Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.35 APK - Updated: March 15, 2016
* This is the full version. In addition to all the features of the free version, it also has league tables, knockout competitions and multiple pitch types *Soccer has never been so much fun! Soccer for Android is the great new game for Android that has all the thrills and spills of real soccer (or...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 10, 2016
*Come get a great app at a great price in our flash sale! You don’t need an Omnitrix to grab our latest Ben 10 game at this discounted price, but you will need to act quickly, as this price offer is available for a limited time only!*Play and create with the latest instalment of Cartoon...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: March 10, 2016
* Note: This app is entirely in Swedish. *Kom och sjung med Pippi Långstrump!Nu har vi samlat flera av de mest populära låtarna från Pippi Långstrumps värld i en app där du kan sjunga med! Varje låt har en fin, animerad film som gör att appen blir populär även hos de allra...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 10, 2016
Xander Afrikaans Bou in Breek je zabavna aplikacija za majhne otroke, da se spoznajo o oblikah in simetriji. Ta aplikacija je interaktivna, zabavna in uporabniku prijazna, skrbniki bodo lahko intuitivno pomagali radovednim majhnim otrokom pri raziskovanju različnih dejavnosti. Funkcije: -...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: March 10, 2016
Ugly Duck Hunt is all new shooting game with VR and Normal mode of user experience. The game is extremely user friendly with 360° game play for shooting to flying ducks using a virtual gun. The action will take you to the classic gaming experience of timely challenge and unleash your duck shooting...
Version: 1.7.3 APK - Updated: March 09, 2016
Tokrat je bila igra izdana v 3D različici. Obstaja več kot 300 stopenj različnih težav. Zaslužite točke in kupite nove tanke. Srečno na bojišču! ps. Priporočena minimalna ločljivost zaslona je 800 480 ali več.
Version: 3.0.1 APK - Updated: March 09, 2016
* OD Ustvarjalci PETTSON'S izumov DELUXE **** nominirana za najboljšo nordijskih Otroški Award 2015 na nordijsko Game Awards ***BODI USTVARJALEN!V tej igri si lahko ustvarite svoje nore, zabavne izumi! S pomočjo Inventioneers naši drobne pomočniki z edinstvenimi lastnostmi, ki jih lahko...
Version: 1.26 APK - Updated: March 09, 2016
Math Monsters is a great game designed to help and encourage children and adults to improve their maths. By making it enjoyable, they will become better at Math without even realising, and have fun along the way! This game is designed for ages 6 and older; the questions get progressively harder,...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: March 04, 2016
Catch it while you can! In the Minimo Fishing Game, you have to catch all the fish when their mouth is gaping, otherwise you might scare them away! Try the two player mode and play with your friends for a great multiplayer experience!In the classic mode (just pure fun), you have to catch as many...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 04, 2016
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!The Owl Man was just a fable created to scare the children of Willowsville… until now. When a child is abducted from this small hometown, the citizens believe that the fictitious villain may actually exist! • DISCOVER THE...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: March 03, 2016
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: March 03, 2016
*** Zaradi nekaterih omejitev igra morda ne bo potekala na nobeni napravi. Priporočamo uporabo naprav z vsaj: 5 zaslon, štirijedrni CPU, 1 GB RAM *** ** Oglejte si novo nastavitev ločljivosti. Če imate težave, nam spustite pošto z informacijami o vaši napravi in ​​različici Android...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 02, 2016
Welcome to the town of Joyville, outwardly peaceful, but ominous within!As you help young Felicia find her father, the Master of Puppets, you will learn that the secrets Joyville conceals go far beyond the banal disappearance of a renowned Master! Nothing here is what it seems, and even those who...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: March 02, 2016
Zen Studios, Telltale Games, and Skybound Entertainment partner to create all-new table based on the 'Game of the Year' winning series.The pinball masters at Zen Studios have partnered with Telltale Games and Robert Kirkman, the Eisner Award-winning creator and writer of The Walking Dead...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 02, 2016
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!A lost masterpiece has been found in Austria and the artist in charge of restoring it, Lisa Steiner, has chosen to talk to only you about this discovery! When you arrive for the interview, she disappears without explanation....
Version: 1.67 APK - Updated: March 01, 2016
Čarovniki so asinhrona spletna za več igralcev, ki temelji na Fantasy Battle, ki se je igrala proti drugim človeškim nasprotnikom. Igra se je enostavno naučiti, a težko obvladati: vaš čarovnik mora uničiti nasprotne čarovnike z uporabo urokov, ki vam bodo omogočili ustvarjanje...
Version: 1.79 APK - Updated: March 01, 2016
Alien Invaders from Androidia have reached your outer moon...You must defeat the oncoming space invaders before they infiltrate your base. Use your base for shielding from the enemy missiles and fireballs.Destroy the Mystery Ship for bonus points.Up for a challenge: Try "Dark Mode" and...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: February 29, 2016
Besede flchs 2016 v frannesu na vašem tlphone Cilj: poiščite in postavite besede po njegovi definiciji Velikost mreže 13*8, možnosti zooma na dfinition, ergonomska uporaba (z drsanjem prsta Navpično ali vodoravno na besedo, da postavite) Stopnja težavnosti: 2-3, odvisno od omrežij.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: February 27, 2016
Rencounter je težka, RPG, RPG, Roguelike Igra s skrivnostnim vzdušjem. Igra se začne v labirintu, polnem krvavih sovražnikov, dragocenih virov in skrivnosti. Pomagajte svojemu moštvu preživeti med navigacijo po mreži predorov in sob. distribuirajte določbe in zdravila, da jih ohranite pri...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: February 26, 2016
Optimizirana za NVIDIA SHIELD, Parallax je prva oseba puzzle igra z dveh prekrivajočih svetov. Vezavi sem in tja med črno in belo, kot ste poskušali biti na pravem mestu, v pravem razsežnosti, ob pravem času. Uporaba stikala, ojačevalci in težo, ki vam pomaga priti do izhoda. Ali lahko...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: February 26, 2016
Igra o cenzuri, korupciji in časopisih Westport Independent je simulator cenzure, ki poteka v povojni državi, ki jo ureja nedavno izvoljena lojalistična stranka. Kot urednik enega zadnjih neodvisnih časopisov v državi je vaša naloga odstranjevanje in urejanje vsebine vašega prispevka, ki...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: February 26, 2016
Bimaru, imenovan tudi Bojične ladje Solitaire je enostavno: samo izpolnite manjkajoče ladje in rekonstruirajte bojišče, sestavljeno iz 4 posameznih ladij, 3 dvocelične, 2 tricelične in 1 velike štiri celične ladje. utrujen Sudoku? Poskusite Bimaru, logično sestavljanko. 96 stopenj v...
Version: 3.51 APK - Updated: February 26, 2016
Meet Oddy Smog, nothing but a tiny bit of the Smog that Engulfs Everything. He used to be part of the System, but his desire for freedom pushes him to run away from everything he once knew. Help him in his quest for a new life! Climb the entrails of the same machine from which the Smog erupts and...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 24, 2016
Odklenite popolno pustolovščino z enim samim nakupom! Brez nakupov v aplikaciji! Nenavadna kuga je pometala skozi obalna mesta in odpotovali ste v Port Talbot, da bi pomagali najti zdravilo. Po vašem prihodu se mesto evakuira v sosednji Wellport in se znajdete ujeti v načrtu Madmans! Ali...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 24, 2016
Izzivajte se in koliko vztrajnosti imate. XP Booster Premium je najpreprostejša igra, ki vam omogoča, da zaslužite točke izkušenj v samo petih klikoh. Igra ima preprost števec, ki se vsakič poveča, ko kliknete gumb. Poglejte, koliko lahko kliknete tako, da se ne motite. Tekmujte s...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 24, 2016
The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Disney Junior Appisode featuring "Mickey and Donald Have a Farm" is filled with video, games and music as preschoolers play along with their favorite Disney Junior show. They will touch, tap, swipe, tilt, shake and talk their way through a fully immersive...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: February 23, 2016
***** Hvala vsem igralcem, ki so se že zaljubili v Quell, Quell Reflect, Quell Memento in Quell Zen ***** Quell je očarljiva igra logike, ki je z nevihto prevzela svet puzzle. Ne upoštevajte naše besede! Preberite naše ocene uporabnikov (hvala fantje!) In se prepričajte...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: February 23, 2016
Sinless is a unique combination of a classic point n' click and visual novel with many references and inspirations from classics of the genre, such as Snatcher, or Rise of the Dragon. Add to that custom, inhouse designed lightning and parallax effects, along with a dedicated awesome Soundtrack...
Version: 3.1.0 APK - Updated: February 21, 2016
An exciting game to exercise your mind and have fun with your friendsCreate sequences of pieces following Jatd Rummy rules similar to RummikubFeatures of the full version:- Single and Multi player game- No advertisingIf you have an Android Tablet or a HD phone try the JATD Rummy HD edition
Version: 1.13 APK - Updated: February 21, 2016
Odkrijte našo novo različico s povsem novo grafiko, ki jo je navdihnila zadnja izdaja slavne strateške igre. Abalone je bila ena najboljših iger naokoli že skoraj 30 let, znana po šesterokotni deski in črno -belih marmorjih. Cilj te abstraktne družabne igre je preprost: potisnite...