Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.0.19 APK - Updated: February 10, 2012
In the early 1900s the legendary artwork, the Serpent of Isis, was stolen at the grand opening of the Egypt Museum in Cairo. Originally discovered by your grandfather, you have been searching for the missing masterpiece your entire adult life. One day, a mysterious letter arrives indicating that...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: January 27, 2012
Help Kiera Vale discover her ancestor’s history as she explores Blackwater Asylum in Nightmare Adventures: The Witch’s Prison! After receiving a mysterious letter from Alton Quinn, Kiera sets off to find out about her birth parents. Finding Blackwater Asylum to be in a state of disarray, Kiera...
Version: 1.3a APK - Updated: January 06, 2012
This is the full version (paid version) of Tower Defense: Nexus Defense!Portable tower defense war has arrived on your android device! This full version offers the following features:* Challenging campaign with 10 maps* Survival mode with 10 maps* Super High-Resolution graphics Mode: 1080x720...
Version: 1.1.4 APK - Updated: December 19, 2011
Virtualna igra pitja in tresenja.Idealno za zvodniško zabavoIzzivajte svoje prijatelje!Pokažite drugim v baru, kaj imate.Kdo dobi najboljši rezultat in najglasnejše podrigivanje.
Version: 1.100 APK - Updated: November 26, 2011
Open-ended gameplay in a physics world.Simple swipe controls and drag-drop gameplay.5 different regions with 3 different gravities.collect over 20 hats for your character to wear.20 different map editor.
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: October 14, 2011
Beat your friends in a round of Wordfeud with a little help of this app!Wordfeud Cheater - Dutch Words uses the same dictionary as Wordfeud, and will list all words that can be created using your given characters in Wordfeud.Features:- Sorts the words by points given (points are calculated the same...
Version: 1.2.22 APK - Updated: October 11, 2011
NOTE: Some users are experiencing credit card problems when they try to buy this game. If you are having the same problem, please let us to know by mail or leave a comment in the demo version.Bazooka Rabbit is a fantastic adventure. The challenge is to reach the final surprise trying to link...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 29, 2011
★ 6th best iOS game of all time based on a metacritic of 94/100 (source: ★★ IGN 2009 Awards - iPhone Best Puzzle Game 2009 ★★ Best Mobile Game European Milthon Award 2010 ★ --------- The Press★ - 9/10 - iPhone Best Puzzle Game...
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: September 29, 2011
Create a yummy delicious cake. You can dressup the cake up to 3 tiers. Save and share with friends.
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: September 02, 2011
Še en paket za dojenčke in malčke, naravnost s priljubljenega spletnega mesta! 5, prijazne igre za dojenčke in malčke v 1 aplikaciji V tej zvezek boste dobili naslednjih 5 iger: {{ { #} 1. Music Maker 2. morska žaga 3. vroom 4. Holey Moley 5. Smešne številke ...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: August 15, 2011
☆ Adobe MAX Awards 2011 : Honorable Mention in the Entertainment category ☆ ☆ FWA : Mobile of the day 1st august 2011 ☆ ☆ Parent's Choice Awards : Mobile App - Silver Honor ☆ A delightful interactive story.Share the extraordinary adventures of Apolline and Léon set in the Tuileries...
Version: 1.20 APK - Updated: July 16, 2011
Block Shuffle is a challenging touch screen game.Move the free blocks up and down and push them into the stack left and right to shuffle the stack of blocks. When you push the blocks in one side of the stack, an equivalent number will be pushed out the other side. Rotate the free blocks by pressing...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: May 11, 2011
Naravnost s priljubljenega spletnega mesta! 5, prijazne igre za dojenčke in malčke v 1 aplikaciji V tej glasnosti boste dobili naslednjih 5 iger: 1. Choo-choo. Družinski favorit! Vaš dojenček ali malček bo všeč ta vlak za pihanje mehurčkov! 2. igra abecede. ...
Version: 1.2 APK - Updated: February 02, 2011
Et voici la toute nouvelle version des dés coquins, une application câline pour tous ceux qui ont envie de pimenter leur jeux amoureux. Avec plus de 120 actions possibles dans trois niveaux d'intensité de soft à hard vous êtes parés pour vous amuser sous la couette !Les actions sont...
Version: 1.6.2 APK - Updated: August 20, 2010
Be the star of the 3-Point Shootout! Try to score 25 shots from 5 positions on the basketball court in under 60 seconds.The game features HQ graphics, realistic physics, global leaderboard and simple fast-paced gameplay!-1.6.2: bug fixes1.6.1: improved performance, reduced memory usage on most...
Version: 1.2.326 APK - Updated: September 10, 2024
** Podpiramo zelene pobude v Rusiji skupaj s fundacijami WWF in Greenpeace * To je plačana različica igre, v njej ni oglasov. na ekološko temo za otroke in odrasle. Oglejte si dejanske ekološke težave, njihove vzroke in pobude ljudi z vsega sveta, ki rešijo naš planet pred ekološko...
Version: 3.0.0 APK - Updated: August 08, 2024
Ta aplikacija je strategija simulacije obdobja Sengoku.Postanite eden od Daimyo in si prizadevajte za enotno državo.Upravljanje vseh gradov bo popolnoma enotno.Poleg tega, če so vse druge družine Daimyo podrejene v državi Shogun Shogun, jih lahko podrejete.Razlika med polno različico in...
Version: 2.0.4 APK - Updated: July 01, 2024
ณ เมืองแห่งท้องฟ้า " สกายโทเปีย (Skytopia) " สถานที่ ที่ประกอบด้วยเกาะต่าง ๆ มากมายปกคลุมทั่วท้องฟ้า...
Version: APK - Updated: June 04, 2024
Hitro zabavno arkadno dirkanje.Prehitite uro in pospešite skozi vsak cilj, da nadaljujete na naslednjo stopnjo.Ta priljubljeni naslov s pestro paleto vznemirljivih ravni obljublja vznemirljive dirkalne izkušnje.Poudarki:- 8 razburljivih in raznolikih stopenj- 3 originalni zvočni posnetki-...
Version: 2.1.4 APK - Updated: May 15, 2024
Igrajte svoje karte, da dirkate s frnikolami po 3D plošči in ustavite svoje nasprotnike na poti! Uporabite posebne karte za zamenjavo, ubijanje, varnostno kopiranje ali razdelitev vaše poteze. Tekmujte v tekmah za 2, 3 ali 4 igralce proti svojim prijateljem ali nasprotnikom z umetno inteligenco...
Version: 7.0.0 APK - Updated: March 09, 2024
Predstavljamo IRON FIST BOXING, pionirsko 3D bojno igro MMA v realnem času, ki je na voljo za Android. Ta igra, ki se ponaša s prenovljenim vnosnim sistemom, razširjenim kariernim načinom, množico igralnih načinov in neprimerljivim številom likov, bo na novo definirala vašo bojno...
Version: 13.78 APK - Updated: December 31, 2023
He was returning from work. It was dark outside. Once he had loved the darkness and the night, but after he met her, everything changed. He changed. There were a few more steps left and he was almost at his car. Every time he got into his car, he remembered that trip to the lake with her. It was a...
Version: 2.0.1 APK - Updated: October 17, 2023
**Ta različica je brez oglasov!Slendrina je nova grozljivka, v kateri morate najti predmete, ki vas bodo rešili iz različnih krajev, vendar vam nekdo ves čas sledi. In če jo boš predolgo gledal..... no, potem te bo dobila.....Če vam je ta igra všeč, jo ocenite in napišite komentar. Zelo...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: September 24, 2023
Piano Master - Tap Tiles Premium so vrhunske klavirske ploščice, na katerih lahko predvajate pesmi brez uporabe diamantov. Tudi oglasi v tej igri klavirskih ploščic vas ne bodo motili. Oglas je namenjen samo, da vam doda življenje, če vam zmanjka življenja,Zagotavljam, da vas obstoječi...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: September 06, 2023
Postanite upravitelj priljubljene trgovine z blagom (ja, to je le čudovito ime za rabljene!) In ga spremenite v uspešen posel!V vas lahko deluje veliko mest, od katerih ima vsaka edinstveno bazo strank in različne izdelke, ki jih boste odkrili. Lahko uganite, kaj boste našli na primer v Trendy...
Version: 2.2.9 APK - Updated: September 03, 2023
Posodobljeno z vsemi nedavnimi prenosi šahov za svetovno prvenstvo 2016 za mobilne naprave, fascinantnimi šahovskimi igrami Carlsen Karjakin, New York 2016 in starejšimi gra w szachy. Bodite kralj šaha, ki igra njihove igre, leren se je bolj otresel.Ta edinstvena aplikacija World Chess Games...
Version: 2.5 APK - Updated: August 19, 2023
薔薇門高校のイケメン達がスペックを変えて登場!! 本アプリでは、BLゲーム「学園ハンサム」の「革命」をテーマとした全く新しいストーリー、グラフィック、ボイスをお楽しみいただけます。 ~ゲーム紹介~...
Version: 1.0.9 APK - Updated: June 22, 2023
Τι είναι ο Spiko;Ο Spiko αποτελεί ένα λογισμικό για κινητά και τάμπλετ, με στόχο την εξάσκηση φωνημάτων, αποτελώντας ένα παιχνίδι παρέμβασης για τις φωνολογικές και...
Version: 1.31 APK - Updated: May 22, 2023
Izkusite svojo glasbeno zbirko kot še nikoli doslej s tem intenzivnim glasbenim arkadnim strelom.Vsaka vaša skladba bo imela svoje edinstvene ebb in tokove, ki temeljijo na glasbi. Beat Hazard 2 neopazno meša ljubezen do igre in glasbe. Skupaj postanejo večji od vsote njihovih delov.Beat Hazard...
Version: 30.0 APK - Updated: April 03, 2023
Klasični offline način Sudoku je kombinatorna uganka, sestavljena iz logike. Cilj je napolniti mrežo 9 × 9 s števkami, tako da vsak stolpec, vsaka vrstica in vsaka od devetih 3 × 3 podmrež, ki sestavljajo mrežo, vsebujejo vse števke od 1 do 9.Logična sestavljanka sudoku je popolnoma...