Best Discount Games
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: May 07, 2017
Nice original puzzles with jugs. You can fill the jugs by decanting or with the help of a water tap. Make sure that you get the right contents In each jug.Have you seen Die Hard? In this film Bruce Willis gets the command to get 4 gallons of water with the help of a fountain and two jugs with...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 07, 2017
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!You’re on your way to the big game with our brother and his girlfriend when a pit-stop to fill up on gas turns into a horrible mistake. A sudden knock to the head and you wake up to find yourself locked in a strange room,...
Version: 2.4.2 APK - Updated: May 06, 2017
Siralim 2 je bitje vabljenje RPG igro. Vabljenja in prilagajanje na stotine bitja, da se borijo za vas, kot jo najde svojo pot skozi neskončne ječe. Poišči redek zaklad in ga uporabi za nadgradnjo svoj grad, pooblasti bitja, obrti močne artefakte, učenje novih uroke, in še veliko...
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: May 06, 2017
Denne appen har nå blitt erstattet av Ordspill GRATIS, men kommer fortsatt til å bli oppdatert som vanlig framover for alle brukere som har kjøpt den. Om du ikke ønsker å bli avbrutt av reklamepauser når du spiller, kan du laste ned Ordspill GRATIS og betale i den for å slippe å se...
Version: 1.0.03 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
Velika nova posodobitev!SPACEPLAN je eksperimentalni del interakcije, ki deloma temelji na popolnem nerazumevanju Kratke zgodovine časa Stephena Hawkinga. Uporabite ročne klike in pretečeni čas, da ustvarite in izstrelite naprave in sonde na osnovi krompirja iz svojega nevpadljivega satelita,...
Version: 2.13.1 APK - Updated: May 05, 2017
Monster RPG 2 is a fantasy quest that spans continents and worlds and lets you take a simple villager and develop her into a hero with the power to save her world. The next installment in the classic Monster RPG series, Monster RPG 2 is a turn-based role-playing game with enough variety, plot...
Version: 1.3.6 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
Epska pustolovščina skozi Kharé: Cityport of Traps. Začnite svojo zgodbo tukaj! (Del 1 ni potreben.)"Še ena spektakularna izvedba klasične interaktivne fikcije" - (Kotaku)"Fantastično in bi ga morali kupiti" - 5/5 (Gamezebo)"Večji, boljši, močnejši" - 4,5 /...
Version: 1.1.6 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
Odprt-svet pripoved pustolovščina v prekletega Citadel pošasti, pasti in magije. Boj čudne bitja, litega močne uroke, ki oblikujejo zgodbo, goljufija smrt, in raziskati povsod. Začnite svojo pot tukaj, ali pa sklenejo avanturo iz dela 3.+ Prosto Raziščite - tja, kjer želite z ročno...
Version: 1.4.6 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
Epska pustolovščina v deželi pošasti, pasti in magije. {#{ Žanr prevzame na povsem novo raven-Kotaku , ki temelji na milijon prodanih seriji Fighting Fantasy, legendarnega oblikovalca Stevea Jacksona, Sorcery! je interaktivna pustolovščina, ki obsega štiri poglavja in ves svet pasti,...
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: May 04, 2017
*** POSEBNA PRODAJA CENA ***Epska pustolovščina skozi prekleti puščavi pošasti, pasti in magije. Začnite svojo pot tukaj! (Dela 1 in 2 ni potrebno).+ Raziščite povsod - prosto gibati po svetu, tako kot želite, ustvarite svojo edinstveno zgodbo+ Novi čas svetilniki omogočajo, da spremeni...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: May 02, 2017
Nostalgia, retro in super cool! Najprej je bila prvotna Galaxy Invader (Galaxy Invader 1978). Zdaj to nadaljevanje te spet blastov nazaj 1980 na spomine iz otroštva, ko so bile igre preprost, vendar zelo zasvoji. Točne rekreacija na VFD LSI igri s CGL, Gakken, Tandy in drugih podjetij tistega...
Version: 1.0.58 APK - Updated: May 02, 2017
Optimiziran za Nvidia Shield, Ultimate Chicken Horse je vrhunska zabava. Zgrabite nekaj prijateljev, si privoščite sedež in se pripravite na zabavo za testiranje prijateljstva! Ultimate Chicken Horse je zabavni platformer, kjer vi in vaši prijatelji med igranjem gradijo raven, in...
Version: 11 APK - Updated: May 02, 2017
Optimized for NVIDIA SHIELD TV and brought to NVIDIA by way of Landfall Games and tinyBuild, Clustertruck is a chaotic physics based truckformer. Jump your way through insane levels in a game of "the floor is lava" on top of speeding trucks driven by terrible drivers.As featured in NVIDIA...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: May 01, 2017
☆☆☆ Extended version with no Ads! Stuffed with new cool features! ☆☆☆Astro Music Plus – the best and powerful application for creating short simple melodies.It`s charming and soft sound will make a cozy atmosphere for your evenings and using of it doesn`t course any difficulties even...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 30, 2017
Odklenite popolno pustolovščino z enim samim nakupom! Brez nakupov v aplikacijah! Ko je v letovišču Broadbeach Cove, mediji obkrožajo območje, da bi našli resnično zgodbo. Poklicali ste vas, da raziščete, vendar hitro postane vse prej kot preprost primer umora. Izkazalo se je, da je...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: April 27, 2017
60% off this awesome title in Black Friday Promotion!FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS!Delve into the magical world of ancient Greek mythology! Investigate a mysterious cult and prevent the Minotaur from being reborn after more than 2,000...
Version: 3.2 APK - Updated: April 26, 2017
Loved by teachers and students!The idea of the games is to make mathematics more accessible and enjoyable, so that a basic knowledge in mathematics can be achieved in a fun way. By automating counting to the highest extent possible, it will be easier for a child to understand mathematics even later...
Version: 3.2.0 APK - Updated: April 26, 2017
NES Emulator will provide you the wonderful experience of the classic game top the 1980s and 1990s.1. A NES game file (ROM file) is necessary to play a game. You can find NES game files by searching the web:2. Support NES file and ZIP file (compressed NES file).3. A 7z file is not supported.4....
Version: APK - Updated: April 26, 2017
Pivot Pilot is a challenging platformer with puzzle elements in which you take simultaneous control of a boy and a giant robot arm. A young boy named Eli is mysteriously trapped in a testing facility and your goal is to make your way trough a series of dangerous experiments by cooperating with the...
Version: APK - Updated: April 26, 2017
Get ready for steampunk battles! Defend your lands against evil invaders! Your team will consist of modern snipers, gunners, rockets, ice towers and other great things. A deep conflict has been brewing between you and the evil invaders. Fight to protect your freedom and liberty. Fight on tropical...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: April 25, 2017
Obrni je ploščica lahkota puzzle igra za ljubitelje uganke, kot Reversi, Go, Sudoku in Rubiks Kocke.** PREGLED **"To, kar iščemo v Zbunjujuće" - 8/10 PocketGamer"Gledanje ploščice premik barva je hipnotično." - AppAdvice"... igra, ki je tako pameten, kot je...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 25, 2017
Trening Baskhead: Postanite World Best Basket Hoop! Baskhead Training vam omogoča, da igrate košarko kot še nikoli prej: tokrat niste igralec, ampak obroč! kroglice vam bodo letele na glavi: ujame kot Veliko, kot lahko! Hoopmaster, vaš smešen, a strog trener, bo tu, da pomaga. Napreduje...
Version: 13 APK - Updated: April 24, 2017
Optimized for NVIDIA SHIELD TV and brought to NVIDIA by way of Do My Best and tinyBuild, The Final Station has the player travel by train through a dying world. Look after your passengers, keep your train operational, and make sure you can always reach the next station. Make your way through swarms...
Version: 20170418164538 APK - Updated: April 24, 2017
Get ready for an adventure with the Dinotrux from DreamWorks Animation’s award-winning original TV series!Dinotrux: Trux It Up! is all about teamwork and cooperation. Plus... there is so much to do! FEATURES• Join the cast from the hit TV show that’s half dinosaur and half construction...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: April 24, 2017
Ljubiš gradbišč in opremo? Na našem gradbišču, lahko deluje na žerjav, je Kopač, je buldožer, nakladač koles, vrtalnikom predora in mnoge druge naprave sami in njihov nadzor s prstom. In najboljše od vsega: lahko prilagodite videz malo graditeljev posamično.Idealno za otroke od 2-6. 12...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 23, 2017
This program will continuously generate random equations for basic math practicewith decimal numbers. Parents and teachers can use this program to help kids develop and strengthen their math.How it works:Make a selection from the menu for the game you want to play. Adding and subtracting decimal...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 23, 2017
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!A strange solar eclipse has left the town of Munich in total disarray. Not only has a dark shadow descended on the city, but bizarre supernatural events and shocking murders have also followed. You’ve been called in to help...
Version: 0.19 APK - Updated: April 21, 2017
Stikbold! Je ena in lokalna igra za več igralcev Dodgeball, ki jo je močno navdihnila 70 -ih, nazaj, ko je bil Tacky kul in ni bilo slabega sloga. Dodgeball Buddy v Co-op Team Boattles ali Call Head najprej v manične proste za vse, z do petimi drugimi. } -Epski zgodbe Prijatelj v Co-op -...
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: April 21, 2017
Become an all-powerful Sorcerer Lord and lead one of 8 different races to the ultimate victory. Explore multiple planes of existence, raid dungeons, and conquer cities. Expand your armies, cast mighty spells, and summon godly creatures to do your bidding.Watch the tutorials:...