Najlepšie Zľavové Hry

Najlepšie Zľavové Hry
Version: 9 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
Zoznámte sa s Henrym: Intrepid Explorer a High-oktane dobrodruh, s klobúkom širším ako je vysoký! Henry žije pre vzrušenie. a zhromažďovanie lesklých predmetov. Obzvlášť veľký na celú vec lesklých objektov (možno je v maskovaní magpie). Táto posledná expedícia bude...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 31, 2017
You can train as a Thai ancient massage master at VR.* This app is a complete purchase and there is no additional charge.Although you can play without VR goggles,We recommend using VR goggles and headphones.【Contents】We will massage beautiful lady customers (Yuno Takasaki) from the viewpoint of...
Version: 1.0.47349 APK - Updated: August 30, 2017
Lola and the Giant is a third and first person VR adventure game where you play as both a mysteriously powerful girl and a huge and strong stoney Giant. Switching between their unique perspectives of the world and using their individual abilities, you will solve light puzzles, encounter crazy...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 29, 2017
Învață 12 animale folosind tableta sau telefonul.Aplicația conține 12 ilustrații cu animale și la apăsarea unui buton, va întreba automat în mod aleator "unde este câinele?", așteptând răspunsul dar și corectând un răspuns greșit. Ea funcționează pe toate tipurile de...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 29, 2017
Toto je bludisko VR (virtuálna realita) pre mobilný telefón s Androidom, kde by ste mali zbierať poklady, zatiaľ čo niekoľko tvorov (múmia, pavúk, ...) sa vás snaží chytiť a rušiť v temnej pyramíde. Nájdete tu aj pasce v bludisku, takže vám nebude ľahká práca, aby ste...
Version: 6.1.35 APK - Updated: August 28, 2017
Zahrajte si zadarmo RPG verziu "Star Traders RPG" predtým, než si kúpite Elite a užívať si hodiny ťahové stratégiu v kvadrante zadarmo! V trasú Brothers nikdy spustiť reklamy v našich hrách - teraz inzerát zdarma, povolenie zadarmo zážitok!Veď svojich dôstojníkov a...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: August 28, 2017
ABC Candy is an Interactive game app specially designed for development of the child in fun, joyful, creative and intuitive way.The alphabets are crafted in colorful Candy themes which are favorite for Children and helps them to remembers the alphabets easily.3 illustrative characters for each...
Version: 3.0.1 APK - Updated: August 27, 2017
Welcome to Math For Kids Games! Math For Kids is a new educational app that focuses on numbers and math learning. This colorful game presents a collection of math exercises for kids from 2 to 10 years, divided into several categories based on difficulty.The app includes the following topics:...
Version: 1.30 APK - Updated: August 27, 2017
Verili by ste, ak vám povieme, že vám dávame 100 000 mincí zadarmo pri inštalácii tejto hry o varení, pomocou ktorej môžete odomknúť množstvo vzrušujúcich úrovní a kúpiť si množstvo kuchynských spotrebičov? A tu to máte, je to všetko pravda. Nainštalujte si teraz a...
Version: 1.15 APK - Updated: August 27, 2017
Získať 50000 mince v hodnote $ 10 absolútne zadarmo s týmto vydaním. Byť najlepší kuchár v tejto varenie hry, množstvom úrovní, reštaurácií, čašníci, zákazníkmi riadom a kuchynským spotrebiče sú na vás čaká. V tejto hre budete vlastníkom svojho vlastného kaviarne a vy...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
Triple Play Draw Poker poskytuje autentický pocit pre video poker, ako sa hrá v kasínach po celom svete. Zahrnuté je 5 herných variácií pokeru Triple Play Draw, ktoré si všetci hráči užívajú; Jacks alebo lepšie, dvojitý bonusový poker, trojitý dvojitý bonus poker, bonus deluxe a...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
In this exciting virtual reality experience, you will come face to face with dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals.Across 6 different beautifully crafted environments you will get to observe and learn about many fascinating creatures that once roamed our planet. You can watch them from a safe...
Version: 1.1.5 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
Gemini - Cesta z dvoch hviezd je interaktívny báseň a videohry asi dve hviezdy lietanie do neba spoločne.Si hviezda. Stretnutie s iným svojho druhu, budete pohybovať v tandeme, aby preskúmala mýtickej medzery. Spoločne budete točiť a surfovať na pohyby tekutín, zdieľať okamihy...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
1872, so zákrutom steampunk. Phileas Fogg sa stavil, že môže obísť svet za osemdesiat dní.Vyberte si svoju vlastnú cestu okolo 3D zemegule, cestujte vzducholoďou, ponorkou, mechanickým ťavom, parným vláčikom a ďalšími, pretekajte s ostatnými hráčmi a hodinami, ktoré sa nikdy...
Version: 6.5 APK - Updated: August 25, 2017
"Deti sa dozvedieť o zvieratách" je vzdelávací hra pre deti vo veku 1 - 4 roky od série "Malý človek učí Words"!Spolu so svojím dieťaťom, môžete sledovať nádherné obrazy rôznych zvierat, to všetko pri učení ich mená a počúvať jedinečné zvuky...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
Now 25% off!Defend your VR dungeon from invading "heroes" with traps, spells & monsters! "INCREDIBLE" - Android Central / VR Heads "Best Google Daydream VR Games" - Recombu "The graphics and humor are fun, and the mechanics are what you’d expect...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
In Zombie Basement you will find yourself in a Basement full of Zombies. Fight them with various Weapons and try to stay alive as long as you can...Notice: You will need to shake the Controller to reload. Make shure there is enough free room for you to play without hurting yourself.Have fun!music...
Version: 1.5.3 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
eTABU is a party game where players of two teams guess the keywords presented by their team-mates, who cannot use the forbidden words or gestures. The team who earns a certain amount of points first, wins. The option to choose a foreign language makes this game a great way to learn and have fun....
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 24, 2017
FANTASTICKÉ HLADENÉ OBJEKTY PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME od tvorcov ENIGMATIS a GRIM LEGENDS!V spodnej časti lesa je skrytý tajný svet: magické kráľovstvo Brie, kde žijú malí ľudia v harmónii so zvieratami. Keď sa malý Max nazýva doma, aby pomohol svojej odcudzenej matke, nikdy si...
Version: 2.93 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
Táto verzia má viac balíkov slovnej zásoby! viac hier! Viac koží! Život v Tokiu a štúdium japončiny, naučím sa veľa nového slova, ktoré by som sa nemohol učiť bez úplného zážitku z ponorenia. Nakoniec som dostal jasný nápad, aby som niektoré z nich napísal. Spočiatku...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 24, 2017
The beginning of all beginnings! The world is coming to a fatal point! Pharaoh awoke and is ready to rule his new kingdom, but the world has changed, and sacred things are scattered all over the world.    It's time to restore balance and collect all the magical artifacts together. But evil...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 23, 2017
Sisters: Faye & Elsa Part II now out:, Massachusetts. 1993. Aunt Faye has gone missing. That’s how you – Emmanuel Burke – came to be locked inside her old house at 11 Sansome Way, only to discover it may not...
Version: 1.7.3 APK - Updated: August 22, 2017
Journey with "Haha" as she ascends a deadly tower in this exciting puzzle game. Face new challenges in each room, including new obstacles, enemies and traps. Don't rely on your speed or strength to get you through this; only your smarts can help you reach the...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 21, 2017
Coding SpriteBox je plne rozvinutá dobrá hra, ktorá vám umožní kódovať. Ak chcete nájsť kúsky vašej zlomenej rakety. Preskúmate rôzne svety, stretnete nové znaky, vyriešite hádanky a odomknete chladné oblečenie. Spritebox kódovanie pokrýva nasledujúce koncepty programovania:...
Version: 15.973.GM APK - Updated: August 21, 2017
Technologické údaje o nukleárnej vychádzkovej nádrži, kovový prevodový stupeň, unikajú na čierny trh. Legendárny hrdina, Solid Snake, sa vydáva na snahu o tanker, ktorý nesie nový prototyp Metal Gear. Ale had spadá do pasce a verí sa, že je stratený spolu s tankerom na dne rieky...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2017
• Control your dropship to place and upgrade towers• 15 levels to conquer • Toggle between abilities on your dropship providing either faster movement and build times or a attack rate boost to nearby towers. Position is key while managing your precious resource that powers these abilities.•...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2017
Vírusy sa šíria v regióne. Veľké množstvo ľudí je infikovaných vírusmi a stáva sa zombie. Vaším poslaním je zabiť ich všetkých a nájsť cestu von. Posledný strelec z v Killer vám dáva nový zážitok a emócie s pohybom vo virtuálnej nehnuteľnosti. Boj s hordy krvných...
Version: 1.2.9 APK - Updated: August 19, 2017
The world of PixelTerra is quite dangerous so you need to build a shelter, find some food supply and get ready to protect yourself from monsters in order to survive at least a couple of days. Then you can only hope that the walls of your shelter will be strong enough to withstand the onslaught.In...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 16, 2017
!!!WEEKLONG SALE!!! 33% OFF! (Nov. 5 - Nov. 11.)An expansion by Zarista Games.The Quest - Thor's Hammer is an expansion to The Quest, a beautifully hand-drawn open world role playing game with old school grid-based movement and turn based combat.This expansion has been designed for low level...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: August 15, 2017
Unfit players, greedy agents, septic tattoos and rowdy fans are just some of the challenges you’ll face as you attempt to take your team to the top! Swipe Manager: Soccer is a ‘choose your own adventure’ game where you call the shots as a football manager, controlling everything via a card...