Bedste Rabatspil

Bedste Rabatspil
Version: 2.1 APK - Updated: April 21, 2017
Med indhold fra Oxford University Press. Word Games bringer Oxford University Press Biff, Chip og Kipper til sjove spil og flashcards designet til at hjælpe børn med at lære. Det er en fornøjelig måde for børn at øve på at læse højfrekvente ord gennem at spille spil. Denne app...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 21, 2017
Lær at flyve papegøjer Ar.drone med denne nye simulator. Det genskaber udseendet og følelsen af ​​AR.Freeflight -appen, der er nødvendig for at kontrollere ar.drone. Øv dine flyvefærdigheder og få tillid uanset vejret. struktureret som en Spil, du kan spille 5 verdener med 4 niveauer...
Version: 2.9 APK - Updated: April 20, 2017
* ! Enjoy -50% during the Winter Holiday Sale ! *Designed for Google Daydream VR"... the most eerily provocative uses of the power of VR. Highly recommended." -Polygon"unlike any other game I’ve played in VR." -UploadVRBased on the VRJAM Gold award-winning game, DRIFT is a...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: April 19, 2017
Spil dette fantastiske puslespil ... og skarpt ur -sind Match symboler ... og lav score have det sjovt, bn di ln ... gå efter det! værd At købe! Fantastisk spil!
Version: 1.3.0 APK - Updated: April 19, 2017
Happy Winter – Unbelievable prices until 01/04/2018 – Discover Colt Express now at a reduced price.The game officially transposed from Colt Express, the famous train robbery boardgame. Plot your scheme step by step and dive into the action to loot the wagons. But watch out, you are not the only...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: April 19, 2017
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!When Professor Bennett made another big breakthrough in the field of Harmonium research, she was naturally excited. But when a strange man falls through her new portal, she immediately calls you in to help. The man is deadly...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 19, 2017
Does your child love to play shopkeeping games? Little Zebra Shopper Gold Edition is the ultimate virtual cash register that even scans real bar codes!=> ATTENTION ONLY POLLY AND LITTLE ZEBRA SHOPPER PRODUCTS ARE SCANNABLE <=Little Zebra Shopper turns your tablet into a real cash register for...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: April 17, 2017
I fortsættelsen til det vandede hit Octodad er vores yndlingsblæksprutte kommet i klemme mellem sin kones voksende mistanke og et katastrofalt besøg på det lokale akvarium! Er du far nok til at styre den titulære blækspruttefar, mens han kæmper for at skjule sit maritime ophav for sin...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: April 16, 2017
Do you love playing puzzles? You'll certainly enjoy playing our Bingo game!Tiresome travel? Stuck in a waiting room? Instead of staring at the watch aimlessly try your luck in Bingo. Fun up your smartwatch into a puzzle with High quality graphics and eye catching effects.P.S.: This game does...
Version: 2.1.2 APK - Updated: April 15, 2017
Velkommen tilbage! Wizardrys World! 3D -rollespil. som et troldmand. Wandroid#3 -scenarie. Tilføj nye klasser. Ranger og Kungfu Med autokortlægning. To typer annonceversion og betalt version kan downloades. Dette er en betalt version. eller tæt på Det anbefales opløsning 800 * 480...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: April 14, 2017
Forever Lost er et førstepersons eventyr/rumflugtsspil, hvor du skal tage billeder af spor for at løse gåder og finde svar."eventyr, når det er bedst" ​​- TouchArcade"Det er lidt ligesom The Room, kun med flere værelser." - Pocket Gamer"Uhyggeligt, velkomment...
Version: 1.46 APK - Updated: April 14, 2017
NOTE: There is also a absolutely free version of the game: Occupation Donation to support further development, it really helps buying resources for the game. Also, it removes the ads. Thanks for everyone who supports the game...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: April 13, 2017
With content from Oxford University Press.Say and Spell Flashcards brings Oxford University Press’ Biff, Chip and Kipper in fun word games and flashcards designed to help children learn. It is an enjoyable way for children to practise reading high frequency words through playing games. This app...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: April 12, 2017
Den legendariske Susan Warmaide er tilbage i Lost Lands! Et spøgelse skib, en ond Overlord, en ø fuld af mysterier, og mere venter på hendes rejse ind i det ukendte.  "Lost Lands: The Wanderer" er en fantasy-verden adventure spil med masser af skjulte-objekter, mini-spil og gåder at...
Version: 2.9.2 APK - Updated: April 11, 2017
The most famous and awarded Russian adventure game of all time now available worldwide!Three generations of Russian gamers was raised on adventures of Pete and Vasily Ivanovich. Now you can play it on your smartphone!About the game:Some characters are real, all stories are surreal…Russia....
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 09, 2017
Pay once, play forever! No in-app purchases!Someone is stealing the hearts of children – literally! Is it a brilliant inventor, seeking to cure his ailing son? Or has dark magic taken over the village?• A HAUNTING NEW LEGEND TO EXPLORE!Your friend, a brilliant doctor, thought his artificial...
Version: 1.26 APK - Updated: April 08, 2017
Lær at læse musik med Note Rush! Note Rush øger din nodelæsningshastighed og nøjagtighed, og opbygger en stærk mental model af, hvor hver skrevet note er på dit instrument. Nu endnu bedre med Note Rush: 2nd Edition!Hvordan det virker--------------------------Note Rush er som et virtuelt...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: April 07, 2017
Лови жарь готовь вари
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: April 07, 2017
With content from Oxford University Press.Rhyming Games brings Oxford University Press’ Biff, Chip and Kipper to fun word games and flashcards designed to help children learn. It is an enjoyable way for children to practise reading high frequency words and rhyming through playing games. This app...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: April 06, 2017
Spillet finder sted et sted i ørkenen, din militære pilot. Du kan nyde Ka-50 Black Shark. Fra nu af skal du kontrollere denne helikopter fuldstændigt på jorden og i luften. Brændstof, gennemgår vedligeholdelse, udstyr våben og ammunition. Glem ikke, at du betroede den vigtige militærbase...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: April 04, 2017
You open your eyes to find yourself alone beneath an unfamiliar night sky. The wind howls around you, carrying the sound of insects chirping, rustling grass, and . . . something breathing. Looking around for weapons you find only a flashlight. Nearby, a radio cackles to life and you hear a voice...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: April 03, 2017
*************************Den 8. del i den legendariske DRAGON QUEST-serie er nu endnu nemmere at nyde!Den fænomenalt populære DRAGON QUEST VIII har solgt 4,9 millioner enheder på verdensplan, og nu kommer den til Android for første gang!Dette var den første titel i serien, der blev...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: April 02, 2017
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!You receive a concerning message from the legendary inventor Leonardo da Vinci. His beloved town is under attack and you must help the fight against evil before the arts and sciences are lost forever!• WILL THE RESISTANCE...
Version: APK - Updated: April 01, 2017
Hovedfunktioner: -kampagne, 4 forskellige ruter 6 realistiske tog 81-717, R143, 81-760, 81-720, 81-717.6, L1 gratis Select Komfortabelt tog og rutevælger { #} Individuel design af førerhus og interiør for hvert tog fuld 3D, gratis kamera realistisk togcontroller med 7 positioner (ikke...
Version: 0.1 APK - Updated: March 31, 2017
Играй, выполняй желание, и будь счастлив
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: March 31, 2017
Come with us now on a journey through color and space as one ball undertakes an epic quest across some lines to reach an exit... or something like that anyway :)Draw your way to victory in this stylish physics puzzle game with over 60 unique levels! Draw shapes, lines and dots to solve tricky brain...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: March 31, 2017
Learn to read notes with PianoFlash! NO ADSMusic Note flash cards with interactive piano keyboardSEE a Floating flash card; TOUCH a key;HEAR the sound of the key if you are correct.Directional wrong-response arrow guides you toward the correct answer.*Lock in a major or minor scale to the...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: March 29, 2017
Primateys: Ship Outta Luck! is a tycoon game of resource management and trading, set in a brutal world of monkey pirates. Get your Chits by buying and selling goods, upgrading your ship, and conquering the dangerous seas before your marque runs out. Choose from 4 unique game modes /...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: March 28, 2017
With content from Oxford University Press.Alphabet Games brings Oxford University Press’ Biff, Chip and Kipper into fun word games and flashcards designed to help children learn. It is an enjoyable way for children to practise reading high frequency words through playing games. This app contains...
Version: 2.6 APK - Updated: March 27, 2017
Nej. 1 Trivia -app, der fejrer 3 år øverst på hitlisterne! Deltag i Alexander Armstrong og hans meningsløse ven Richard Osman i dit helt eget spil af Smash-Hit BBC One Quiz Show meningsløse berømtheder! meningsløs sjov score så få punkter som muligt ved at VVS dybden af ​​din...