Bedste Rabatspil
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 14, 2017
A fidget spinner is a toy that consists of a ball-bearing in the center of a multi-lobed flat structure made from metal or plastic designed to spin along its axis with little effort.Fidget spinners became popular toys in 2017, although similar devices had already been invented as early as 1993. The...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 11, 2017
Ваш малыш не хочет говорить? Заметили проблемы с произношением звуков или букв? Наша игра поможет Вашему малышу выучить алфавит, научит читать, считать и поможет...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 10, 2017
Dit yndlingsspilkørsel Academy Indien bringer dig nu uden annonceafbrydelser - Driving Academy India - Deluxe! Vejtegn og bilkørsel gjorde enklere bare til dig! Tilmeld dig denne virtuelle skole for kørsel kaldet Driving Academy India - Deluxe, og mestre dine køre- og parkeringsevner på...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
An educational chibi steampunk adventure game where kids use math skills to defeat steambots and save the land of Pythagorum! Made for kids ages 6 to 12 to practice their basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Play as Amelia Gearhart to recover the stolen gears from the evil...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Tiles gameis a slide puzzle which break the images into pieces. In this puzzle game, player select any picture from picture gallery to break and want to solve it by matching different pieces to their right place. An interesting thing of this puzzle game is that, you can select a picture from its...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 10, 2017
Akashic Portal Spillet vil afslutte ødelæggelsen af verden, som vi kender den. i spilfirmaet Studio med et nyt spil, der snart lanceres. Hoko vågner fra en lur efter en lur efter en lur efter En lang arbejdsdag. Alle er væk. Alt udenfor er ødelagt og øde. Hun sidder fast,...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
*** Vinder af 2017 Børnenes BAFTA for bedste Interaktiv ***Duggee ryg og denne gang han tildele Vi elsker dyr Badge. Sikker annonce-fri sjovt for dine små!Egern er at lære at passe dyr ... og nu er det din tur til at have en go!Der er ni skøre skabninger til at passe i fem dejlige steder. Hav...
Version: 28 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
-------------- 14 dagars returrätt! ----------------Google erbjuder en 2-timmars returrätt, men om du behöver lite mer tid på dig så får du två veckor istället.Om du skulle vilja be att få lämna tillbaks appen, skicka mig det ordernummer som du fått på kvittot Google mailat till dig...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
The Best Horror/Adventure Game of 2017!"As the legends say there is a hidden mask in the Pharabis pyramid left by the god of sun. The mask which makes the user control the elements of the nature could only be used by the pharaohs. But the last pharaoh put this mask in a really hidden room.For...
Version: APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
Administrer din egen gård og køre massive maskiner i en åben verden!Farming Simulator 16 giver dig mulighed for at styre din egen realistisk gård i ekstraordinære detaljer. Plant, vokse, høst, og sælge fem forskellige afgrøder, hæve køer og får, og sælge træ i dit eget tempo. Køb nye...
Version: 8 APK - Updated: August 09, 2017
Please note:If you are having issues starting the game,please reboot your device, as the data download doesn't get loaded in thefirst time in some situations.The Deep Paths: Labyrinth Of Andokost is a first-person, dungeon crawling RPG, with traditional grid-based movement, and active...
Version: 2.5.3 APK - Updated: August 08, 2017
1.9$ IS FOR DONATIONS ONLY- Please consider donating- Donations support MANY open-source projects and developersA high quality emulator to run N64 game files. Play your favorite N64 games on your Android device. You need to place your own game files onto the SD card before running this N64...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: August 08, 2017
En rejse til en mystisk gammel civilisation.Et museum udstilling sender uventet en ung kvinde til en parallel verden. Nu hun har brug for at finde en vej hjem - og også redde hende planet. Det var sent om aftenen, og museet var næsten tom. På Maya artefakt udstilling, en af udstillingerne...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 08, 2017
Welcome our best memory game we've ever made.Memorize the pattern for a few seconds then redraw it.Try to solve the pattern for the first try.What we offer:- 3 difficulty- 15 handmade skins- More than 150 levelsTest your memory and tenacity! Good Luck & Have Fun!
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: August 05, 2017
Welcome to Ball Jour, the classic casual game very easy to learn and super fun to play!It’s a game to DAUB for! Jump right in and play Ball Jour. Play with friends and family and measure your remembering skills.This helps in Brain storming also.This is a Memory Game , look the balls and memorize...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 04, 2017
Master all the helicopters controls in this amazing SimCopter - Helicopter Simulator! Incredible detailed 3D models from helicopters and airports, you will be able to master all the skills you need to learn how to take off and land those amazing machines!We created many missions for you, so you can...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
R.B.I. Baseball 2017 vender tilbage med hurtig tempo, højoktan, pick-up-and-play baseball action. Bemærk: På grund af den høje efterspørgsel efter grafikbehandling, R.B.I. Baseball 17 understøtter kun enheder med hukommelse/processor, der kan sammenlignes med Samsung Galaxy S5 og op. Tag...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: August 03, 2017
Flight Simulator X 2014 is the most advanced simulation already developed for Android. We have been improving the physics for years, and finally we are proud to announce our flight simulator!Prepare for the real experience of flying a aircraft over New York city!Choose one of the most famous...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Sumérgete en esta espectacular y fantástica aventura, introduciéndote en la piel de Axel, un joven que por extrañas y misteriosas circunstancias a perdido a su hermana y tomara un largo e increíble camino para intentar rescatarla. En un viaje lleno de magia y criaturas extrañas a las que...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Flick your way passed obstacles chasing that elusive hole in one.Simply move the guide on the ball and release to take the shot.
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: August 03, 2017
Med Antolin læse Ravens kan øge deres læsefærdigheder på en sjov måde børn. Her koncentration og opfattelse, øjenbevægelser og øjne margin til at blive uddannet. Dette fremmer sikkerheden i ordet afsløring og forbedrer læsefærdigheder børn. Den kærligt designet og hurtige øvelser...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: August 02, 2017
★ Awarded 3rd place in the "Best App" category of TOMMI Kindersoftwarepreis 2017! ★Do you sometimes get that feeling of wanting to escape everyday life for a bit? “In the Garden of Dandelions” takes you on a journey into a world full of magic, wishes and dreams. Fly like a...
Version: 5.2 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
"This reimagining of the classic Talisman gameplay in the Warhammer 40k universe is one of the most gorgeous digital board games I have ever seen." - Brad Cummings, Boardgamegeek.comTalisman: The Horus Heresy is a digital board game based on the Talisman rule system and set in the...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
[이벤트 종료 공지]신과함께 반값 할인 이벤트 종료안녕하세요 팀헤임달입니다.여러분의 관심으로 진행되던 반값 할인 이벤트가 종료 되었습니다.많은 관심과 사랑 보내주셔서 너무나 감사합니다.앞으로 더욱 다양한...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
**NY VERSION*** Tilføjet mulighed for at sejle rundt om kurser på en cruising monohull eller en strand katamaran!* Delfiner! Det ville ikke sejle uden disse magiske væsner holde jer virksomhed på dine eventyr!* Ny prisuddeling, der vil udfordre dig til at lære mere og sejle hurtigere!* Ny...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 01, 2017
베타버젼 입니다.----개발자 연락처 :융합코딩교육 프로그램 메이킹 입니다.
Version: 1.14 APK - Updated: July 31, 2017
Mange århundreder er gået før menneskeheden endelig har nået sit længe ventede mål - vi har erobret jorden og gjort naturkræfterne til slaver. Men du ved, hvordan de siger, jo større de er - jo hårdere falder de. Til sidst faldt vi, og det var hårdt. Den miljømæssige...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: July 29, 2017
Увлекательный текстовый квест о жителе средневековой Испании, который волею судеб оказался на необитаемом острове. Он всего лишь простой торговец специями,...
Version: 0.90c APK - Updated: July 29, 2017
Lev dit tilfældige eventyr, opdag nye øer, kæmp mod monstre, vokse op dit eget kæledyr for at hjælpe dig med kampene, følg opgaver af landsbyboere, indsamle genstande og få mere og mere udstyret, når du rejser gennem dit tilfældige eventyr Roguelike. Rar er et Roguelike -spil, hvor du...