Best Discount Games
Version: 1.51 APK - Updated: June 28, 2014
Ciri -ciri: termasuk penjana permainan untuk teka -teki sudoku tanpa had sesuai untuk telefon atau tablet 4 tahap kesukaran auto simpan menyimpan masa terpantas generasi permainan cepat dua kaedah input nombor - Gaya pop timbul atau grid lanskap dan orientasi potret disokong font bersaiz...
Version: 1.99 APK - Updated: June 27, 2014
4 Player Reactor cepat, bersih dan lucu permainan reaksi asal selama dua hingga empat pemain pada peranti yang sama.Mencabar rakan-rakan anda (atau musuh) untuk pertempuran multiplayer refleks, kecerdasan dan pengetahuan! Great sebagai permainan bar, pemecah ais atau untuk membuat keputusan yang...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: June 27, 2014
A quest crammed with puzzles in the heart of ParisProfessor Weismann has disappeared. After arriving in Paris to present his latest invention, the Time Camera, at the Universal Science Congress, Professor Weissmann disappears without a trace. His daughter, Laura, believes he has been kidnapped....
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: June 26, 2014
Version: 1.17.12 APK - Updated: June 26, 2014
Classic Minesweeper game for your Android (also known as Mines). Exercise your strategic and logical thinking while having fun along the way! The goal is to uncover all cells that are not containing mines.You can try our free version first: (or see 'More form developer'...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: June 26, 2014
★☆ Once you purchase this app, no additional charge in this app. Totally unlimited~! ☆★★☆ Every $100,000,000 your level will be increased with bet unit up to maximum $1000~! ☆★♣ Multilingual Support (Korean, English, Japanese)♥ colorful graphic effects, armed with memories of...
Version: 1.9 APK - Updated: June 26, 2014
kegilaan yang tidak dapat dilalui di luar negara kini tersedia untuk sesiapa sahaja! Pergi ke tahap yang benar-benar keras dan cuba menyelesaikannya. , peningkatan realistik. sekarang 8 tahap. v1.9 tetap: Pengoptimuman untuk GPU berasaskan Mali-400. } v1.8 berubah: Kestabilan kereta yang...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: June 25, 2014
Brought to Android by Noodlecake Studios, Wave Wave is a savage arcade game developed by Thomas Janson, with music by Danimal Cannon and Zef.Shift up and down to avoid the gauntlet of triangles."The brutally hard ‘Wave Wave’ is twitch gaming at its best."- The Verge "The...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: June 25, 2014
A cargo ship carrying a valuable collection of artwork for the Metropolitan Museum of Art sinks. A few months later, one of the paintings resurfaces in Hungary.THE ADVENTURE The Museum sends the art restorer Ellen Cross to authenticate the painting. She would never have guessed that this mission...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: June 24, 2014
Turun ke kedalaman misteri Gua dalam permainan pengembaraan ini dari Pulau Monyet pencipta Ron Gilbert dan Double Fine Productions.Berkumpul sepasukan pengembara tidak mungkin - masing-masing dengan personaliti mereka sendiri yang unik dan cerita-dan turun ke tengah-tengah yang luas, gua yg dpt...
Version: 2.2 APK - Updated: June 24, 2014
This is a variation of the well known Hangman game. Here you will see some short animated scenes with each mistake, and a final longer scene in which the Capital Punishment is applied!- ALL topics active to play.- SEVERAL DIFFERENT methods of Death Penalty.
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: June 24, 2014
Versi Tegra HD Samurai II: Vengeance dioptimumkan untuk digunakan pada NVIDIA Tegra peranti Android hanya berasaskan.Walaupun versi IOS mendapat sambutan hangat untuk grafik manga diolah dan cepat, permainan berdarah, Samurai II untuk Android telefon dan tablet Tegra berasaskan menyampaikan grafik...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: June 19, 2014
Do you want more Infomation ? is flying shooting game, and this game is working by android phone and smartTV, and controlled by android phone. and this game is used touch sensor of android phone, can be controlled move technique side to side, verticalmotion. Also...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: June 19, 2014
Magnetized is an abstract physics adventure game, total 80 levels!Touch your screen to active the power of magnets and escape from neon maze!Chasing dreams is like walking alone on an endless road, direction is so clear but way too long, trying so hard but no one knows. Is it worth it anymore?Just...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 19, 2014
Return to the House of 1000 Doors to save mankind from annihilation! Giant snakes have burst out of the Earth and are wreaking destruction across every continent. Your mission: travel back in time to four different epochs to seek out the elements needed to activate a machine that can destroy the...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: June 18, 2014
Melangkah ke kasut Charlie, seorang detektif peribadi dan pewaris yang kaya, yang mana humor adalah senjata terbaik! di Dream Chamber, mengungkap pelakunya dalam usaha ini secara serentak dan mimpi. Gaya grafik kartun yang unik melibatkan diri dalam 30 -an Amerika, antara Larangan dan Kemelesetan...
Version: 2.9 APK - Updated: June 17, 2014
An easy to use, kid friendly paintbrush / sketch / coloring book app with toddler lock. Parents can feel comfortable that their toddler will not make calls, open other apps, or delete things. Includes save and open features so drawings can be saved and edited.The multi-touch is enabled on this app...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: June 13, 2014
Jeux pour lire avec Sami et Julie, une application pour que votre enfant apprenne à lire avec la méthode syllabique tout en s’amusant !À travers 4 jeux progressifs, votre enfant va d’abord reconnaître les sons, puis former des syllabes sur le mode « b » et « a », « ba ». Ensuite, il...
Version: APK - Updated: June 10, 2014
baru: pemain tunggal -tempatan (luar talian), 1-4 pemain- Halli Galli adalah permainan tindakan laju di mana pemain harus menelefon loceng ketika tepat 5 buah dari jenis yang sama adalah di atas meja. Dek mengandungi 56 kad bermain. Kad anda adalah kehidupan anda - kehilangan semua kad anda dan...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 05, 2014
Your world and a magical realm are both threatened by a mysterious force. Fight an evil wizard and the terrible fog he controls before they destroy everything. • ONLY YOU CAN STOP AN EVIL WIZARD! The devious Cornelius has escaped imprisonment. He has a plan to blend and extinguish two worlds by...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 04, 2014
* No ads* No upsells* No popups* Multitouch* Designed for Babies!This app presents you with a steady stream of colorful bubbles that float across the screen. The bubbles explode with colors when popped and make musical tones, similar to wind chimes, that have been chosen to blend harmoniously. I...
Version: 1.4.07 APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Siri Gamebook Interaktif Fantasy Fantasy Terkenal Dunia terus! Ian Livingstone dan Tin Man Games Present Island of the Lizard King! Anda boleh menghidupkan semula Adventures di Fire Island di telefon atau tablet anda, dengan penuh kasih sayang untuk peranti digital. Dibentangkan dengan warna...
Version: 1 APK - Updated: June 02, 2014
Adakah anak anda seperti membantu anda membersihkan? Dalam permainan ini anak anda boleh membersihkan mainan, vakum, sapu, memotong rumput, mandi anjing, daun meraih, mengambil rumpai, lakukan yang hidangan, membersihkan messes, dan banyak lagi! Membantu anak anda untuk mendapatkan teruja tentang...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: May 30, 2014
Cosmos Space Simulator adalah simulator ruang terbaik yang telah dicipta untuk Android! Kami menumpukan usaha dan pasukan pembangunan kami untuk membawa set arahan terbaik ke kapal angkasa kami! Jadi, pengalaman terbang di ruang tak terhingga sangat tepat! Permainan mensimulasikan kapal...
Version: 1.25 APK - Updated: May 30, 2014
Minisquadron adalah penembak arked panik yang memaparkan: *kawalan sentuhan intuitif *Grafik yang menakjubkan dan seni *lebih 50 pesawat untuk membuka kunci *8 tahap pertempuran sengit *Multiplayer Wi-Fi tempatan *Sokongan untuk Zeemote Bluetooth Controllers Tindakan Best/Arcade Game - Pocket...
Version: 1.25 APK - Updated: May 29, 2014
Pada jualan selama seminggu!Yang ngeri, seram tidak selesa menjalar dari PC ke Android!"Ia adalah permainan yang banyak tentang seram kerana ia adalah seram" - Rock Paper Shotgun"Knock-Knock adalah cantik permainan survival seram dengan gaya lebih daripada rasa" - IGN"Salah...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 28, 2014
Heroes: A Grail Quest menjemput anda untuk memulakan pengembaraan epik melalui alam yang hebat dalam permainan strategi berasaskan giliran yang mengasyikkan ini. Ambil pimpinan seorang wira yang gagah berani dan pimpin tentera anda yang hebat merentasi dunia yang luas yang penuh dengan rahsia,...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: May 25, 2014
Découvrez l'application Mots fléchés Niveau 1( Facile )sur votre smartphone Android.Le but : Trouvez et placez le mots suivant sa définition Taille de la grille 13*8 , possibilité de zoom sur la définition, utilisation ergonomique( en glissant le doigt verticalement ou horizontalement sur...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 24, 2014
This game is a challenge to solving riddles and puzzles that increase in difficulty as they level up .The score is obtained by solving a puzzle and you consider the time taken for it.If you can resolve them and also surpass Enione, Enitwo and Enithree have the possibility of incorporatingyour own...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: May 22, 2014
Letupan aksi berkembar berkembar yang menakjubkan ke Android! Selamat datang ke Inferno, gelaran yang sangat dinanti-nantikan dari Radiangames, pencipta Slydris, Fireball SE, dan Ballistic SE. Letakkan jalan anda melalui 40 tahap atmosfera. Terokai taktik persekitaran yang bergaya, memusnahkan...