Najlepšie Zľavové Hry
Version: APK - Updated: January 28, 2014
Third in the series of critically acclaimed interactive fantasy gamebooks in which you, the reader, control the direction of the story! You do not need to have played any previous Gamebook Adventures titles in order to play this.Cruelly taken from your homeland of Orlandes, you find yourself in a...
Version: 1.5.2 APK - Updated: January 28, 2014
EPOCH - Post-apocalyptic Robot Combat* IGN.COM - "cover shooting done right".* GIZMODO.CO.UK - "EPOCH is the new cover-shooter king by several circuit-boards."* POCKETGAMER.CO.UK - "re-imagining the genre completely for the touchscreen"* GAMEPRO.COM - "...the game...
Version: APK - Updated: January 23, 2014
Fighting Fantasy, the world famous interactive gamebook series is back! Steve Jackson and Tin Man Games present House of Hell!! "Taking refuge in the infamous House of Hell has to be the worst mistake of your life! The dangers of the torrential storm outside are nothing compared to the...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: January 23, 2014
Journey into the mythical Snowfall Kingdom and investigate the disappearance of children in Dark Parables: Rise of the Snow Queen! From the ashes of the snow, the legendary Snow Queen rises and terrorizes nearby villages with her supernatural powers. Rescue the missing children and stop the fabled...
Version: 2.0.7 APK - Updated: January 22, 2014
SPECIAL PRICE38% OFF(USD 7.99 -> USD 4.99)!!!* This app may not work on Android 8.0. We are currently working on an update.Way, way back, the Empire of Gadalia, a mighty state, controlled the lands in which the game is set, and the islands around those lands.That empire was ruled by mechanical...
Version: 1.16 APK - Updated: January 22, 2014
It is easy for you to win all Tower Defense? Here you will have to sweat! No bailout airstrikes, no donate - only hardcore! Do you accept the challenge? Or "I'll play better in the farm" is your final answer?This is the full version of the game.Full version includes 16 interesting...
Version: APK - Updated: January 16, 2014
The official sequel to Slaves of Rema is HERE.** YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE PLAYED ANY OF THE PREVIOUS GAMEBOOK ADVENTURES IN ORDER TO PLAY SULTANS OF REMA **Your return to Rema takes you further to the east, to the City-State of Callae, renowned throughout the world as a city of great learning. Your...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 16, 2014
Stop the evil Vansig family before they point their vengeful wrath at your friend Christine in Nightfall Mysteries: Black Heart! Just as Viggo and Christine believed themselves free from the shackles of the Vansig family, an enemy they thought dead returns to kidnap Viggo, destroying the newfound...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: January 14, 2014
Hra pre tých, ktorí hľadajú Chillout po ťažkom pracovnom dni alebo pre tých, ktorí uprednostňujú šesťuholníkovú úroveň frustrácie. Otáčajte planétu, zhodujte sa s farbami Vychutnajte si hudbu a vizuály. Play Solo, Hrajte s priateľmi - alebo nechajte počítač byť vaším...
Version: 1.5.1 APK - Updated: January 14, 2014
Air Attack HD - je ocenená a letecká strelecká strelecka z druhej generácie novej generácie - SHMUP - s ohromujúcou 3D grafikou spolu s veľkým zvukom, efektmi a úžasným hram. * 64 Rôzne typy nepriateľov * 3 Player Planes * Početné vylepšenia a špeciálne zbrane * Úžasné 3D...
Version: 1.11 APK - Updated: January 13, 2014
☆Story☆ The Earth is under attack by an Endless Reborn Machine. Enborn-X is the final hope of humankind. Your mission is to deport that stopless machine to the Universe and safe the World. ☆The Game☆ Enborn-X is a side-scrolling shooting game which concentrate on "giant boss...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: January 13, 2014
Páči sa vám hry na prelomenie Wall/Brick/Block? Deathmetal kombinuje najlepšie staré školské hranie s grafikou a dotykovými ovládacími prvkami na vašom tablete alebo mobile! --- Droid-Life. com- Deathmetal HD Najbrutálnejšia hra Arkanoidu, ktorú kedy budete hrať ---...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: January 13, 2014
Idiploom je jednou z 20 kvízových aplikácií v 1 aplikácii idiPlme je zábavná a dutátna hra, ktorá vám umožňuje otestovať vaše znalosti odovzdaním diplomov vo forme kvíz / qcm. Vyberte si diplom, RPONDE na otázky, a urobte váš životopis. , Bac es, stg (rvision, correction) ...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: January 13, 2014
⋆ Action-packed & story-based game⋆ Explore the city⋆ Smash hordes of zombies⋆ No In App Purchases⋆ Beautiful and realistic game graphics⋆ Full 3 D characters and environments⋆ Ragdoll effects⋆ Chilling tense atmosphere⋆ 2 barrel shotgun⋆ Intuitive touch screen controls⋆...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: January 13, 2014
Blade of Sky Hrajte 3D vojnovú hru Sky ako pilotné eso klasického amerického lietadla v druhej svetovej vojne v tichomorskom okraji. Tento jedinečný letový simulátor ponúka vynikajúce potešenie z lietania, bombardovania a bojov proti psom v búrke guľky. Ozbrojené vojenské pozemné...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 13, 2014
"The years pass but these stars do remain."Join Cece and James as they live out their lives under the night sky in Stargazing.- Simple "join the dots" gameplay with a tranquil ambience- 57 real constellations to discover across 7 regions of sky covering both celestial...
Version: APK - Updated: January 13, 2014
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga! You lived through their side of the story—now live through his! Experience the story through Charles' eyes… what you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2014
Ste klon vychovaný tajomnými mníchmi Silene. Akonáhle sú strážcovia mieru a spravodlivosti v galaxii, už dávno nahradili moderné technológie. Teraz trávia väčšinu času zavesením a hraním videohier. , ale nie ste ako zvyšok svojich klonových bratov. Boli ste vybraní pre...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2014
The official sequel to An Assassin in Orlandes is HERE. ** YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE PLAYED ANY OF THE PREVIOUS GAMEBOOK ADVENTURES IN ORDER TO PLAY CURSE OF THE ASSASSIN **Curse of the Assassin is written and designed by S.P. Osborne, author of GA1, and takes you back to the familiar surrounds of...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2014
The critically acclaimed gamebook series returns with gamebook legend, Jonathan Green at the helm! Jonathan Green is best known for his work on the Fighting Fantasy series, but has also been involved with gamebooks and novels based on SW Clone Wars, Doctor Who and Warhammer 40k! •Pocket Gamer...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2014
An interactive fantasy adventure! It's a Gamebook Adventure!
First in the series of critically acclaimed interactive fantasy gamebooks in which you, the reader, control the direction of the story! Along with a realistic dice-based battle system to fight creatures, a great story and...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2014
Gamebook Adventures returns for its fifth title! Please note that you do not need to have read any of the previous gamebooks in order to read and play this. The critically acclaimed series of newly imagined interactive fantasy gamebooks puts you, the reader, in control of the story! Along with a...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2014
"Two hundred years ago, the legendary City of Tarnath Tor was destroyed as it’s defenders, the mighty wizards valiantly tried to repel an orcun horde. Now just a place set within stories and myths, it has been lost to the outside world. A chance encounter with one who claims to be a time...
Version: APK - Updated: January 12, 2014
In the fourth millennium, the Mandellian Empire of the Tau Ceti system is at war with the rebel army known as DWORF. And lucky you have been chosen for a dangerous solo mission to kill or capture the rebel leader, through mind-bending loops of time and space. But wait a minute. Just who are you...
Version: 1.8 APK - Updated: January 11, 2014
Bez ohľadu na to, koľko máte rokov - budete si užívať túto farebnú a absorbujúcu hru o rodine Rams. Way a jeho rodina kúpi nový dom. Myslíš si, že je to ľahká hra? Nebuď rýchly so závermi! Stretnete sa s mnohými nepriateľmi, ktorí vás chcú pichnúť a stlačiť, aby ste...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: January 10, 2014
"It's absolutely bonkers, and I can't recommend it enough" > androidrundown.comCompete in the ultimate test of Strength! Endurance! and Skill! For up 4 players! Go for Gold in 15 events: * Diving * Javelin * Equestrian * 100m Dash * Rowing * Gymnastic Rings * High Jump * Pole...
Version: 1.01 APK - Updated: January 10, 2014
No Brakes Valet Features: * parking lots * fast cars * definitely a steering wheel : Single player and 2 players on 1 tablet :No Brakes Valet
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: January 10, 2014
Tigris & Euphrates is set in the ancient fertile crescent with players building civilizations through tile placement.★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★In fertile Mesopotamia between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, lies the cradle of civilization.Your goal is to...
Version: 1.21 APK - Updated: January 10, 2014
Vstúpte do sveta, ktorý prekročil hordy príšer. Preskúmajte pasce plné žalárov a postavte sa mocným šéfom. Zbierajte hromady pokladov a predmetov a investujte do desiatok schopností a odomykateľného vybavenia. Otestujte si svoje schopnosti proti blížiacej sa tme.Pocket RPG je...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: January 10, 2014
The citizens of Houndspoint have always loved and trusted their canine companions, but a recent wave of coordinated attacks by a pack of strange dogs has thrown the snowy mountain town into a state of fear. After your beloved dog, Pippa, is kidnapped by the creatures, you vow to discover the cause...