu est de difficulté très progressive et adapté à tous les enfants, en particulier ceux atteints de troubles de l’apprentissage.Il a été développé en concertation avec des...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: September 23, 2017
Arkadaşların ile oynaman için büyük fırsat!Zirvedeki bardağı düşüren kaybeder ve cezalandırılır.
Version: 4.0 APK - Updated: September 22, 2017
Leer deur spa, uitdaging en kompetisie. En dit met die voorkeurmedium van ons kinders: die selfoon of tablet. Vertrou ons waarnemings: Ons eie kinders vergeet van hierdie speletjie in hierdie speletjie. Hoe meer u op die wêreldranglys gly, hoe meer is die aansporing vir die volgende wedstryd. Die...
Version: 1.7.820 APK - Updated: September 21, 2017
In Vaal Konyn Gat, is jy 'n haas wat 'n gat val en soveel rommel as moontlik eet. Om af te staan op walglike gesonde kos, soos groente, draai jou maag - en as jy breek, verloor jy vordering om die rondte te voltooi - probeer om nie stukke te blaas nie!Kenmerke:- 2 spel modi -...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: September 21, 2017
Kom saam met Lollos op n' avontuur na ikoniese Lollos wêrelde!Leer jou ABC, Luister lekker saamsing liedjies, Maak die ongelukkige maatjie gelukkig deur vir hulle Lalalollies te gee en bou kleurvolle en interaktiewe legkaarte!Wie weet?.. Dalk is daar n verrassing of twee om te ontdek!
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 21, 2017
"Cultures: 8 Wonder of the World" is deel van die wyd gewild RTS spel reeks "kulture" en die opvolger van die bekende en suksesvolle "Kulture 2 - Die Gates van Asgard" en "kulture: Northland". Hierdie avontuur en strategie spel sal jy sien die aanvaarding van...
Version: 1.2.7 APK - Updated: September 20, 2017
✔ YOU CAN FIND GOOGLE PLAY ORDER NUMBER HERE: ✔✔ CONTACT US ([email protected]) IF YOU CANNOT ACTIVATE THE GAME ✔Welcome to the world of "The Survivor", hit by unknown virus which has wiped out most of the...
Version: 1.00.00 APK - Updated: September 20, 2017
Daar is geen besware nie! na die jongste inskrywing in die ACE -prokureur -reeks! Sluit aan by Phoenix Wright en Apollo Justice terwyl hulle sake tuis en in die buiteland aanpak! Met n kleurryke rol van karakters, insluitend die terugkeer van die fan-gunsteling Maya Fey, is hierdie vollengte spel...
Version: 1.83 APK - Updated: September 20, 2017
August 25th, 1967. Jessica Müller never found out what happened to her family in Germany when she was a child. She became an orphan very young and has been adopted by an american family which turned back to the US in 1955. Jessica was to that time 11 years old. She never forgot the dramatic...
Version: Alpha APK - Updated: September 19, 2017
2018-01-01 bedienerprobleme wat vandag voorkom, is reggestel. Die spel werk nou korrek. Geniet pret, Team Jackstudio Die beste en oorspronklike Tube Tycoon -simulator in Google Play Indie Game, geliefd deur Duisende spelers, nou op u mobiele toestel! Dit is YouTube Simulator...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: September 19, 2017
SunnyFunnies are interactive tales – educational games for children, ages 2-5. This app was developed in collaboration with educational specialists and tested together with experts in kindergartens. The tales are aimed at improving skills such as language, perception and artistic expression.In...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: September 19, 2017
SunnyFunnies are interactive tales – educational games for children, ages 2-5. This app was developed in collaboration with educational specialists and tested together with experts in kindergartens. The tales are aimed at improving skills such as language, perception and artistic expression.How...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: September 19, 2017
Enjoy a new amazing adventure on this classic platform game around the galaxy.This a real indie game. The entirely game has been made by an only one person, and it pretends to be a tribute to the classic platform games of the 8 and 16 bits era. Be amazed by the big pixels of this game!This game has...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 18, 2017
*Attention! Geniuses solve this puzzles in 80 minutes! ;)15 puzzle according to the rules Tower of Hanoi. The object of the puzzle is to place the tiles in order on the number and color by making minimum moves.The rules:1. Only one top tile can be moved at a time.2. No tile may be placed on top of...
Version: 0.6.5 APK - Updated: September 18, 2017
Deep below the ice in Polar City, everyone is asleep. Up on the surface of Kenopsia, the Custodians are busy making a world. For the next four million years they will be creating a paradise for the sleepers; living machines made to sculpt a perfect garden. Custodian 98 wakes and starts its job,...
Version: 1.61 APK - Updated: September 18, 2017
Be a frog!Leap your way across the beautiful pond and see what's on the menu.Arcade Mode:Catch tasty insects in Arcade Mode and beat the high score. But watch out for those nasty wasps – they'll leave a bad taste. This makes the dragonflies (slow motion) and ladybugs (night vision) taste...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: September 17, 2017
Classic Spider Solitaire is een van die wêreld se gewildste kaartspeletjies, en dit is nou joune op u mobiele toestel! Geniet spel wat ontwerp is vir eindelose vermaak in die palm van u hand. Dit is perfek soos n onderbreking van die werk, wag in die ry, of net om jou duime te draai! asemrowende...
Version: 1.62 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
*** LIMITED OFFER - 99p Price Promotion! *** Storage Hunters UK: The Game is the official app of the hit TV show! With Sean Kelly as your auctioneer, you’ll visit auction houses across the UK finding hidden treasure and making big money!- OFFICIAL GAME OF THE HIT TV SHOWWith Sean Kelly making the...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
Play a classic Solitaire patience card game on your android device.Classic Klondike Solitaire is one of the world’s most popular card games, and it's now yours, on your mobile device! Enjoy 3D playing cards, stunning animations, and gameplay designed for endless entertainment in the palm of...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2017
Free math games for everyone. Best math practice. Improve your mathematics.Categories:AdditionSubtractionMultiplicationDivisionExponentiationSquare RootNow download and play for free!It has been designed suitable for both the smartphones and the tablets.