Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.1.7 APK - Updated: December 10, 2018
Türkçe Artikülasyon Terapisi PROTeach yourself /your child / student / individuals how to pronounce and to listen the sounds in the Turkish language.Türkçe Artikülasyon Terapisi is the only articulation & speech app in Turkish. Created by Speech & Language Clinican Ayşegül...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: December 09, 2018
This is a gamebook with several adventures. Your hero has attributes and can make meaningful choices. You will die in those adventures, a lot.Starting point of one of the adventures:"You sit in a bar. Your good, chemically altered mood starts to wear off. You try to pay for yet another opium...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: December 03, 2018
Raziščite sosedovo hišo in razkrijte njegovo skrivnostSosed je bil vedno nenavadna oseba in nekaj, kar je skrival v svoji hiši, postaneš radoveden in greš k njemu domov, a namesto da bi se seznanil, te začne loviti, se izogiba sosedovim pastem in tudi samostojno študira hiša.V zlobnem...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: November 30, 2018
Kaj je bolje kot glasno heavy metal, nasilje z video igrami in intenzivno glavo? nič! Ta igra ima vse. To je nadaljevanje Die za metal in prinaša bolj brutalno glasbo s težkim metalom, temno atmosfero, oceane krvi in ​​45 krute ravni, ki jih lahko osvojijo v imenu metala! { #{ #} ===...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: November 28, 2018
The premier SNES emulator! Developed from the ground up to deliver the fastest play possible. Easily locate and play your favorite titles by scanning your phone to view your list of installed ROMs!★ Fastest emulation with best game compatibility★ Superb user interface that's easy to use★...
Version: 1.602 APK - Updated: November 22, 2018
To igro so razvili resnični kontrolorji zračnega prometa. Zasnovan je tako, da je zabaven in zelo realističen. Ta izdaja ponuja osem letališč, ki vključujejo Los Angeles International, Boston Logan, Laguardia, Vancouver Harbor Float Rane Base, Jamaica, Toronto Island, Castlegar in Rocky...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: November 09, 2018
********************Igra, ki je začela legendo DRAGON QUEST, je končno tu za mobilne naprave!Odkrijte RPG, ki je osvojil srca dveh generacij!Vstopite v domišljijski svet mečev, magije in pošasti v enem samostojnem paketu!Prenesite ga enkrat in ne boste imeli več ničesar za kupiti in ničesar...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: November 09, 2018
Drugi del slavne serije Dragon Quest končno prihaja na mobilne naprave! Raziščite poštene dežele in umazane ječe v tej klasični RPG vseh časov!Vsako čudovito orožje, spektakularen urok in izjemnega nasprotnika v tem bogatem domišljijskem svetu lahko odkrijete v enem samem samostojnem...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: November 04, 2018
Carigrad je solitaire zgodovinski Wargame zajema tisočletno zgodovino Bizantinskega cesarstva, od ustanovitve Carigrada v AD330 do njenega padca AD1453. Boste uporabljali vojaško lahko pa tudi diplomacijo in dokončne podkupovanja, da veliko nasprotujočih si sil v zaliv za čim dlje. Lahko...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: October 24, 2018
Iščete akcijsko-avanturo z epsko zgodbo in edinstvenim igranjem? Ne iščite več. Chasers v oblaku - Potovanje je upanje.Vodite sledilno očetovo in hčerinsko ekipo skozi smrtonosne puščave distopijske prihodnosti.Doživite več pripovednih srečanj s čudnimi, zlobnimi in čudovitimi...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 18, 2018
Le jeu "Drôles de zigotos" est une ressource pédagogique pour les élèves et les enseignants de 2e et 3e années. Il consiste en une suite de petits casse-têtes. Directement tirée du volume du même nom, l'application permet à l'utilisateur de stimuler son sens de...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 17, 2018
Pirati! Showdown je hitra igra, ki združuje strategijo v realnem času (RTS) in obrambne taktike. Popolna igra za Android brez oglasov in nakupov v aplikaciji.Predstavljeno v Googlu Play"...poenostavljen način podajanja dela Pirates! Showdown precej mojstrskega."
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 15, 2018
La course aux sons 2 est une ressource pédagogique pour les élèves et les enseignants du préscolaire et de 1re année, ainsi qu’en adaptation scolaire. Il consiste en une suite d’exercices de reconnaissance des syllabes et s’inspire du jeu du même nom en version...
Version: 1.2.5 APK - Updated: October 12, 2018
Jungle Music je izobraževalna igra, ki vam omogoča, da se zlahka naučite brati glasbene opombe v vseh Clefs z inovacijsko, progresivno, igrivo in poučno metodo, posebej zasnovano za začetniške glasbenike. Dosezite svoje iskanje skozi džunglo puščave Otok in nahranite svoj kameleon z...
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: October 01, 2018
IT'S ALWAYS NIGHT IN SPACEJourney through a mysterious flying city called Starship Frivolity where every inhabitant is obsessed with the latest space-craze, The Card Game! Battle them to win their trust - and their cards! - and progress through the dubious laboratories, haunted docks and lethal...
Version: 1.46 APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
Миллионер 2К18 - на данный момент это лучшая игра - викторина для мобильных устройств. В нашей викторине каждый участник может проверить свой интеллект и эрудицию....
Version: 1.46 APK - Updated: September 19, 2018
"If you've got any love for strategy RPGs, you shouldn't let this one pass you by." - Touch Arcade - 4½ out of 5 starsThe Last Warlock is a turn based strategy and role-playing game. Command your Warlock across a series of hand-crafted quests, encountering monsters, traps,...
Version: 2.8.1 APK - Updated: September 14, 2018
Multiplayer released here: Updates/News: PC, Mac, Android:
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: September 05, 2018
Zgradite most z različnimi materiali, ga preizkusite z avtomobili in tovornjaki ter odklenite naslednjo stopnjo draženja možganov!V Bridge Constructorju se izkažete kot izkušen mojster gradnje mostov! Preizkusite svoje gradbene sposobnosti in zgradite mostove čez globoke doline, kanale in...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 26, 2018
Magic Trick #13 allows you to make visually appear a spectator's chosen card by shaking pips card over your smartphone screen!Watch trailer to see how powerful is this new app: trick designed by Mikael Montier./// Magic Apps have been...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: August 26, 2018
Magic Trick #7 gives the ability to prank your friends in a such crazy way!Shaking your smartphone will make your icons fall under gravity and bounce together.Pro version makes your smartphone transparent!Watch trailer to see how powerful is this new app: trick...
Version: 2 APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
Get ready for some Surprise Eggs fun! Multiple eggs with a surprise! What's hidden inside the eggs? Knock an egg until it's striped and find out what the big surprise is hidden in each egg! Be careful, this game is very addictive! Surprise Eggs is the best application for entertaining small...
Version: APK - Updated: August 20, 2018
ChessBase Online za Android* Get takojšen dostop do super hitro strežnikom baz podatkov s pet milijonov šahovskih iger.* Ostani na vrhu vrhunske šahovske teorije s strežnikom baz podatkov, ki se posodablja tedensko.* Izboljšajte svoje začetne spretnosti s preverjanjem variacij z krovu in...
Version: 3.33 APK - Updated: August 18, 2018
CrossCraze je zabavna, sodobna različica klasične igre križank, zasnovana za igralce, ki imajo raje izziv računalniškega nasprotnika. Igrate lahko tudi brez povezave s prijateljem. Ta različica PRO je popolnoma brez oglasov in vključuje 4 dodatne sloge plošč. ◆ 10 RAVNI SPRETNOSTISte...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: July 29, 2018
Enjoy the most realistic driving simulator VAZ 2108 PREMIUM! There is a huge Russian countryside and the roads, where you will go from a beginner to a professional in their field!★ Race with local riders, learn to Park cars off-road, drift or immerse yourself in the intriguing events of the game...
Version: 1.12-premium APK - Updated: July 29, 2018
Brez oglasovUčinkovita izobraževalna igra za otroke.Omogoča enostavno in hitro izboljšanje veščin mentalnega računanja.Aplikacija obsega 10+ razburljivih iger.Tu bodo vsi našli zanimive in smešne stvari.Matematične igre pomagajo razviti duševne spretnosti, izboljšati spomin,...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: July 25, 2018
右腦映像珠心算教程(粵語配音)+珠算遊戲加強訓練 。詳情介紹:...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: July 23, 2018
Zeus Quests Remastered is a Greek mythology game with Sci-fi effect where Zeus the God of War is about to save the world from the explosion and for that, he will be travelling the time to fix the explosion and for that Zeus underwent many exciting places and natural scenes of ocean, rain, volcano...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: July 12, 2018
Frutakia 2 - match 3 puzzler as the name suggests it is come back of Frutakia, with the modest outlook and gameplay. Another invention of the crazysoft limited, who is already the founder of popular and addictive games like Paintball, Zeus Quest Remastered & The Odyssey & Nelly. Now...
Version: 1.516 APK - Updated: July 10, 2018
Explore and fight your way through nature, urban and abstract themed areas in the human Young's subconscious, evoked by a 16-bit-era visual style and a moody, dream-like soundtrack.Anodyne is a full-length adventure created by Sean Han Tani (programming, music) and Joni Kittaka (artwork,...