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Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: June 22, 2017
▶ Game Features ◀1. Swipe Action RPG!The launch of a new Swipe Action RPG!Action feels even more realistic through faster controls and a new attack feature!2. Fast game speed and quicker clearing of dungeons!Even faster gameplay mean more exciting action and shorter dungeon clear...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 21, 2017
Harvest Moon Lil’ Farmers is a digital activity playset for young children and the young at heart! Simple enough for young children to play alone as well as with help from a caregiver, players can enjoy all the fun of farming and animal care with just a tap, swipe, drag and press of the...
Version: 1.2.2 APK - Updated: June 21, 2017
After Days illustrates what happened in the Shindhupalchok District after the April 2015 Nepal earthquake (also known as the Gorkha earthquake). Located in the Northeastern part of the country, Shindhupalchok was one of the most severely damaged areas with more than 90% of its houses demolished and...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: June 19, 2017
Happy Winter – Unbelievable prices until 01/04/2017 – Discover Vampire: Prelude now at a reduced price.The classic roleplaying game Vampire: The Masquerade returns to digital games with a Prelude of things to come. Experience a brand new interactive fiction, written and illustrated by award-...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: June 19, 2017
Happy Winter – Unbelievable prices until 01/04/2017 – Discover Mage: The Ascension now at a reduced price.The groundbreaking roleplaying game Mage: The Ascension manifests in our turbulent present with Refuge, an interactive fiction written by critically-acclaimed author Karin Tidbeck.Set in...
Version: 1.3.7 APK - Updated: June 16, 2017
Als je een zeer donkere kerker binnengaat, stort de ingang in. Er wacht iets op je in de duisternis. Dit is een klassieke malafide RPG. Je moet overleven in de kerker die procedureel is gegenereerd telkens wanneer je binnenkomt. Kies een klasse tussen veel verschillende klassen en een...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: June 15, 2017
Explore dozens of floating islands in a new action-adventure game with survival and craft elements. Control the weather on floating islands in real-time mode. Collect resources to make items and buildings. Battle the deadly beasts that roam these unexplored lands. They show no mercy to lone...
Version: 4.4 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Gemeenschappelijke schaken regels, verwijzing Ondersteunt single.2 enkel dubbel spel.3 Bluetooth dubbel spel.4 Een Qi kan veel kunstmatige intelligentie programma's te verslaan.Graad 5. Twee soorten AI.6 vonnis zonder stropdas.7 Bluetooth...
Version: 1.65 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
*** Finalist | Google Play Indie Games Contest ****** Grand Prix | White Nights 2016 ****** Best Game Design | White Nights 2016 ***========A ninja stealths around a futuristic skyscraper - the headquarters of an evil corporation. They have abducted your clan and are planning to conduct experiments...
Version: 2.59 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Incredibly addictive!A swarm of crazy bees is approaching you now! They are ferocious and coming fast to you in this VR 360º endless shooter!- Look out, shoot and stop them before they build a deadly hive... if you can!- Take full advantage of the Daydream pad.- Instant fun: super simple and...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Klassiek kasteelgebouw en kanonschietenstrategie is terug, maar beter. Plaats strategisch je muren en schiet de zwakke punten van je tegenstander. Wikkel spreuken om jezelf te verdedigen of je vijanden te verpletteren. Converteer kristallen naar goud om je energie te verhogen en te winnen! - twee...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Het leren van de Times -tafels kunnen leuk zijn! Sla je een weg door muren en maak het onthouden van die vermenigvuldiging/divisiefeiten leuk. Het object van de wipeout -muur is om de muur in de snelste tijd af te breken door de stenen correct uit te schakelen met het antwoord op het probleem van...
Version: 1.2.0 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
Smashing app voor het oefenen van toevoeging en aftrekking! Het object van wipeout -muur is om de muur in de snelste tijd af te breken door de stenen correct uit te schakelen met het antwoord op het toevoeging/aftrekprobleem. wipeout wall (toevoeging en aftrekking) in één oogopslag: *omvat...
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: June 14, 2017
How does it feel to being a Hero ? Shoot the balloons and save the people. Prepare yourself to satisfaction of bursting balloons in the great Daydream Arcade game ! This VR game requires Daydream controller.Short StoryWe were living happily. One day aliens came to our town. They decided to kidnap...
Version: 1.8.0 APK - Updated: June 11, 2017
Uw doel is eenvoudig: los meer dan 130 verschillende taken op en verwijder alle tegels uit het veld. Overgeslagen tegels worden uit het bord verwijderd, maar u kunt alleen verticaal of horizontaal bewegen. Wat op u te wachten staat: - Bootcamp om het spel te leren - 132 geprefabriceerde taken...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 10, 2017
PREMIUM FEATURES FOR PRO VERSION- 100 bonus gold.- Earn twice as much gold in all modes.- Tips is now half price.- And a lot of in-game convenience.- No Ads.GUESS YOUTUBER CHANNEL Try to guess all levels.HOW GAME Find the name of the youtuber's channel corresponding to the image.CAN'T YOU...
Version: 1.77 APK - Updated: June 10, 2017
출판사 타이쿤 게임을 소개합니다!이 게임은 플레이어가 직접 출판사를 경영하는 게임입니다. 출판사의 핵심은 책 만들기!책 만드는 건 전혀 어렵지 않습니다. 미리 마련된 선택지 중에 고르는 식으로 단지 클릭 몇번만으로...
Version: 1.77 APK - Updated: June 10, 2017
Here is new tycoon game! At this game, you will become manager of book publisher company, and run publisher on your own.This is management simulation game!Publisher's core work is making books!Making books is just not hard at all. You can make books with just few clicks between selections...
Version: 1.05 APK - Updated: June 09, 2017
In Rise of Factions: Sparta Pak je de mantel op die je overgelaten is door je vorige leider die niet lang in de strijd is gevallen, terwijl je een nieuw kamp opzet op een eiland ten zuidoosten van Sparta, een koerier loopt naar de muren en eisen dat Tot ziens, het ernstige nieuws afleveren. Je ging...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: June 09, 2017
아이플레이 게임의 특징▶풀보이스를 지원하는 정통 비주얼노벨 게임!▶탄탄한 스토리 속에서 다양한 매력을 가진 미소녀 캐릭터들을 공략가능▶자연스러운 연출과 아름다운 일러스트 CG이번엔 다르다 아이플레이 최고의...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
New on Daydream VR: Spell Fish VR Just Squidding Around. Play as Flushy, a fearless prince who was turned into a fish, and join the resistance in Carouba to take down the evil witch king Norman.Collect golden stars to unlock 30 worlds, 3 chapters and 3 bossesCollect 100 coins to get a extra...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: June 08, 2017
Dark times are imminent: the king’s abduction throws a once peaceful land into turmoil. Being the chosen one elected by the king himself you embark on an adventurous journey to free him from the hands of the evil duke.But time is of the essence!≈≈≈≈≈≈Features≈≈≈≈≈≈-...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 08, 2017
Kiko Loureiro Sounds of Nightmare is a runner for those who like real challenges!Lord Distørtio, lord of evil, sent his army of demonic creatures to destroy mankind.In a post-apocalyptic world, Kiko Loureiro, the guitar player of the Megadeth band, has the mission to defeat them with his special...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: June 07, 2017
Evoland is een actie-avonturenspel dat je meeneemt op een reis door de geschiedenis van klassiek avontuur en RPG-gaming.Naarmate je verder komt in het spel, ontgrendel je nieuwe technologieën, gameplay-systemen en steeds betere graphics. Van monochrome tot volledige 3D-graphics en van turn-based...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 04, 2017
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Once again, the Gray family finds themselves in deep trouble, and of course you’re the only one who can help. This time, your great-nephew has gone missing, and his mother has lapsed into a mysterious coma. Apparently young...
Version: 1.7.5 APK - Updated: May 31, 2017
Gebruik Ben 10s Alien Powers om te rennen, te springen en je een weg te banen langs vijanden, obstakels en superschurken in Ben 10: Up To Speed! Ontmoet Ben Tennyson Ben was op een roadtrip met zijn opa Max en neef Gwen toen hij het buitenaardse horloge ontdekte dat bekend staat als de Omnitrix....
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 31, 2017
**Get our Google Play Year-End Deal: 75% Off****Google Play Most Innovative Game 2017 - Winner**Get ready to flex your mental muscles and be wow’ed in After The End Forsaken Destiny.Solve stunning 3d puzzles of ever-increasing difficulty; discover a breathtaking, ancient world ready to be...
Version: 1.6.0 APK - Updated: May 30, 2017
Laten we geheugen spelen met Pettson en zijn kat Findus. Pettson heeft het extra uitdagend gemaakt door zes verschillende spelmodi te maken: normaal geheugen, geheugen voor het tellen van afbeeldingen, wiskundig geheugen, geluidsgeheugen, logisch geheugen en het opwindende geheugengeheugen! Speel...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 28, 2017
****Black Friday + Cyber Monday Sale 2017: SAVE 30% UNTIL 28 NOVEMBER!********Please try the free version (Omega Pattern - Visual Novel) first before purchasing to check if your device is compatible with this product. Thank you.****GAMEPLAYOmega Pattern is a Visual Novel which offers a variable...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 28, 2017
****Black Friday + Cyber Monday Sale 2017: SAVE 30% UNTIL 28 NOVEMBER!********Please try the free version (Omega Pattern HD Visual Novel) first before purchasing to check if your device is compatible with this product. Thank you.****GAMEPLAYOmega Pattern is a Visual Novel which offers a variable...