Най -Добри Игри С Отстъпка
Version: 3.2.6 APK - Updated: July 11, 2015
★★★★★ – “Bag It! is, hands down, the best game to hit the market in quite some time.” – EXAMINER.COM ★★★★★ - “Bag It! feels like another App Store classic waiting to happen” – APPSPY ★★★★½ - “It's rare to find a puzzle game that feels so fresh but...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 10, 2015
Вълнението от стрелбата в западен стил и тренировките по мишени на вашия Android.Завъртете и наклонете устройството си, за да подравните пистолета си с мишената. След...
Version: =2.0 APK - Updated: July 08, 2015
(Please note that there is currently an issue with Moga controllers and on tablets you may not be able to go "back" if you go into the "Controls" menu.) As featured on the SHIELD Hub, Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut is the definitive version of the brain-twisting first-person...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: July 06, 2015
Най -доброто блокско парти някога !!! Случвало ли ви се е да пускате хамбургер в космоса? Или да сте живели в тотем-полюс-кавче? Ако не, сега е времето да го направите!...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: July 05, 2015
Състезанията за спринтни автомобили с мръсотия са за всички онези фенове на кални пратки, плъзгащи се около ъглите, точно както правят в реалния живот. Sprint Car Racing...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: July 03, 2015
Premium = 12 вида превозни средства за отключване (30 цветни кожи при общо) снежни, бурни, дъждовни метеорологични маршрути зимен сезон няма реклами без покупки в...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: July 02, 2015
70 % OFF - LIMITED TIME OFFER! Don’t miss out!Featuring innovative hidden object gameplay, an intriguing storyline, and stunning full-screen graphics, The Mystery of the Crystal Portal is a thrilling escape for the whole family. Embark on a brain-bending adventure with Nicole, whose father went...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: July 02, 2015
Взривете тези призраци и научете таблиците си на Times с това страхотно приложение, адаптирано от класиката на Primary Games. Опитайте и отбележете 100 попадения възможно...
Version: 1.0.0g APK - Updated: July 01, 2015
И накрая, вашият шанс да поемете Eggheads в официалното приложение на хитовото шоу за викторина на BBC! Опитайте се да нокаутирате страхотните Eggheads над четири кръга...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: July 01, 2015
Ice King is at it again! He created a rip in the space-time continuum and when Princess Bubblegum discovers he is responsible for it, he kidnaps her! Not to be out smarted, Jake transforms into a cape and together with Finn, fly though weird worlds of warped space and time searching for Princess...
Version: 0.5.19 APK - Updated: June 30, 2015
Изграждане на релсите. Контролни превключватели и семафори. Уверете се, че влаковете пристигат в предвидените дестинации. Не се ядосвайте за НЛО и метеорити....
Version: 1.22 APK - Updated: June 29, 2015
Без покупки в приложението! Завладявайте през битка и възвърнете земята, която някога сте наричали дом! занаятчийски единици от всяка кула, за да изградите...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: June 26, 2015
Идвайки през 2015 г., игра на ужаси, която ще привлече вниманието ви и няма да го пусне! Решете трикове и загадки, за да разгадаете мистерията на тайната стая. Тайните,...
Version: 5.10.35 APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
Zingmagics Критично признат вариант на Backgammon ви позволява да играете това най -популярно от настолните игри до висок стандарт по всяко време, навсякъде. Backgammon е проста...
Version: 5.10.35 APK - Updated: June 25, 2015
Checkers е класическата настолна игра на стратегията с цел заснемане на всички парчета противници. Играта е измамно проста, но пълна с сложност, тъй като тези, които...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 24, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Something wicked has taken over Fate's Carnival, and Madame Fate needs your help. This is Fate's Carnival as you've never seen before! • MADAME FATE RETURNS... FROM THE DEAD! She's entrusting her...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: June 23, 2015
Helicopter Flight Simulator Online 2015 it`s finally here!Be prepared to be amazed in this real world simulation! Fly some of the most famous helicopters above New York. We added road traffic, blimps, balloons, cruise ship and a huge aircraft carrier to make it as perfect as we can. We added even...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: June 22, 2015
Take on the role of Tactics, leading a small rebel faction to overthrow a powerful corporation controlling the city of Markov Geist. Control an elite strike team of futuristic soldiers; from shotgunners and snipers, to grenadiers and machine-gunners in the ultimate turn-based strategy game. Plot...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: June 22, 2015
PREMIUM = 8 types of trams to unlock (38 TRAM SKINS) ★ Snowy, stormy, rainy weather ★ Evening routes ★ Winter season ★ No Ads ★ No In-App Purchases ★ Free lifetime updates and ownership ★ Faster vehicle unlocking, but still 13+ hours of driving to unlock all content…Become a public...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 22, 2015
PREMIUM VERSION = UNLIMITED CASH (you will receive 10.000 free coins every time your balance drops below 100 coins) + NO ADS + NO IN-APP PURCHASES (pure gameplay)Feel the no limit electronic roulette experience! Think up your strategy, place your bets on the board, spin the wheel and win big money...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 18, 2015
Забавлявайте се, докато се научим вашите маси с тази велика нова App от Основно Games Ltd, популярна и добре установена компания, която предлага на качеството на...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: June 17, 2015
Популярният математически пъзел игра "Мощност Lines" от първичното Games вече е на разположение като приложение за Android!Играй играта: клетки електроцентрали...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: June 17, 2015
MAGENTA ARCADE is a finger-based top-down shooter by Long Hat House. Become a god! Your finger is a weapon, but also your greatest weakness. Know when to touch the screen to attack or retract to defend yourself!The cycle of wishes is a sacred ritual for the people! It is where you give out wishes...
Version: 1.09 APK - Updated: June 15, 2015
One of the famous print and play board game finally on Android. 2010 Golden Geek Best Print & Play Board Game WINNERThe apocalypse has come and zombies are walking around. However, you can save the world! If you can find the evil totem on tiled map, conveniently hidden in an evil temple in your...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 14, 2015
Mosaic for Kids е предназначен за деца на възраст 3 години. Играта помага на децата да развият умения за визуално възприятие, координация на ръцете/очите и точността....
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 12, 2015
Remplissez les 25 grilles de mots fléchés de 10x13 niveau de difficulté moyen de ce volume. Toutes les grilles sont originales, inédites et conçues par un éditeur fournissant des grilles de mots croisés à la presse depuis plus de 10 ans. Elles sont de qualité professionnelle avec une...
Version: 1.0.20 APK - Updated: June 11, 2015
Canyon Capers TV Edition is a retro style indie arcade platform game. Starring Dino-Jr and his many friends as they venture through the canyons and caverns of ancient ruins in historical locations. Reach the ultimate goal, fame and fortune and the retrieval of a rare and Golden Mollusk.With a...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: June 10, 2015
MCM Golf Card Game is an Android App version of the "Golf" card game.Game status is saved after quitting game, so you can return to your game later.UsageOne player plays against two computer opponents using two full decks of cards, including four Jokers.The objective is to finish with the...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 10, 2015
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!After your niece’s boyfriend disappears, you’re called in to help find him. Once in Green Hill, residents begin disappearing before your eyes in clouds of crows and mystery. Discover the truth and save your niece before...
Version: 1.2.1 APK - Updated: June 10, 2015
Стремеж най-силният, третата серия "Silver Star"! ! "Silver Star Chess" най-накрая тук! !○ 5 души срещу гара на играчите ни◆ CPU срещу гараПет личностни богати играчи,...