Labākās Atlaižu Spēles
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 21, 2013
If you can score a 180+ on this IQ Test, you are a true genius!This is the premium version of 'IQ Test - How smart are you?' by Plonk Games. If you always wanted wondered about your intelligence quotient, this app is just the right thing for you. This app tests you on verbal ability,...
Version: 2.7 APK - Updated: September 21, 2013
BLUE SKIES AIR FORCE ACADEMYThe award winning original multidirectional helicopter shooter is now available on Android! Blue Skies is now MOGA Enhanced! Available at major retailers, carrier stores and online at http://www.MOGAanywhere.comSTORYYou are a new recruit at the elite Blue Skies Air...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 20, 2013
The puppet show in Joyville was once a wondrous attraction until the great fire. Now, rusted gears and dark mysteries lay within strange machinations and disheveled puppets. A young boy, Simon, is the most recent in a long line of missing people. In PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville, you are tasked...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: September 18, 2013
Pasaules iznīcinātājs 1945 ir jauna stila stratēģijas spēle uz fona WW Ⅱ (Super riska). Šajā spēlē atkarībā no karaspēka jūs varat konkurēt par teritorijām, piemēram, zemju, pilsētu un okeānu, tālāk par resursiem, attīstīt ekonomiku un militāro, iekarot ienaidnieka...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 16, 2013
Buddys ABA lietotnes ir izstrādātas, lai pievērstos īpašam izglītības mērķim, lai palīdzētu autistiem bērniem. Šī astotā drauga lietotne palīdz maziem bērniem iemācīties darbības vārdus - līmenis progresē no 2 līdz 12 darbības vārdiem - dažādas vokālās instrukcijas...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: September 13, 2013
- Spēle angļu valodā. - bez lietotnes-pirkšanas un reklāmas. Labi zināmi lasītāju trusis piedzīvojumi, izmantojot daudzveidīgu skaistu, laimīgu sacīkšu trases izvēli, kas ved cauri sulīgiem mežiem un kalnu nogāzēm. Sākot no peles Matildas, Čārlija burunduks, līdz Samam lauvai...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: September 10, 2013
***** Special discounted promotional price offer only few days!***** Feel your brain in high gear***** High voltage racing car experience***** Get the scoop of driving-both inside and outside perspective of car view***** New Racing App topping in iTunes Store...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: September 06, 2013
Izpētiet ainavu un atrodiet visas čūskas, pirms tās slīdēs, izmantojiet savas prasmes, lai izvairītos no viņu apburtā uzbrukuma, un iegūstiet viņu vērtīgo inde! Neiespējami palaist! Vai jums ir iekšas, lai ceļotu pa visu pasauli, lai atrastu un noķertu visas dažādās slepkavas...
Version: 4.2 APK - Updated: September 06, 2013
This is THE collection of the world's most famous challenging logic puzzles, riddles and brain teasers.Entertain your brain and perfect to share with your family and friends! Going to an interview? You could be asked logic puzzles, riddles or brain teasers from this very app! Ace that...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 06, 2013
Pārejiet uz pasaules klases zemūdeni un sekojiet slēptajai ekspedīcijas piedzīvojumu komandai uz Devils salu! Palīdziet izsekot Phoebe, slavenais Ace pilots, kurš zaudēja draņķīgajā Bermudu trīsstūrī, mēģinot atrisināt salas noslēpumaino parādību. Izmantojiet savas slēptās...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: September 06, 2013
Alien Breed ir klasiskā sci-fi, no augšas uz leju šāvējs, kuru izstrādājusi Team17. Sākotnēji atklājot 1991. gadu, svešzemju šķirne tagad ir pārveidota par Android, kas var nozīmēt tikai vienu lietu, lai mazinātu gaismas, parādītu skaņas un atkal sastopas ar svešzemju šķirni!...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: September 04, 2013
Izpētiet izdomātu Gears pasauli-krāšņu 3D bumbiņu ritošo platformu, kas pildīta ar iztēles izaicinājumiem. Paņemiet pēc iespējas vairāk barošanas punktu ar pirksta vilkšanu vai caur ierīces noliekšanu. Pārspējiet pulksteni un savāciet zobratus 27 līmeņos, kas aptver 3...
Version: 1.1.2 APK - Updated: September 01, 2013
As the second work of Epic Defense series, this game will bring you a number of new elements and magic towers..."The graphics remind me of Diablo III, awesome! I can't believe such amazing game can be found on android.""Well balanced after remake. It will become a...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 29, 2013
Ahora es más fácil jugar al Scrabble, ingresa tus letras disponibles y obtendrás todas las palabras posibles que se puedan formar, ordenadas de mayor a menor puntaje
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: August 27, 2013
Izmantojot Jetpack 2012, jums ir jāizvairās no raķetēm, lāzeriem un rotējošajiem bīstamības stieņiem, lai sasniegtu nākamo līmeni. Spēlei ir 100 līmeņi! Neaizmirstiet paņemt zvaigznes, ar zvaigznēm jūs varat iegādāties spēles restartēšanu veikalā (izmaksas ir 5 zvaigznes),...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 27, 2013
Rescue the Lemmings and bring them to the other side of the river... You can earn some extra lives in the game. Fun game to play and you can place your highest score in Game CenterFast Game PlayCool Sounds,Sound/Music controlGame score optionTry also our other games: SkullForce Betrayal (NEW),...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: August 27, 2013
Vai jums vajadzētu iegādāties šo spēli? Ja jūs meklējat spēli, tad nē. Pasaules stāsts šajā ziņā nav spēle, jūs neatradīsit daudz mijiedarbības vai dziļas, mainīgas stratēģijas. Tā ir vairāk pieredze. Ir lietas, kas jāatklāj un jāatslēdz, jā, bet šīs lietotnes...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: August 27, 2013
Version: 1.07 APK - Updated: August 22, 2013
Japanese version only.Genre: RPG depart the hero to defeat SatanThe RPG is recommended for 8-bit family of ticks R30.We write is permanent in order to bringYu now depart irisUsing music Nogarude R[Field] Brahms: 2nd movement String Sextet No. 1- Town, village - Chopin: Great Brilliant Waltz[Castle]...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: August 22, 2013
Japanese version only.Free scenario RPG stylish short modern multi-end products... Do you see any dream tonight?! Caution! Have been delivered for the mobile "12/32" andThe same story
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 21, 2013
Feel the beat and sing aloud! Introduce your toddler and preschooler to the world of rhythm and music game! Comptines combines 17 all time favorite children songs in newly composed versions together with lively adorable 3D animations.Frolic full-featured music videos keep children entertained while...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: August 21, 2013
Progresējiet cauri laika vecumam, sākot no akmens laikmeta līdz kodolenerģijas laikmetam karos. Spēles ideja ir vienkārša - iznīciniet savu ienaidnieka bāzi. Domājiet stratēģiski un taktiski izlemiet līdzsvaru starp uzbrukumu un aizsardzību, lai gūtu panākumus. Atcerieties, ka...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 21, 2013
Jūtiet ritmu un dziedāt skaļi! Iepazīstiniet savu mazuļu un pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu ar ritma un mūzikas spēles pasauli! meine ersten mitsing-lieder combines 21 all time favorite children songs in newly composed versions together with lively adorable 3d animations.frolic full-featured music...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2013
Pārtrauciet mehānisko briesmoni, pirms tas iznīcina visu pilsētu nodevības dziļumā! Atklājiet patiesību un pārtrauciet drausmīgo mašīnu šajā neticami slēptajā objekta mīklu piedzīvojumu spēlē. Aizsargājiet pilsētas cilvēkus un izdomājiet, kāpēc mašīna pagrieza muguru...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2013
As the Chief Archaeologist and most experienced in Mayan culture, the Embassy has sent you to investigate the mysterious demise of the last known royal Mayan family. The royal family supposedly died in 1536, yet artifacts left by the Mayan princess have been uncovered dating back to 1556 - twenty...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: August 19, 2013
For hundreds of years, the clock tower at the edge of town has been a landmark and a tourist attraction. The tower itself appears to never age, and the small town’s inhabitants are prosperous and happy. Enter the Hands of Fate - a mysterious group whose objective is to keep the continuum of time...
Version: 1.04 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Another addictive Match-3 diamond/jewels style game with three great game modes.Puzzle QuestYou need at least two identical jewels to remove it from the playfield. Find 3 or more identical jewels to to fill the playfield withnew items. The more you can remove at once, the more new you get. The game...
Version: 1.48 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Try as fast as possible to clean up the playfield, earn bonus time with speed combinations and discover all special itemsHow To Play:Tap one of the buttons (blue, green, yellow, red) on the right side of the screen in the same color of the first block to crush him. Tap on the screen to activate...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
Completely redesigned for mobile devices! Continue your globetrotting adventure around the world to reunite the spirits of an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and Queen, who have been separated for over 2000 years. Journey deep into undiscovered Pyramids and Temples to solve hidden mysteries in a quest to...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: August 15, 2013
The villain Jacques has stolen the Treasures of the Ages so he can harness their mystical powers in his evil plan to rule the world. You must help Will Scout and Anna Graham on their quest to defeat Jacques and rescue the treasures. Only by following clues and escaping Jacques’ sinister traps...