Best Discount Games
Version: Varies with device APK - Updated: October 17, 2014
Цларц. Акција акционе пуззле. Са пијаним роботима. освојио је награду немачких рачунарских игара за најбољу мобилну игру 2014! [4.5 од 5] Цларц је сјајна мала игра са...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 17, 2014
Graveyard Shift Nightmare is a brand new security camera based horror game from the makers of the original Slender-Man game for mobile.Can you survive the night as watchman for a cemetery where the angel statues are known to come alive at night?
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 17, 2014
Сунсет Траин 3Д је шармантно интерактивно спавање / игре за спавање. Помозите Волфие возачу возача покупи животиње са посла и баци их кући на добро зарађене ноћи. ...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: October 16, 2014
Jetzt zum Start des neuen "Due Zwerge" Bandes "Der Triumph der Zwerge" für kurze Zeit mit 50% Rabatt!Ein A-Book von Bestsellerautor Markus Heitz.StoryQuest und Pegasus Spiele präsentieren ein interaktives Abenteuer im Geborgenen Land!Du kennst und liebst die erfolgreiche...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 15, 2014
***** Побједник немачке дечије софтверске награде Томми 2014 у категорији Најбоља апликација! ***** Животиње су покренуле Хелтер-Скинтер на луди фарма. На више од 70...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: October 15, 2014
The ultimate Blackjack teaching tool! It's not a game: it's an easy and fun instructional program that will help you remember proper playing strategy at the casino tables. Get the best Blackjack training software by a company that specializes in advanced card counting products for over 10...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: October 15, 2014
Води мајку која прогони застрашујуће указање у искривљену тамну стварност да би спасила ћерку. Док откривате и истражите необичан град у којем је мистериозни зли...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 10, 2014
Забавна нова игра о америчкој историји.Феатуринг:- Реалан Цонестога вагон физике!- 5 узбудљиве болести!- Изгубљени град злата!Возити караван преко америчког запада,...
Version: 1.00 APK - Updated: October 09, 2014 - 16/20"The beauty and wealth of its gameplay will delight fans of the genre…""A highly successful soundscape"Gamekult - 8/10"By subtly combining strategy and management in magnificent environments, Haegemonia will delight the many space conquest...
Version: 1.11.0 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
Traffic Director is a simple casual game. You are in charge to control the traffic in 20 different city maps. Guide more than hundred cars through a map by switching the traffic lights in the right moment. Watch out for police cars and vip cars.Every time a car find its way through the map, you...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
Јаја према наручивању је забавна и ангажована начин да се деца наручује да наручи бројеве. Са 20 нивоа тежине, у распону од 1 до 20 до децимала и негативних бројева,...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: October 08, 2014
Откључајте комплетну авантуру са једном куповином! Нема куповине у апликацији! низ пљачака узима смртоносно скретање у овом узбудљивом скривеном објектној...
Version: 2.2.0 APK - Updated: October 06, 2014
Have some no-mess fun this Halloween with Pumpkin Carver and carve your own Jack-o-Lantern right on your Android phone or tablet. Select from a variety of tools to carve or decorate your pumpkin using just your finger. See the inside of the pumpkin as you carve it!Make the most of your...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: October 06, 2014
7 дана Сурвивал: Шума - Отворена светска игра, жанр ФПС-а. Ми смо у свету у којем није било рата свјетова, није било ничега. Ви сте преживели у округу, да бисте...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: October 01, 2014
PocketGamer's Silver Award: "...the most polished and interesting tower defence game we've seen for a good long while."Touch Arcade: "good-looking deep tower defense game with 24 challenging missions"148apps: "a fine conclusion to a highly enjoyable...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: September 30, 2014
!! If OC is not visible after purchase transaction was made, please exit client completely by tapping "back" button and restart the client. !!** Top 10 Overall Paid App Chart in 8 Countries!! ** #1 RPG Category in 24 Countries!! Top 10 RPG Category Chart in 58 Countries!! Jump into a...
Version: 2.40 APK - Updated: September 26, 2014
Bierkopf - A German card game.Language: GermanThe following game variants are possible:Short and long hand (24 & 32 cards)Slide the cards into the middle like on a real table.How you prefer, you can keep your phone in portrait or landscape format.Keywords: Schafkopf, Doppelkopf, Mucken, Skat,...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 24, 2014
★ Our interactive picture books have been downloaded more than 2 million times★ Kids aged between 3 and 6 will enjoy an entertaining and fun insight into the exciting world of the airport - with truly interactive adventures!
In three scenes featuring around 100 hidden animations and chances...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 23, 2014
Have you ever felt the fury of the Kaiju? Have you ever felt like burning it all down to ashes? Now you can. Kaiju is a Japanese word that literally translates to "giant beast" (most famous Kaiju is Godzilla). Walk in the shoes of Kaiju and destroy the city... In 3d!!! A virtual reality...
Version: 2.0 APK - Updated: September 18, 2014
Fiendishly difficult! Adorably cute! Utterly engrossing! How much gold can you get before your entire team is destroyed? IT'S NEVER ENOUGH! Play The Nightmare Cooperative now - it's a strategic adventure where you lead a group of unlikely comrades through some rather difficult situations....
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 17, 2014
Bobbopp is a language game app for young children. In the app you follow a Babbelers’ character - ”Bobbo” walks, swims and flies around The Babbelers’ Valley to collect things with the "right sound" to put in Bobbo’s hat. Can you guess which sounds Bobbo likes? Can you jump over...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: September 16, 2014
Version: 1.3.3 APK - Updated: September 16, 2014
Епска сага пост-апокалиптичне борбе робота наставља се! епоха је кретала преко земље рата да би пронашла једну особу коју је програмирао да би се заштитио:...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 15, 2014
Симулатор градских возила - даљински управљач ваш властити флоти у сопственом стадту. Поздрављате се у сопственом граду који возите као разна посебна возила коју...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 15, 2014
Епизода 2 - Авантура се завршава*** Ово је други, завршни део, Сломљеног мача 5: Змијина клетва. Препоручујемо вам да играте ову епизоду 2 након што играте епизоду...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: September 11, 2014
Aircraft simulator for the REFUGIO3D, Durovis Dive & Google Cardboard3D Stereoview + HeadtrackingAs a big fan of Flight Simulator, I had to make this game.Fly, as you were a real pilot of the city and mountains.Look at yourself in the quiet to the cockpit. (Head tracking)Real-life flying...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 10, 2014
Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!Escape from a beautiful and deadly world! You left the big city to seek out a new life in Brownville, Louisiana, where your friends Ben and Louise have lined up a job for you. Your new boss, Simon, seems like a friendly...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: September 09, 2014
Пепељуга је дивна, интерактивна књига за децу, заснована на једној од најпознатијих прича за децу на свету. текст приче је једноставан, припремљен за децу старост...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 09, 2014
Откључајте комплетну авантуру са једном куповином! Нема куповине у апликацији! у северном делу државе, у близини горњег досега реке Худсон, налази се град успаван...
Version: 5.0 APK - Updated: September 07, 2014
Star Wars MILLENNIUM FALCON GUNNER™As Jabba the Hutts' newest smuggler, fire at and destroy TIE Fighters. Engage Imperial Twin Ion Engine sentry ships in intercept flight paths; patrolling unsecured trade routes near The Outer Rim like Captain Han Solo and Chewbacca in Star Wars Episode IV....