Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: April 07, 2022
有料アプリでは異例の全世界15万DLを突破した、大人気「プリズマ イリヤ アラーム」に続く、最新作「プリズマ イリヤ...
Version: 1.0.3 APK - Updated: April 07, 2022
V tej hitri in zapleteni igri za rolo in pisanje vsak igralec poskuša najbolje postaviti uvrščene številke v svojo šestnajsto mrežo, zapolniti področja in doseči posebne cilje kot povezave in strehe.Z igro lahko preprosto začnete s kontekstnimi občutki. Vključena sta dva načina igre:1....
Version: 1.0.5 APK - Updated: April 05, 2022
Doyle, lost in the mountains during a blizzard, finds a group of fellow hikers. The stranded hikers are offered food and shelter at a grand estate. But when they try to leave, one of them turns up dead.Who is the killer?No matter who you think it is, you're in for a surprise!* Enough with...
Version: 1.4.0 APK - Updated: April 05, 2022
Become the best basketball coach of the moment with International Basketball Manager 2022. Take your team to the pinnacle of the sport by managing all its day-to-day affairs with the seemingly endless array of management tools that the game offers you. Your team’s results will depend on you. Can...
Version: APK - Updated: April 04, 2022
This Is the Police is a strategy/adventure game set in a city spiraling the drain. Taking the role of gritty Police Chief Jack Boyd, you'll dive into a deep story of crime and intrigue. Will Jack reach his retirement with a nice stack of bills, or will he end up broken ... or worse?- Your...
Version: 3.0 APK - Updated: April 04, 2022
No more boring flashcards or reading music drills! Enjoy learning to read piano music with these creative, engaging games. > New to piano? Build your pre-reading skills as you save the characters in Level 1. > Getting started with reading notation? Defeat the note by selecting the correct...
Version: 1.2.6 APK - Updated: April 02, 2022
Robots from outer space are invading Earth to capture you!Running is your only alternative in this fast-paced arcade style game where you must trick the robots and make them explode. Collect their cores, increase your score and compete with your friends and the world for the highest score!Gameplay...
Version: 1.0.25 APK - Updated: April 01, 2022
ZSSR proti ZDA je dodatek za strategijo in taktiko: druga svetovna vojna.Generali, ki so šli skozi preizkušnje nedavne vojne, zdaj vodijo vojske na bojiščih alternativne resničnosti. Jedrski napad na Peking je bil prelomnica, da se zgodovina izklopi na dotik in ustvari potek dogodkov v svetu...
Version: 1.0.8 APK - Updated: April 01, 2022
Zgodovina srednjeveške Evrope je bogato krvavih vojn in konfliktov. Norman invazija, križarske vojne, stoletna vojna je Reconquista, je vojna med belo in rdečo rožo, je Albigensian Crusade in neskončne kmečkih nemirov ...Nova igra v strategije in taktike serije vam daje priložnost, da...
Version: 1.0.0 APK - Updated: March 30, 2022
As a six-year-old, “El Hijo” must always sneak past the dangers of his world. As he overcomes his challenges, he gains self-confidence, becomes more cunning and, along with it, finds more schemes to get past his foes. His epic journey will lead him through a remote monastery, a harsh and...
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: March 29, 2022
Sonya: The Great Adventure je fantastična in barvita pustolovska igra skritih predmetov s svetlimi animiranimi prizori, ki so profesionalno ozvočeni. To je ganljiva zgodba o večnem boju med svetlobo in temo. Ponujamo tri težavnostne načine, ki ustrezajo igralcem različnih izkušenj.Mirno...
Version: 6.6.0-pro APK - Updated: March 25, 2022
Prednosti različice: ✔ 100% brez oglasov in brez povezave.✔ Enkratni nakup.✔ Neomejene igre.✔ Pridobite vso moč s šahovskim motorjem.✔ PGN: uvoz do 40 potez.✔ Izvozi v PGN format.Obnovite bazo podatkov.V šahu se zmagovalna igra začne že s prvo potezo. Ni pomembno, kako...
Version: 1.22 APK - Updated: March 24, 2022
Swapperoo - prijazno puzzle igro namen na vaš poraz.* Novo: posodobitev INFINITY - neskončni, rokavico in Omeji Spopad načinov!Pravila so preprosta: tapnite puščico, da se premaknete v smeri se sooča. Naredite vrstico 3 ploščice iste barve in ploščice izginejo.Če to zveni preveč...
Version: 2.8 APK - Updated: March 23, 2022
Take control of your warplane and find your way through an endless storm of enemy fighter aircraft - in a thrilling combat action flight.During each round, you will assume a flight captain - an elite allied pilot of World War 2 planes. You will fight in many world war II-era planes - from Ground...
Version: 34 APK - Updated: March 20, 2022
Calm Orbital es una aplicación diferente a lo hayas visto y única en la Play ya que te dará una experiencia inolvidable, podrás ver cada planeta del sistema solar y algunas características de estas mismas. Hicimos que cada planeta tuviera una sensación diferente ya que cada una tiene...
Version: 2.22 APK - Updated: March 19, 2022
Version: 1.3.1 APK - Updated: March 19, 2022
Fate of an Empire is a deep and compelling turn based 4x strategy game with custom troop designs, advanced combat between massive armies, a well-developed technology tree and unlimited possibilities.Are you prepared to take control of your own fate?The world of Fate of an Empire consists of two...
Version: 1.0.97 APK - Updated: March 18, 2022
Survive a futuristic Tokyo style Detroit in this 3D runner that tells the story of Wally who has uncovered the evidence that can change his city forever. Explore a game world with a dope-tastic soundtrack featuring the authentic sounds of Detroit Artist.STORYTake the role of Wally. A mysterious...
Version: 1.3.6 APK - Updated: March 16, 2022
*** 33% POPUST - Omejena časovna ponudba! ***♛ Izbira urednikov Google Play♛ Zmagovalec Google Play "Najboljše aplikacije za družine 2016"♛ Izbira urednika po pregledu otroške tehnologije (ocena 100/100)♛ Najboljši izbor Common Sense Media (ocena 5/5)♛ Najboljša izbira...
Version: 2.2.0 APK - Updated: March 15, 2022
Čas je, da odkrijemo povsem nov Osončje.Vesoljska agencija 2138 je postavljena v ne preveč oddaljeno prihodnost, kjer lahko sestavljate rakete, letijo v druge svetove in rudnik za vire. S temi viri sestavite več stvari ali jih prodajte, da zaslužite.Večja kot je organizacija, težje je...
Version: 1.2.8 APK - Updated: March 13, 2022
Kaj leži onstran zavese za kopel? "Vroč" nov vstop v žanr hotel sim!Vsebuje nove kopeli, ekskluzivne za nadaljevanje. Opremite svoje letovišče s kotli, kopelmi, kopelmi na prostem in še več. Ustvarite in prilagodite svoje svetovno znano letovišče vročih vrelcev.Razveselite...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: March 13, 2022
PiAS Rädchen fördert spielerisch die Phonologische Bewusstheit von Kindern im Vorschul- und Grundschulalter. Drehe die richtigen Bildpaare zueinander, so dass die Wörter zueinanderpassen. In drei Spielvarianten sind passende Reimwörter, gleiche Anlaute oder Anlaut-Buchstaben-Verbindungen...
Version: 1.3 APK - Updated: March 12, 2022
Follow the instructions on screen and provide Ans to take the next
Version: 2.00 APK - Updated: March 11, 2022
Quell Reflect je očarljiva logična igra, ki je prevzela svet ugank.Igra je preprosta: potisnite malo vodne kapljice okoli okenskega stekla, se izogibajte konicam in zberite bisere. Preprosto, kajne?Vsekakor, toda lepota Quell Reflecta je v popolni težavnostni krivulji - dovolj je naporen, da...
Version: 1.03 APK - Updated: March 11, 2022
A towering word-game and mystery-story adventure!Following a sudden earthquake, Seb must escape a crumbling skyscraper. Along the way he will make some intriguing new friends, and together they might just unravel the sinister origins of the 'quake, assuming they can evade the mysterious stalker...
Version: 22 APK - Updated: March 11, 2022
世界中の人々や友達、AIと簡単にバイクレースのオンライン対戦が楽しめる!バイクはスーパースポーツ、アメリカン、アドベンチャー! moments to treasureワインディングやハイウェイ、サーキットを駆け抜けよう!
Version: 2.6 APK - Updated: March 11, 2022
Welcome to the most advanced jet fighter combat simulator! Engage in epic dogfights in the cockpit of legendary jet fighters! Gun down your enemies with an arsenal of incredible weapons such as heat-seeking and radar-guided missiles or rapid-fire high caliber machine guns! Here are some of the main...
Version: 1.22 APK - Updated: March 10, 2022
Pozabite na svetu. Zaljubila v to očarljivo zen Zbunjujuće.Postavljen v stari zapuščeni hiši, igralec red vrne na premešanih spominov zadnjega stanovalca, in s tem odpravi na srhljivo potovanje odkrivanja samega sebe in refleksije.* Več kot 140 zvito izdelane uganke!* Več kot 20 tajne bonus...
Version: 2.0.0 APK - Updated: March 09, 2022
Igrajte kot pogumni mladi Theo, ki ga vodi njegov pripovedovalec, ko lovi morilca svojih lastnikov Nathaniela in Lauren. Raziščite skrivnostno industrijo Bright Paw Industries in se poglobite, da razkrijete skrivnosti njenih zlobnih poslov in motivacije za dejanja senčnega morilca.Doživite...
Version: 9.8 APK - Updated: March 09, 2022
its very interesting game stack and balanced the pancake and do a record