Best Discount Games

Best discount games
Version: 3.2.7 APK - Updated: March 09, 2022
"Lokhu kufanele kube nesengezo eqoqweni lakho lemidlalo yebhodi yedijithali." - UBradley Cummings,"I-Sentinels of the Multiverse ingenye indlela enhle eqhubeka nokuvala ukuhlukana phakathi kwethebhulethi nesikrini sethebhulethi." - URob Thomas,...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: March 08, 2022
With over 17 million units sold worldwide, discover the original title that shaped the puzzle-adventure genre and launched a legacy. Digitally remastered in HD for mobile devices and with new, never-before-seen animated cutscenes, it’s time to run the cerebral marathon with Professor Layton and...
Version: 1.0.6 APK - Updated: March 08, 2022
With over 17 million units sold worldwide, discover the original title that shaped the puzzle-adventure genre and launched a legacy. Digitally remastered in HD for mobile devices and with new, never-before-seen animated cutscenes, it’s time to run the cerebral marathon with Professor Layton and...
Version: 1.0.4 APK - Updated: March 08, 2022
“Kunezinganekwane zebhokisi eliletha ukufa kunoma ubani onesibindi sokulivula. Ngitshele, ucabanga ukuthi lawo mahemuhemu angaba yiqiniso?"USolwazi Layton kanye neBhokisi leDiabolical iyisitolimende sesibili sochungechunge oludumile lukaProfessor Layton, oluhlelwe kabusha ngokwedijithali...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: March 08, 2022
Time Tales - Gli Etruschi è un’avventura grafica ludico-educativa per bambini vissuta in prima persona. Il videogioco nasce dall’idea di creare un percorso ludico per far conoscere il mondo degli antichi Etruschi ai più piccoli. Non una semplice lezione digitale mascherata da gioco, ma un...
Version: 1.0.10 APK - Updated: March 04, 2022
In a place beyond time and space, the Reapers formed an independent Union so they wouldn't have to answer to the Horsemen of the Apocalypse anymore.With no acceptable candidate for the position of Union leader, the atmosphere at the Union has descended into blissful anarchy, which is not great...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: March 01, 2022
Bienvenido a “Romper el Hielo Family”, el juego que garantiza horas de risa y diversión en familia en la que pueden participar los más jóvenes, e incluso jugar solos.Con “Romper el Hielo Family” todos los jugadores participan y se sienten protagonistas.Todas las pruebas son aleatorias y...
Version: Varies with device - Updated: March 01, 2022
Umdlalo uyisitayela semifino esijwayelekile kodwa sishintshela ekubukeni okuseceleni futhi wenze imisebenzi efana nokumba, ukutshala, ukuchelela. Kukhona izilwane ezifana nezinkomo, izimvu nezinkukhu eziletha imikhiqizo emakethe, zizithengise futhi zithenge ukulungiswa.Ukudlala okujabulisayo...
Version: v7.0 APK - Updated: March 01, 2022
Earn money by selling items in your store to customers.Buy cheap items by bargaining with customers.Enjoy trading with constantly updated game mechanics.If you want to specialize in trading games, join us.★★★ PREMIUM Features ★★★● NO ADS● +500.000 Coins● +2.000 Diamonds● Sales...
Version: 1.0.8b APK - Updated: February 28, 2022
SlideMyTiles! is a version of the classic sliding n-puzzle games (the most known are 8-puzzle and 15-puzzle).Slide the tiles to complete the picture or to sort the numbers, but do it in the right way and as quickly as you can to get the higher score.You can play with pictures or numbers, with...
Version: 1.78.95 APK - Updated: February 26, 2022
I-Multiplayer Online iyatholakala manje!Lona umdlalo we-Classic Property Trading kanye namakhulu amakhulu ongakhetha ngokwezifiso okhishwe nge-Intelligence Intelligence eqeqeshwe emidlalweni yangempela nabadlali abaqeqeshiwe.Intelligence Intelligence e-Quadropoly iqeqeshwa emidlalweni yangempela...
Version: 1.6 APK - Updated: February 25, 2022
Myšák počítá je součástí vzdělávacích aplikací vyvíjených pro předškoláky pod odborným vedením Pedagogicko-psychologické poradny STEP s.r.o. Aplikace Myšák počítá je určena zejména pro děti ve věku od 4 až 5 let k získávání prvních předmatematických představ, k...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 25, 2022
What's Different in this game:Every thing is new and make it a different world New features that we are introdudced are:-- Terrain height doubled to 256 blocks- Increased number of inventory slots to 10- Fixed glitches when too many complex blocks in one place- Added flat island mode- Added...
Version: 1.4.2 APK - Updated: February 21, 2022
This is the Android version of Freebloks 3D, an implementation of the popular board game Blokus. Try to place as many tiles on the board as possible, keeping in mind only two simple rules: your tiles must touch a corner of one of your previously placed tiles, but they must not share an edge. Can...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 21, 2022
La Torre del Conocimiento es un videojuego educativo destinado a los niños y niñas de primaria para reforzar los conocimientos básicos con el que no solo aprenderás, sino que te divertirás.Mediante el método “aprender jugando” que transforma la monotonía del aprendizaje en desafíos...
Version: 10 APK - Updated: February 19, 2022
Version: 11 APK - Updated: February 18, 2022
I-iScore5 ™ APHG uhlelo lokusebenza lokulungiselela lokuhlola ukwenza abafundi balungele ukuhlolwa kwe-AP® Human Geography. Uhlelo lokusebenza olwenziwe ngothisha abangama-EXPERT be-AP Human Geography Student.Umgomo ulula: Siza abafundi bakhulise izikolo zabo ekuhlolweni kwe-AP ngendlela ye-FUN....
Version: 1.0.7 APK - Updated: February 17, 2022
Veit besucht seinen Opa im schönen Oberammergau. Kaum ist er angekommen erwarten ihn Rätsel und Aufgaben. Begib dich mit Veit auf ein kleines Abenteuer durch den bayrisch idylischen Ort Oberammergau.Das neue run 'n' riddle Spiel soll Spaß machen und dich auf andere Art und Weise an...
Version: 1.1.3 APK - Updated: February 16, 2022
Isu eliphelele le-RPG elikhonjiswe ekubukeni kwe-Isometric! Inhloso yakho ukushintsha inkambo yomlando. {# #} gazi } I-Ixtonas Long Fight isuse ekugcineni. Kukholelwa ukuthi ubuholi benkosi ehlakaniphile lefare, bavule indlela yesikhathi sokuthula kwePrince Kyle, kodwa manje ...} Kyle, onobuhle...
Version: 1.0.1 APK - Updated: February 16, 2022
A simple game where you need to pass the line through the gap.
Version: 1.1.1g APK - Updated: February 15, 2022
UValess, umfana ohola imali encane esigodini sabashayeli bahlangana ngokungazelelwe noLok, i-golem ezimele yodwa. Lapho ethola ukuthi umholi wenhlangano yezigebengu unenzuzo enkulu ekhanda lakhe, uValess uthola i-golem yakhe evela ku-Lock bese ethatha isinqumo sokujoyina i-adventure eya endaweni...
Version: 1.7 APK - Updated: February 14, 2022
Indiza 737 - MAXIMUM*Ukulingiswa okungokoqobo okuningi ku-B737 kuphela*Ingqikithi Yamazwe angu-50 kanye Nezikhumulo Zezindiza Ezihlukene ezingama-50*Isici se-autopilot enezilawuli ezinemininingwane*Co-Pilot; Izixwayiso nokungenelela okudingekayo* Ukushintsha uhlelo lwendiza kanye nohlu lokuhlola...
Version: APK - Updated: February 13, 2022
Impindiselo RPG 2D ne-Vengeance RPG imidlalo efanayo, kodwa inezithombe ezihlukile.Impindiselo i-RPG yomdlali oyedwa ongangena kuyo endabeni ehambisana nomculo omnandi nomoya. Uhambo lwakho luzoklonyeliswa ngezinto eziyinganekwane nezenganekwane. Yini ekulindele wena ku-Vengeance?- Umlingiswa...
Version: 1.1.0 APK - Updated: February 10, 2022
Sine is a competitive arcade game with unique mechanics and compelling visuals. You control a sine wave, avoiding obstacles, racing to the finish, and collecting orbs scattered throughout levels ranging from simple to painfully difficult. The intuitive one-finger controls are easy to learn, but...
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 10, 2022
Simple and easy character controls with buttons and joystick to moveMore featureMore mapThe game integrates many features to make the gaming experience easier than ever.
Version: 1.0 APK - Updated: February 10, 2022
NEOGEO's masterpiece games are now available in the app !!And in recent years, SNK has partnered with Hamster Corporation to bring many of the classic games on the NEOGEO onto modern gaming environments through the ACA NEOGEO series. Now on smartphone, the difficulty and look NEOGEO games had...
Version: 1.2.17 APK - Updated: February 09, 2022
Kuwo wonke umlando, isintu siye salangazelela okuthile okukhulu kunathi. Sifune induduzo ebumnyameni, ukukhanya okusiqondisayo ukuze kukhanyise indlela yethu phakathi nenkulungwane yeminyaka. Ezigidini zabantu phakathi nesikhathi sonke, lokho kukhanya kube ukholo. Inkolo iye yasebenza...
Version: APK - Updated: February 07, 2022
Le geyimu yenzelwe amathebulethi futhi ayinconyelwe amafoni anosayizi besikrini abangaphansi kwamayintshi angu-7.Isango lika-Baldur: I-Ehanced Edition i-RPG yakudala yango-1998— ethuthukiselwe izihambi zesimanje. Enza iqhawe lakho ngendlela oyifisayo, qoqa iphathi yakho, futhi ungene kulo mdlalo...
Version: APK - Updated: February 07, 2022
Le geyimu yenzelwe amathebulethi futhi ayinconyelwe amafoni anosayizi besikrini abangaphansi kwamayintshi angu-7.Ububi bunyakaza ngaphansi koMgogodla Womhlaba.Ezingxenyeni ezisenyakatho impela zeMibuso Ekhohliwe kunesifunda se-tundra eneqhwa eyaziwa ngokuthi i-Icewind Dale. Uhambo lujula ezintabeni...
Version: APK - Updated: February 07, 2022
Le geyimu yenzelwe amathebulethi futhi ayinconyelwe amafoni anosayizi besikrini abangaphansi kwamayintshi angu-7.Izwa i-Siege of Dragonspear, indaba edumile yeSango lika-Baldur, egcwele ubuqili, umlingo, nezilo. Hola iqembu lakho lamaqhawe emigodini ejulile egcwele izimpi zamaqhinga kanye nezihibe...