Labākās Atlaižu Spēles

Labākās Atlaižu Spēles
Version: APK - Updated: March 03, 2014
Nostalģijas pārslodze! Cīņa ar fantāziju atgriežas ar Ian Livingstones Classic, Doom mežu. Piedalieties vienā no klasiskajām spēļu grāmatas pieredzēm, kas visu paaudzi iepazīstināja ar fantāzijas lomu spēlēm! Datoru spēles bija sākumstadijā, un tās bija Tabletop RPG...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 26, 2014
Tilt and steer your way to victory, hit the corner apexes to increase your speed, avoid the other cars and be first across the finish line! It's like Lane Splitter but with corners and an objective, to win the race! APEX Racing is extremely easy to play and very addictive, you will want to keep...
Version: 1.26 APK - Updated: February 25, 2014
It is an interactive game that invites you to join the engrossing motorcycle race. Ride your motorbike and surmount the track obstacles using the touch screen and phone accelerometer. Slake your thirst for speed with 60 levels of breathtaking motorcycle adventures. Develop your biking skills: jump,...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words.In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games also know as word find games are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling. Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Vārdu meklēšanas spēles-arī zina kā vārdu atrast spēles-ir populāra, lai palīdzētu studentiem atpazīt vārdus. Meklējot vārdus, šķiet, ka studenti lasa un iegaumē vārdus tādā veidā, kas viņiem patīk un kas viņiem palīdz iemācīties vārdus un Viņu pareizrakstība. ...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Vārdu meklēšanas spēles-arī zina kā vārdu atrašana-ir populāra, lai palīdzētu studentiem atpazīt vārdus. Meklējot vārdus, šķiet, ka studenti lasa un iegaumē vārdus tādā veidā, kas viņiem bauda, ​​un kas viņiem palīdz iemācīties iemācīties Vārdi un to...
Version: 1.02 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Vārdu meklēšanas spēles-arī zina kā vārdu atrast spēles-ir populāra, lai palīdzētu studentiem atpazīt vārdus. Meklējot vārdus, šķiet, ka studenti lasa un iegaumē vārdus tādā veidā, kas viņiem patīk, un kas viņiem palīdz iemācīties vārdus un viņu pareizrakstība. ...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word Search Games-arī zina arī kā Word Find Games-ir populārs, lai palīdzētu studentiem atpazīt vārdus. Meklējot vārdus, šķiet, ka studenti lasa un iegaumē vārdus tādā veidā, kas viņiem patīk, un kas viņiem palīdz iemācīties vārdus un viņu pareizrakstību. baudīt stundas...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games also know as word find games are popular for helping students recognize words.In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games-also know as word find games-are popular for helping students recognize words. In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: February 23, 2014
Word search games also know as word find games are popular for helping students recognize words.In searching for words, the students seem to read and memorize the words in a way that they enjoy and which helps them learn the words and their spelling.Enjoy hours of fun with the classic game of word...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: February 21, 2014
No in app purchase required: Enjoy the FULL EXPERIENCE! *****Protect the Heavens and be respected by humans! Humans are building a tower to reach the Kingdom of the Gods! Embody one of these divinities to foil their attempts. But, be careful not to kill them with your special powers, because your...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: February 20, 2014
Atrisiniet mīklas, savāc norādes, izpētiet purvu, pratina aizdomās turamos ... un atklājiet noslēpumu! Detektīvs Grimoire ir burvīgs un noslēpumains piedzīvojums, kurā ir dažādas dīvainas un unikālas mijiedarbības ar dīvainajiem purva iedzīvotājiem, pārliecinošu un...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 20, 2014
Retro tabletop pasāža labums X4! 4 spēles šajā kolekcijā garantēta aizvedīs atpakaļ uz savu bērnības ar spilgtiem dienasgaismas grafikas, blips un bleeps, vienkāršību un atkarību vecās skolas spēļu.Pirms internetu un mobilos telefonus, tabletop spēles 70. un 80. bija skaisti...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: February 20, 2014
Sāciet fantastisku piedzīvojumu! Izbaudiet pārsteidzošas spēles 3 spēles un atklājiet dažas no pārsteidzošākajām pasaulēm, kādas kādreiz esat iedomājies.STĀSTSBraucot no Liverpūles uz Ņujorku, jūsu kuģis tika izvilkts masveida maelstromā. Jūs pamodījāties vietā, ko...
Version: 1.2.7 APK - Updated: February 20, 2014
Izbaudiet vīzijas no Azkendas mistiskās pasaules mīkla spēlē, kas noslīpēta līdz pilnībai! - Neaizmirstiet apskatīt pārsteidzošo turpinājumu Azkend 2: pasaule zem! atsauksmes Tas tiešām ir mazumtirdzniecības vai Xbox Live Arcade kvalitātes nosaukums plaukstā - GameForward...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: February 20, 2014
Sakauj tumsas spēkus un aizstāv Emerland Emerland Solitaire hronikās. Izlemjot iemācīties karšu maģiju vecā Wizards skolā, jūs nevarējāt iedomāties, ka liktenis ir izvēlējies jūs par pasaules glābēju. Kad Emerland apdraud ļaunais burvis, sēdēja, jums jāapvieno elfu, cilvēku,...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 20, 2014
Explore the beautiful destinations on Lycan Isle while you solve the mystery of an ancient artifact and the effects it is having on the island's inhabitants. • LUNA HAS BEEN SUMMONED TO A REMOTE ISLAND Tara needs Luna’s expertise on a newly unearthed artifact that might prove the existence...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: February 18, 2014
Dodieties lielā ekskursijā pa Saules sistēmu, Putters rokā! Ceļojiet no planētas uz planētu, katrā pieturā spēlējot dažus mini-golfa caurumus. Tās vajadzēja būt nākotnei. Funkcijas: -elpu aizraujoši mini-golfa laukumi eksotiskos lokos visā Saules sistēmā: planētas,...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: February 17, 2014
Block Warfare - Medieval Combat is the latest ONLINE MULTIPLAYER game in the Block Warfare series. Arm yourself with swords, maces, bows and much more and do battle across a block-based medieval world where everything is destructible!• Multiplayer FPS - Both FFA and Team Deathmatch• Single...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: February 14, 2014
Šī ir Doptrix spēles atbloķēšanas lietotne.Tas atbloķē visus režģa izmērus, atbloķē visas mīklas un noņem reklāmas.SVARĪGI - Doptrix Unlocker tiek izmantots kā licences atslēga, lai atbloķētu maksas funkcijas spēlē. Doptrix galvenā lietotne ir jāinstalē jūsu ierīcē!Lai...
Version: 2.8.2 APK - Updated: February 13, 2014
Vecās modes hack un slīpsvītra ar moderno grafiku. pārsteidzoša darbība ar HD grafiku !! optimizēta HD ar iespēju mainīt detaļas līmeni, lai tas būtu piemērots jūsu ierīcei. stundas no GamePlay - daudzas dažādas vietas - slazdi - ļoti daudz dažādu ienaidnieku -...
Version: 2.4 APK - Updated: February 13, 2014
Draw-It is an online multiplayer game of drawing and guessing. By turns, the game tells a player to draw something. While this player is drawing, image is shown in real-time to the other players which must guess what it is. When someone gets it, a point is given to the guesser, and other point is...
Version: 1.4 APK - Updated: February 12, 2014
Spēlē šņabi! Hockeys kāršu spēle. Snarples ir klasiska kāršu spēle, kas populāra starp hokejistiem. Novietojiet piedāvājumus, izvēlieties Trumpus un izvairieties no soda, dodoties uz uzvaru! viena spēlētāja (2 6 spēlētāji) spēlē solo pret 1 5 datora pretiniekiem. ...
Version: 1.3.4 APK - Updated: February 11, 2014
Usagi Yojimbo: Way of the Ronin is the new game based on the classic comic by Stan Sakai. Travel with Miyamoto Usagi on an epic journey, battling over 50 enemies and 13 boss monsters pulled right from the comics! Wield the legendary sword Grasscutter as you travel across feudal Japan in a tale to...