Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 18, 2013
Kas te lilke rüütlid ja kaardimängud? papist loss on mõistatusmäng maailmas, mis on valmistatud täielikult papist! kartmatu ja vapustav rüütli sõidud mööda paberteed, mille eesmärk on päästa ehmunud orbu, orbud, Hädastuses olevad lesed või kaunite printsesside. kujuteldamatu...
Version: APK - Updated: June 18, 2013
Rebuild the world of the Hods in Jewel Legends: Tree of Life! Using building materials, jewels and other valuables, switch two adjacent tiles to make a row of three or more matching tiles! The valuables will help you to build marvellous structures for the Hods, such as Bath House Blubberpot, the...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: June 13, 2013
The story of Season Match starts when the Snow Queen has her magic mirror broken, and decides to make cold winter stay forever in the fairy-land. You will set out on a legendary journey to find the pieces of the broken mirror, put them together and beat the Snow Queen. So, get ready to use the...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: June 11, 2013
Tere kallis turist! Mind the Gap (ja plahvatused) lahkudes lennuk ...Soovime Teile meeldivat viibimist maailma kõige ilusam linn.Paris päev või Pariisi öösel avastada 14 pealinna kõige turist orienteeritud ja maaliline alad. Sõidukites, iga üks kummaline kui viimane, õhus või maa peal. Sa...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: June 06, 2013
After leaving something in your car, a hitchhiker vanishes! Track her down and return her things in Shiver: Vanishing Hitchhiker! Explore a spooky landscape as you figure out where the mysterious woman has gone in this exciting Hidden Object Puzzle Adventure game. Dive into a deeper mystery as you...
Version: 1.1.1 APK - Updated: June 05, 2013
Suured kalamängud viivad teid kadunud professori otsimiseks seikluse Amazonase uimastatavasse maailma. Legendaarsele mardika templile viidatud kaart on teie ainus vihje, kui alustate oma seiklust sügaval Amazonase vihmametsas. Uurige linnasid, templeid ja varemeid, vabastades samal ajal iidse,...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: May 30, 2013
{##} 3 {# Android OS2.2 kddi kddI infobar Is11sh/ A01/2.3.3 Aquos Telefon IS12SH IS12SH/2.3.3 Regza telefon on IS11T IS11T/2.3.4 XPERIA ACRO IS11S/2.3.3 GZONE IS11CA/2.3.3 IS03 IS03/2.2.2. IS05 IS05/2.2.1 Mirach IS11pt IS11pt/2.3.4 Aquos Telefon IS13SH IS13SH IS13SH/2.3.5 ...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: May 27, 2013
=========== 4/9 공 지=================안녕하세요.네오싸이언입니다.4/10(목) 14:00부터 구글플레이 세금설정으로 인해 아래와 같이 인앱가격이 변경될 예정입니다.부득이 일부 상품의 가격이 인상되는 점에 대한 이용자 분들의...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Play an insanely addictive puzzler on your Android device! Featuring entirely new puzzles, modes, interface, and game play! Relax and enjoy the stunning glass-like puzzles or the gritty wood pack. Pick up and play for 5 minutes or for 5 hours. You've been warned, this isn't your typical...
Version: 1.0.28 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Big Fish Games Studios summons you back to the deep mystery and magic of Azada. Too afraid to enter the library, young Titus calls upon your courage and superior puzzle-solving skills to disarm the magical menace. Luckily, Titus has given you a magic medallion to call upon him when in need. Enter...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
A beautiful young woman wakes up in a vast and mysterious undersea temple complex, not knowing who or where she is. She soon learns that she has been frozen in a death-like slumber in a secret crypt for over a century. Now she must escape the crypt and explore the ancient underwater chambers to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Anna awakens on a mysterious tiny island after escaping the destruction of her underwater kingdom. She must find her way to a mystical floating cloud city in the sky, seek out the four Children of Light and save them from the twisted clutches of the Evil Empress Pandora. Along the way she must...
Version: 1.0.2 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Move to Metropoville and begin a 12 step Life Quest program! Find a new rewarding career in this incredible Strategy game!Upgrade your vehicle, purchase a pet, and even find true love as you move up the social ladder. Go from rags to riches and complete challenging quests and difficult objectives...
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Emma's soul is free. But her ghost has delivered a dire warning: evil still lurks in Ravenhearst Manor. Big Fish Games Studios takes you deep inside the cursed estate in Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst ™, the thrilling sequel. Experience Ravenhearst`s spectral halls as never before...
Version: 1.0.11 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Noor pere peatub salapärases vanas kodus pikniku jaoks ja kui ema päikest nautimiseks silmad sulgevad, kuuleb ta kohutavat krahhi, lapsi! Majja sisenedes seisab ta silmitsi müstilise peegliga, mis võttis ta lapsed ja lukustab nad maagilises maailmas. Varjatud objekti otsing pannakse teile mitte...
Version: 0.9.2 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Kõva keedetud eradetektiiv Nick Chase vajab tööd. Tema õnneks saabub üks mehelt, keda tuntakse ainult kollektsionääri nime all. Lahendage mitmesuguseid mõistatusi ja leidke varjatud vihjed, et paljastada Leonardo da Vinci kadunud käsikirja tagant. Uurige selles omamoodi seiklusmängus, kus...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
Absurd Collectorsi väljaanne (täis) Scarlett Frost, pimedate kunstide spetsialist, on kutsutud luksuslikku ja kaugesse teatrisse lumises Itaalia Alpide. Kas võib olla, et kurikuulus ja kuratlik Hapsburgi kuubik on leidnud ja ostnud Sinisteri teatriomanik dr. Corvis? Kuub vangistab võimsa...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: May 21, 2013
It’s a big world out there — you can have it all in the palm of your hand with Life Quest® the hit PC game, now tailored for your touch screen! You’re a new graduate ready to tackle life's challenges in this quirky simulation game. The race is on to accomplish it all, from finding true...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: May 20, 2013
A few months have passed since Susan's ordeal in the museum and she's been in no hurry to greet danger again. But when a prized notebook arrives at her office from an anonymous source, both her interest and her suspicions are raised. The information contained within is too valuable to...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 19, 2013
Hüppa planeedilt planeedile, et avastada, harjutada ja lõbutseda numbriliste toimingute, korrutuste, loogika, mustrituvastuse, aja lugemisega. 14 mõistatust on värvilised, naljakad ja muutuvad pidevalt, et võimaldada tundidepikkust matemaatilist lõbu. See lõbustab ja venitab igas vanuses...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: May 17, 2013
★ Here new great card game has appeared!☆ Automatic zoom support! If you feel so narrow space to touch a card, you can enable auto-zoom function! Whenever you select your card, camera will be zoom in~!★ Theme selection~! You can choose 3 different themes( Black, Red, Blue )☆ Three...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 15, 2013
Kogege parimat kriketimängu Full HD 3D -graafikas. Võite mängida erinevates režiimides, sealhulgas turniiridel, ODI -del, T20 matšidel ja põneva Power Play stiilis matši. täismängufunktsioonid: - täielik 3D-graafika realistlike animatsioonide ja pallifüüsikaga. - mitmesugused...
Version: 2.1.1 APK - Updated: May 15, 2013
Libistage, et mängida 4/4 Siegecraft Lobsi leegitsev kahurpall Angry Birds territooriumisse. 148 rakendused 4/5 hüpotees: kraami löömine katapultiga on fantastiline. Tõendid: Siegecraft. Interneti-Gumshoe 81% Siegecraft on teie standardse kaitsemängu Siegecraft keerdkäik on ülim...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: May 14, 2013
Progress through the ages of time, beginning from the stone age all the way to the nuclear age in the game.The idea of the game is simple - destroy your enemy base. Think strategically and tactically decide the balance between both attack and defence to succeed. Remember that you cannot repair your...
Version: 1.5 APK - Updated: May 11, 2013
Block Warfare on uhiuus mitme mängijaga veebis laskur Block OPS -i tegijatelt, mis on seatud blokeerivasse, vokslipõhisesse keskkonda. Pange klotsid oma meeskondade kaitsemehhanismide ehitamiseks, oma kindluse loomiseks ja vaenlaste kindluste saboteerimiseks! Block Warfareis saate vabalt...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: May 08, 2013
Extreme Biker 3D is an addictive motorcycle bike racing game with bounty collection points makes to uplift your sporting spirits - higher level of gear. Have you ever thought of high speed biking in big cities without getting tickets? Now you can - with this extreme 3D biking! As you cross certain...
Version: 1.30 APK - Updated: April 26, 2013
Planet Wars on Androidi platvormi kõige armsam, kuid samas keeruline strateegiamäng. Reisige planeetide vahel ja vallutage, hävitage vastasjõud ja muutuge galaktika valitsejaks. Tehke nutikaid otsuseid, et oma vastaseid selles ilusas reaalajas strateegiamängus ületada. on mängu mitme...
Version: 1.1 APK - Updated: April 25, 2013
Maak prachtige muziek door te tikken van beats, melodieën en harmonieën, melodies and harmonies on your Tablet or Phone, become a Music Maker.With Music Matrix you can immediately compose a piece of music you'll be proud to call your own and all with no musical experience, you are a Music...
Version: 1.18 APK - Updated: April 23, 2013
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: April 22, 2013
3D Magic Eye viktoriin on viktoriin, mis kutsub teid proovima oma võimet uurida 3D -stereogramme. Stereogrammid on 3D -pildid, mis on peidetud teisele pildile. 3D -piltide vaatamiseks vahtige lihtsalt pilti, kuni pilt hakkab kuju võtma. Peate vastama, mis praeguses pildil peidetakse. Mäng...